Remarkable Events 大事記

Rotary in China commenced with The Birth of the Shanghai Rotary Club in 1919

Rotary in China commenced with The Birth of the Shanghai Rotary Club i…

May 24, 2020

Rotary in China commenced withThe Birth of the Shanghai Rotary Club in 1919 1 July2014 The Rotary Club of Shanghai (上海扶輪社) was the “father” of Rotary in China, and was the first Rotary Club formed in The Republic of China (中華民國) in 1919(as well as the second Club formed in Asia). That was 95 years ago. The Club was formally admitted to Rotary …


The Washington Conference 1921-22 The Stage of the American and Chinese Rotarian Statesmen

The Washington Conference 1921-22 The Stage of the American and Chines…

May 8, 2021

The Washington Conference 1921-1922 The Stage of the American and Chinese Rotarian Statesmen in making Peace on Earth 23February 2017 Commencing the Year 2015-2016, Rotary International has designated February to be “Peace and Conflict Prevention/ Resolution Month”. Ninety-five years ago in February, this mission was practically carried out by the American and Chinese Rotarian statesmen on the stage of The Washington Conference in the …


Over the Great Wall - Rotary Service storms the barricade of racial antipathy by Arthur Melville

Over the Great Wall – Rotary Service storms the barricade of rac…

March 6, 2023

Rotary Service storms the barricade of racial antipathy By ARTHUR MELVILLE CROSS the north end of China, stretched over some twenty-two degrees of longitude lies the Great Wall, one of the most impressive artificial barriers ever erected by man. Roughly constructed of great boulders it was a formidable obstacle in its day, and for nineteen centuries was considered an important part of the coun try’s defences. Yet now it is for …


Boys Work by Tientsin Rotary Club in the 1920s

Boys Work by Tientsin Rotary Club in the 1920s

March 18, 2023

Boys Work by Tientsin Rotary Club in the 1920s 1 September 2014 Initiation of the Boys Work Program in 1919Prior to the establishment of the “Interact Club” program in 1962 for both boys and girls, Rotary’s service to the younger generations was focused on “Boys Work”. Initiation of the “Boys Work” program could be traced back to the year 1915 when a number …


Pacific Rotary Conference 1926, Honolulu, Hawaii

Pacific Rotary Conference 1926, Honolulu, Hawaii

July 3, 2024

THE ROTARIAN February, 1926 The Pacific Rotary Conference I—Civilization and the Pacific Frank Milner, M. A. HE choice of Honolulu as the By rallying center for a Pacific Rotary Conference in Rector, W aimki School, Oamaru. 1926 is another striking en- New Zealand dorsement of the claim of the beautiful Hawaiian capital to rank as the its polyglot population of 100,000 peoconvention focus of the Pacific. Al- ple is working out an interesting …


Scientific Training for Chinese Farmers by Vernon Nash

Scientific Training for Chinese Farmers by Vernon Nash

December 11, 2024

THE ROTARIAN September, I 926 Mr_ Yu ChenCliou, Manager of the College Farms, the first Chinese student to he graduated in agriculture under Walu’r E. Chamberlain. Goals are widely raised throughout China as milk animals. The one in the picture, however, is un importation from Switzerland. Waller E. Chamberlain, head of the Department of Agriculture, Yencliing University. P e k in 5. Scientific training for Chinese Farmers By Vernon Nash ONE of those traditional bits …


Pacific Rotary Conference 1928, Tokyo, Japan

Pacific Rotary Conference 1928, Tokyo, Japan

July 3, 2024

December, 1928 THE ROTARIAN The Second Pacific Conference INFERENCE A Rotary contribution to international thought By ARTHUR MELVILLE SOMETHING like 30,000 Rotary gatherings occur every week: the regular club luncheons. In addition to these are the administrative, inter-city, district or in- ternational gatherings of Rotarians which are less frequent but hardly less significant, so far as influence is concerned. But influence, whether within or without the circle of organization membership is a peculiar thing, and the Second …


Letter to 'The Rotarian' Editor from Tientsin Rotary Club

Letter to ‘The Rotarian’ Editor from Tientsin Rotary Club

December 21, 2024

Letter to ‘The Rotarian’ Editor from Tientsin Rotary Club on 1 March 1928 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 March 2013 It was eighty-five years ago today, the Rotary Club of Tientsin (天津扶輪社), Republic of China (中 華民國), sent a complaint letter to the Editor of《The Rotarian》Magazine. Excerpt of the full text is attached herewith below. The complaint was made against a short statement written in a long article《Reflections …


Rotary in the State of Manchuria

Rotary in the State of Manchuria

March 22, 2023

Rotary in the State of Manchuria on the Northeastern Chinese Mainland 18 September 2016 (85 years of the Mukden Incident) Located at the northeastern Chinese mainland, officially the “State of Manchuria” prior to 1934 and the “Empire of (Great) Manchuria” (大滿洲帝國) after 1934, Manchukuo (滿洲國) was a puppet state of the Japanese Empire in Manchuria (滿洲) from 1932 until 1945. It was founded as a republic in …


The Birth of the Hong Kong Rotary Club in 1930

The Birth of the Hong Kong Rotary Club in 1930

February 20, 2016

The Birth of the Hong Kong Rotary Club in 1930 20 February 2016 It was 85 years ago when The Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) was admitted to Rotary International on 20 February 1931. Then it was a non-districted Club. The Charter was delivered from the hands of the Hong Kong Governor Sir William Peel (香港總督貝璐爵士) since there was no Rotary International district governor available in the nearest territories. …


Hangchow Rotary Club (1931) - The First Mandarin Speaking Club in History

Hangchow Rotary Club (1931) – The First Mandarin Speaking Club i…

May 11, 2024

史上第一家華語扶輪社 – 杭州扶輪社(1931) Hangchow Rotary Club (1931) The First Mandarin Speaking Club in History By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 May 2014 Hangchow Rotary Club (杭州扶輪社), chartered on 23 June 1932, was the first Mandarin speaking Club in history, located in Hangchow (Hangzhou), capital city of Chekiang (Zhejiang) Province of the Republic of China (中華民國浙江省省會杭州市). This was officially recognized by Rotary International after the visit of Douglas C. Howland, Secretary …



March 11, 2023

国际主义抑或人道主义: 一·二八事变中的上海扶轮社* 马建凯 内 容 摘 要 扶 轮 社 是 以 维 系 世 界 和 平 为 宗 旨 的 国 际 人 道 组 织。 一 · 二 八 事 变 爆 发 后,由中、日、美、英等多国人士组成的上海扶 轮 社 特 别 委 员 会,发 起 了 意 在 制 止 战 争 的 请 愿活动,但请愿因日军悍然发出最后通牒而无果而终。表面上,上海扶轮社各方社员的请 愿代表皆以促和为己任,但实际上,各方代表多持有不同的参与动机和互相矛盾的和平设 想,未能将扶轮社的国际主义理念置于民族主义之上,这是上海扶轮社和平请愿难以逾越 的内在限界。与此同时,上海扶轮社各国社员大多认同扶轮社的人道主义理念,广泛开展 战时人道救援活动,为 援 助 沪 战 难 民 做 出 了 贡 献。 在 战 争 环 …


Canton and Swatow - Rotary Clubs in the former Kwangtung Province

Canton and Swatow – Rotary Clubs in the former Kwangtung Provinc…

March 14, 2023

Canton and Swatow Rotary Clubs in the former Kwangtung Province 1 August 2015 中華民國廣東省(1911-1949)版圖 The provincial map of the Republic of China showing the territory of the Kwangtung Province in 1911-1949 Map of the Kwangtung Province showing the locations of Canton ( 廣州) and Swatow ( 汕頭) Kwangtung Province (廣東省) or in the modern spelling as “Guangdong Province” was a provincial-level administrative region under the Republic of China (中華民國) jurisdiction in 1911-1949. It was one …


Pacific Rotary Conference 1932, Honolulu, Hawaii

Pacific Rotary Conference 1932, Honolulu, Hawaii

July 3, 2024

THE ROTARIAN In the picture-(frontrow, left to right): Carlos Bos, Shanghai, China; Shun Midzushima, Tokyo, Japan; Crawford C.McCullough, past president, Rotary International, Fort William, Ontario, Canada; H. Hirao, Osaka, Japan;Yozo Namura, Yokohama, Japan;Franz Mayer, Mexico City, Mexico; Stanley McKenzie, general chairman, host club, Honolulu. Second Row-(left to right): George Johnson, Seattle, Washington; Andrew Patterson, president, Portland, Oregon club; Stuart Mannell, incoming president, Seattle, Washington club; Everett Frasar, Tokyo, Japan; Arthur …


Cosmopolitan Shanghai~by Mrs. Lillian Dow Davidson

Cosmopolitan Shanghai~by Mrs. Lillian Dow Davidson

October 20, 2024

MARCH, 1932 Shanghai’s famous Band, with its large banks and mercantile establishments, thrauglx which flows much of the Orient’s commerce. Cosmopolitan Shanghai By lillian Dow Davidson “AN interesting and astounding demonstration of international cooperation,” are the words my husband uses in describing Shanghai, a city without a parallel in the world’s history. I feel he speaks with some authority on the subject as he was in charge of the …


Tientsin Rotary Club Booklet 1934

Tientsin Rotary Club Booklet 1934

March 27, 2023

TIENTSIN NORTH CHINA 津天 竹 旅旗 ROTARY THE ROTARY CLUB OF TIENTSIN No 1444 JANUARY 1934 TIENTSIN, NORTH CHINA. THE PORT, ITS HISTORY, AND ROTARY CLUB ACTIVITIES. TER ROTARY RNATION Issued by the ROTARY CLUB OF TIENTSIN. No. 1444. January, 1934. 501 Grade 1/36 tions, This pamphlet has been prepared by Past President W. V. Pennell, Editor of the Peking & Tientsin Times, at the request of President V. W. Stapleton-Cotton and the Board of Directors, for circulation among Rotary The Tientsin Clubs in various parts of …


The Classification Principle Defined the Charter Membership of Nanking Rotary Club 南京扶輪社

The Classification Principle Defined the Charter Membership of Nanking…

May 16, 2024

The Classification Principle Defined the Charter Membership of Nanking Rotary Club (南京扶輪社) (1934) By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 July 2015 The Classification Principle What is Rotary? There are so many definitions as there are Rotarians. We hear that it is a service club, an association of business and professional people. An organization is defined by what it does or what its characteristics are. Accounts of the organization of Rotary …


Pacific Rotary Conference 1935, Manila, The Philippines

Pacific Rotary Conference 1935, Manila, The Philippines

December 15, 2019

Rotary Conference in the Pacific 1935 1 February2015 Since 1926, every two years, representative Rotarians from shores washed by the Pacific Ocean gathered at a common meeting place. Here, these men of many nations and varied races and creeds discussed not only as a melting pot for ideas on matters of purely Rotary concern, but many major problems affecting the peoples of the Ocean. …


The First Decade of Rotary in the Tientsin Foreign Concessions

The First Decade of Rotary in the Tientsin Foreign Concessions

March 27, 2023

The First Decade of Rotary in the Tientsin Foreign Concessions 1 September 2014 The Treaty Port Tientsin The concessions in Tientsin (Tianjin) (天津) were concession territories ceded by the Imperial Qing (Manchu Dynasty) (大清國) to a number of European countries, the United States and Imperial Japan within the city of Tientsin. There were nine concessions in altogether (see map above). These concessions also contributed to the rapid development of Tientsin from …


Rotary Club of Tsinan (Brochure April 1936) - 濟南扶輪社 (1936小冊)

Rotary Club of Tsinan (Brochure April 1936) – 濟南扶輪社 (1…

March 27, 2023

Tsinan (Li-cheng-hsien city) is the capital and largest city of Shantung Province in the Republic of China. Geographically and commercially it is well situated as the centre of the Province which is 56,000 square miles in area. Tsinan (Lat: 36°40’N; Long: 14°00’E lies in about the same latitude as Tokyo, Japan; Nash-ville, Tenn, U.S.A.; Gibraltar in Europe; Tunis in Africa; the Island of Rhodes off Asia …


The Birth of Soochow Rotary Club (吳縣扶輪社) 1936

The Birth of Soochow Rotary Club (吳縣扶輪社) 1936

May 7, 2024

The Birth of Soochow Rotary Club (吳縣扶輪社) 1936 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 10 October 2015 Soochow Rotary Club (吳縣扶輪社) was located inside the walled-city of Wu Xian (吳縣)—the superior jurisdiction of then Soochow (Suzhou) (蘇州)—which was one of the major counties of Kiangsu (Jiangsu) Province of the Republic of China (中華民國江蘇省). The Club was sponsored by Shanghai Rotary Club (上海扶輪社) and was admitted to Rotary International on …


Pacific Rotary Conference 1936, Honolulu, Hawaii

July 3, 2024

THE ROTARIAN Seated crosslegged on the floor, chopsticks in hand, Paul P. Harris, Rotary Founder, enjoys his sukiyaki on a recent Pacific goodwill trip. A typical Hawaiian Rotary welcome, as given to a Rotarian and his wife, en route the 2nd Pacific Rotary Conference in Tokyo, Japan, in 1928. … On opposite page, two Rotarians get acquainted in a carretela at the Pacific Conference of 1935, …


Hangchow Rotarian Rev. Robert Johnson McMullen - American Missionary served refugees relief in Wartime China

Hangchow Rotarian Rev. Robert Johnson McMullen – American Missio…

March 23, 2023

Hangchow Rotarian Rev. Robert Johnson McMullen American Missionary served refugees relief in Wartime China 1 May 2014 This small photo is illustrated by a piece of very short news reported in the Page 52, September 1938 Issue of《The Rotarian》Magazine: “In the forefront of relief activities, among 26,000 refugees, in Hangchow, China, are these seven Rotarians — members of the Hangchow Rotary Club.” The news line is rather brief that readers may not …


2nd Rotary District Conference in China - Nanking 1937

2nd Rotary District Conference in China – Nanking 1937

May 8, 2024

2nd Conference of the 81st District of Rotary International Nanking, Republic of China – 11-13 April 1937 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 15 April 2014 The purpose of the District Conference is to provide opportunities for networking, inspirational addresses, and discussions of Rotary-related matters. The event should recognize the service programs, projects, and public relations achievements in the District in order to inspire Rotarians to become more involved in …


Aid for Civilian Refugees in China

Aid for Civilian Refugees in China

May 25, 2024

Aid for Civilian Refugees in China Relief work by Rotarians during the War of Resistance against Japan By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) — 7 July 2017 Marco Polo Bridge 盧溝橋 It was 80 years ago this date, 7 July 1937, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident (七七盧溝橋事變) that broke out when the Republic of China (中華民國) began a full-scale resistance to the expansion of Imperial Japan’s aggression in its …


War Refugee Rotarians' Fellowship Groups

War Refugee Rotarians’ Fellowship Groups

March 23, 2023

1 War Refugee Rotarians’ Fellowship Groups by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 3 September 2015 (70th Anniversary of Victory Over Japan Day) It was the Second Sino-Japanese War which was a military conflict initiated by the Imperial Japan’s full scale aggression to the Republic of China (中華民國) from 7 July 1937 until Japan’s surrender on 2 September 1945. It began with the Marco Polo Bridge Incident (河北省宛平縣蘆 溝橋事變) in 1937 …


《The Mandarin》- Tientsin Rotary Club - 1938 May 12

《The Mandarin》- Tientsin Rotary Club – 1938 May 12

March 27, 2023

《The Mandarin》- Tientsin Rotary Club – 1938 May 12


Chungking & Changsha Rotary Clubs under Japanese Bombing

Chungking & Changsha Rotary Clubs under Japanese Bombing

May 7, 2023

Chungking & Changsha Rotary Clubs under Japanese Bombing 7 July 2017 A photograph taken by Imperial Japanese Army reporters on 16 June 1940 showing bombs from heavy bombers exploding on Yu Chung Peninsula, Chungking (重慶渝中半島) The Great Bombing of Chungking in 1938-1944 Today is the 80th year after the skirmishing between Japanese and Chinese troops on the frontier led to what became known as the Marco Polo Bridge …


Dr. Herman C. E. Liu - The Shanghai Rotarian assassinated by Imperial Japan’s Agents - 被日本帝國特工暗殺的上海扶輪社員--劉湛恩博士

Dr. Herman C. E. Liu – The Shanghai Rotarian assassinated by Imp…

May 7, 2023

中文版在第 20-29 頁 被日本帝國特工暗殺的上海扶輪社員–劉湛恩博士 Dr. Herman C. E. Liu The Shanghai Rotarian assassinated by Imperial Japan’s agents 1 December 2016 Dr. Herman C. E. Liu (劉湛恩博士), President of the Shanghai University (滬江大學), was assassinated by Imperial Japan’s agents in 1938. This is in the Rotary China History that a Rotarian educator, even not a politician nor serviceman, was murdered by political assassination. Liu was elected an Active Member to the Shanghai Rotary Club …


Speech by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek 1938 - What forms of service the women of China during war

Speech by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek 1938 – What forms of service th…

December 21, 2024

Speech by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek Rotary Club of Hankow Ladies’ Night – 漢口扶輪社女賓夕 30 September 1938 What forms of service the women of China have been engaged in during war Ladies and Gentlemen: After the excellent program which we have had this evening, I feel that anything I have to say will be, as we Chinese would say, “to embroider on brocade”, just too much of a good thing. Mr. Baguelly has said …


Boys Work by Shanghai Rotary Club in 1920–1940

Boys Work by Shanghai Rotary Club in 1920–1940

March 18, 2023

Boys Work by Shanghai Rotary Club in1920–1940 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian)1 July 2015 May is the “Youth Service Month” of Rotary International designated since the Year 2015-2016. This is to replace the previous special focus“September –New Generations Month” of which had been observed for some twenty years.Rotary International’s structured programs for Youth Service are: Interact, Rotaract, Rotary Youth …


Meeting with Mao Tse-Tung by Rotarian George A. Fitch - 扶輪社員費吳生會見毛澤東

Meeting with Mao Tse-Tung by Rotarian George A. Fitch – 扶輪社員費吳生會…

December 21, 2024

1 中文版在第 9-13 頁 扶輪社員費吳生到延安會見毛澤東 Meeting with Mao Tse-Tung and Chou En-Lai By Rotarian Missionary George A. Fitch A trip to Yan An the Communist Capital in 1940 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 28 February 2015 費吳生(左)、毛澤東(中)、梁小初 George A. Fitch (left), Mao Tse-Tung (center), and S. C. Leung Dr. George Ashmore Fitch (費吳生博士) (1883–1979), of Claremont, California, U.S.A., was born in Soochow (Suzhou) (吳縣), Ch’ing Empire, in 1883. He was an American Rotarian missionary …


Shanghai Concert Hall - Wartime Hub of Shanghai Rotary Club

Shanghai Concert Hall – Wartime Hub of Shanghai Rotary Club

April 2, 2023

Shanghai Concert Hall Wartime Hub of Shanghai Rotary Club by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 November 2016 Shanghai Concert Hall (上海音樂廳) Beaux-Arts Architecture Shanghai Concert Hall (上海音樂廳) is located on the intersection of Yan’an Road and South Tibet Road of Huangpu District, Shanghai (上海市黃浦區延安路/西藏南路). The fabric structure of the Shanghai Concert Hall, originally The Nanking Theatre (南京大戲 院) in 1930, was designed by Shanghai Rotarian architect Robert …


Rotary on the ‘Gripsholm’ by Emily Hahn

Rotary on the ‘Gripsholm’ by Emily Hahn

May 25, 2024

The Gripsholm Exchange and Repatriation Voyages during World War II The MS Gripsholm, a ship that serviced the Swedish-American cruise line and was originally built in 1925, was used from 1942 to 1946 for repatriation efforts by the United States Department of State. Gripsholm served under the International Red Cross with a Swedish captain and crew. Making thirty-three trips to exchange women, children, diplomats, prisoners of war, and other nationals …


The Wartime Rotary Club of Kunming (昆明扶輪社)

The Wartime Rotary Club of Kunming (昆明扶輪社)

April 2, 2023

1 April 2016 Kunming (昆明) was the capital city of Yun Nan Fu (雲南府) in the Republic of China (中華民國). Kunming played a major role during the World War II. Before the Imperial Japan invaded the British Burma, the capital city of Yunnan was the terminus of the “Burma Road” that was used by the Great Britain to supply Chinese Nationalist forces. After the fall of …


Chinese Rotarian The First Man Signed The United Nations Charter 1945

Chinese Rotarian The First Man Signed The United Nations Charter 1945

November 20, 2020

Chinese Rotarian Dr. V. K. Wellington KooThe first Man signed the United Nations Charter 1945 26 June 2020 The year of 2020 marks the 75th Anniversary ofThe United Nations. Created 75 years ago in the ashes of World War II, the United Nations today remains true to its founding mission: to bring nations and peoples together to preserve peace and security, and improve lives …


Yōsuke Matsuoka – From Rotarian to War Criminal

Yōsuke Matsuoka – From Rotarian to War Criminal

April 2, 2023

Yōsuke Matsuoka – From Rotarian to War Criminal 3 September 2015 Yōsuke Matsuoka 松岡洋右 Today is the 70th anniversary of the war victory day. As the final official unconditional surrender of the Imperial Japan (日本帝國) was accepted aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on 2 September 1945, concluding the Second World War, the Nationalist Government of the Republic of China (中華民國國民政府), which represented China on …


Shanghai Rotary Club – Report for Period 1941-1945 during the Pacific War

Shanghai Rotary Club – Report for Period 1941-1945 during the Pacific …

July 3, 2024

Shanghai Rotary Club – Report for Period 1941-1945 during the Pacific War By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 December 2016 75 years ago, Shanghai Rotary Club was interrupted from its normal activities for 5 years due to the Pacific War from 1941 to 1945, when the Imperial Japanese forces occupied the entire greater Shanghai where the Club was established since 1919 at the Soochow Creek mouth of the International …


New Soil for Old China ~ by H. L. Richardson

New Soil for Old China ~ by H. L. Richardson

December 11, 2024

《The Ice Age in West China》by H. L. Richardson (1943) Glossary (1) Dr. H. L. Richardson, PhD, MSc One of the 35 charter members of Chengtu Rotary Club (成都扶輪社) which was admitted to Rotary International on 9 January 1939, Charter No.4916, but was terminated on 21 December 1950. Richardson’s classification was “Agriculture – Soil Fertilization” and was a British Boxer Indemnity Fund Research Specialist in the Nanking …


Chungking Rotarians Launch School for Deaf Children

Chungking Rotarians Launch School for Deaf Children

May 7, 2023

Chungking Rotary Club – 重慶扶輪社 – This was the 24th Rotary Club formed in the Republic of China, sponsored by Hankow Rotary Club (漢口扶輪社). The Club was organized in the Szechwan (Sichuan) Province (四川省) on 3 June 1937, and was admitted to Rotary International on 18 November 1937, Charter #4471, with 30 charter members of multi-nationalities. The Club met on every Thursday, 12:15 p.m. at …


2,000 Rotary Clubs in China at the Hub of the Orient

2,000 Rotary Clubs in China at the Hub of the Orient

October 20, 2024

2,000 Rotary Clubs in China at the Hub of the Orient Service clubs are voluntary non-profit organizations whose members meet regularly not only for the purpose of engaging in service or charitable work, but also in part for networking purposes and the benefits of fellowship. Some of the largest and best known service club organizations are Rotary International, Lions Clubs International, and Kiwanis International. Rotary’s motto is《Service Above Self》, while …


Chinese Rotarians served Judges of International Court of Justice - 最早的兩位國際法院華籍法官都是中國的扶輪社員

Chinese Rotarians served Judges of International Court of Justice &#82…

December 20, 2024

1 中文版在第 16-30 頁 最早的兩位國際法院華籍法官都是中國的扶輪社員 Chinese Rotarians served Judges of International Court of Justice By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 December 2016 徐謨大法官 Judge Hsu Mo 顧維鈞大法官 Judge V. K. Wellington Koo The first two Chinese judges of International Court of Justice in The Hague were Rotarians from The Republic of China: Dr. Hsu Mo (徐謨博士) and Dr. V. K. Wellington Koo (顧維鈞博士). Hsu was a charter member of Nanking Rotary Club …


The Story of Lanchow Rotary Club (蘭州扶輪社)

The Story of Lanchow Rotary Club (蘭州扶輪社)

April 19, 2023

The Story of Lanchow Rotary Club (蘭州扶輪社) the Club that had been Provisional for Seven Years 1 October 2016 Street scene of Lanchow in 1946 《The Good Samaritans at Lanchow, China》was an article published in the July 1947 Issue of 《The Rotarian》magazine (see the full text attached below on Pages 11-12). This two-page report gives a comprehensive description on the humanitarian, medical and health services dedicated by such a strong but small …


The Birth of the Rotary Club of Macau in 1947

The Birth of the Rotary Club of Macau in 1947

May 7, 2024

The Birth of the Rotary Club of Macau in 1947 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 15 October 2015 The landmark of Macao as in 1947 Ruínas da Antiga Catedral de São Paulo (Ruins of Saint Paul’s) (大三巴牌坊 ) “Macao” in English, or “Macau” in Portuguese, or “澳門”in Chinese, was formerly a Portuguese Colony. The territory of Portuguese Macao was first leased to the Kingdom of Portugal by the Ming …


Shenyang Rotarian Angus Ward - A Hostage in Communist China 1948-1949 - 1948-1949年中美外交摩擦的軟禁「華德事件」

Shenyang Rotarian Angus Ward – A Hostage in Communist China 1948…

March 6, 2023

1 中文版(中方觀點)在第 11-19 頁 1948-1949 年中美外交摩擦的軟禁「華德事件」 Shenyang Rotarian Angus Ward A Hostage in Communist China 1948-1949 1 December 2016 On the page of “Rotarians in the News” of《The Rotarian》magazine, Issue April 1950, there is a photo with such caption: “Angus Ward (center), former Consul General and Rotarian in Mukden, China, reports to President Truman. Now an honorary Rotarian in Allegan, Mich., he was imprisoned when Mukden was captured by the Communists and later released. Secretary …


The Birth of Shanghai West Rotary Club (滬西扶輪社) in 1948 and its final months

The Birth of Shanghai West Rotary Club (滬西扶輪社) in 1948 and its final m…

May 27, 2023

South or West “The Birth of Shanghai West Rotary Club (滬西扶輪社)” 1948 1 September 2014 Proposal of a Chinese-Speaking Shanghai South Rotary Club Soon after Dr. Chengting T. Wang (王正廷博士) was instrumental in establishing the 81st District in 1935, there were already plans to extend more new clubs in the nearby cities along with the 11 Rotary clubs in 11 cities of China. Shanghai then being the largest city …


Calmly Facing Socialist Transformation - Kweiyang Rotary Club (貴陽扶輪社) Celebrated United Nations Week in October 1949

Calmly Facing Socialist Transformation – Kweiyang Rotary Club (貴…

April 19, 2023

Kweiyang Rotary Club (貴陽扶輪社) Celebrated United Nations Week in October 1949 1 October 2014 Rotary International and the United Nations “The invitation to Rotary International to participate in the United Nations conference as consultant to the United States delegation was not merely a gesture of goodwill toward a great organization. It was a simple recognition of the practical part Rotary’s members have played and will continue to play in the development of …


Peking–Peiping–Peking - A Rotary Club under 3 different National Flags

Peking–Peiping–Peking – A Rotary Club under 3 different National…

April 19, 2023

Peking – Peiping – Peking A Rotary Club under 3 different National Flags 10 October 2016 In 1947 Peiping, a large portrait of Chiang Kai-Shek was displayed above Tiananmen Gate. This is the story about Peking Rotary Club (北京扶輪社) or Peiping Rotary Club (北平扶輪社). The English name “Peking” for the Chinese city “北京”(today known as “Beijing”) was originally transferred from the Portuguese. Portugal was likely the first European country to contact China …


'I was a Prisoner of the Chinese Reds' by Rotarian Dr. Arthur Stewart Allen

‘I was a Prisoner of the Chinese Reds’ by Rotarian Dr. Art…

May 7, 2023

I was a Prisoner of the Chinese Reds By Dr. Arthur Stewart Allen, M.D., 15 April 1952 Note by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 7 July 2017:– Dr. Arthur Stewart Allen (梁正倫醫師), M.D., of Montreal, Canada, was the last president of the Chungking Rotary Club (重慶扶輪社) in 1949-1950. He was the superintendent of the Canadian United Church Mission Hospital in Chungking (重慶仁濟醫院). Here is the remarkable …


Focus on Formosa -by James Dickson

Focus on Formosa -by James Dickson

February 14, 2024

by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 10 October 2015. Formosa = Taiwan = 臺灣 The name “Formosa” dates from 1542 when Portuguese sailors sighted an uncharted island located at the western Pacific rim and noted it on their maps as Ilha Formosa (“beautiful island”). The name “Formosa” eventually “replaced all others in European literature” and remained in common use among English speakers into the 20th century …


The Rotary Club of Shanghai as in 1950

The Rotary Club of Shanghai as in 1950

May 25, 2024

There is always the misunderstanding, misconception and also inaccurate reference by many Rotarians that: “Rotary in China was disbanded by the socialist and communist state, The People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國), since its establishment on 1 October 1949.” This is NOT the truth. Archives show that Shanghai Rotary Club (上海扶輪社) carried on running smoothly as usual with regular luncheon meeting on every Thursday. Weekly newsletter “The Pagoda” was published as …


The End of Chungking Rotary Club (重慶扶輪社) in 1950

The End of Chungking Rotary Club (重慶扶輪社) in 1950

May 25, 2024

Charter No. 4471 of Rotary International A photo of Chungking Rotary Club meeting taken in spring of 1945. Date: 16 September 1949 From Club Secretary T. C. Lee to Rotary International President I beg to inform you that through a general election at the Close Meeting held on the 30th June last, Dr. Stewart Allen (Stewart) and Dr. T. G. Ho (T. G.) were elected Chairman and Vice- Chairman respectively of …


Dissolved the 3 Rotary Districts in China in 1951

Dissolved the 3 Rotary Districts in China in 1951

March 23, 2023

Dissolved the 3 Rotary Districts in China in 1951 The Proximate Cause by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 July 2016 The Decision Though there had been vision and mission on 1 July 1937 to develop 2,000 Rotary clubs in The Republic of China (中華民國), the 3 Rotary districts spread on most of the provinces were ultimately dissolved in July 1951. Let us first review on what were the Rotary International …


The 2 Rotary Mobile Clinics operated by Shanghai Rotarians

The 2 Rotary Mobile Clinics operated by Shanghai Rotarians

March 27, 2023

The 2 Rotary Mobile Clinics operated by Shanghai Rotarians 1 December 2015 December is “Disease Prevention and Treatment Month” designated by Rotary International to arouse the global Rotary clubs’ attention of service action with special focus on disease prevention and treatment in the communities. Rotary’s top priority is certainly the eradication of polio, but the members may take on far greater responsibilities to fight disease. They set up health camps and …


The Termination of Shanghai Rotary Club in October 1951

The Termination of Shanghai Rotary Club in October 1951

May 25, 2024

The Termination of Shanghai Rotary Club in October 1951 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 July 2015 Rotary in the new Communist China What was the life and situation of Shanghai Rotary Club (上海扶輪社) since the state power was changed to the Communist Party of China (中國共產黨) after the establishment of The People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國) on 1 October 1949? In a letter dated 21 March 1950, from …


Former Shanghai-Chungking-Taipei Rotarian - Aid Mainland Refugee Chinese Intellectuals to Taiwan

Former Shanghai-Chungking-Taipei Rotarian – Aid Mainland Refugee…

March 23, 2023

Former Shanghai/Chungking/Taipei Rotarian Aid Mainland Refugee Chinese Intellectuals to Taiwan 1 May 2015 George Ashmore Fitch ( 費吳生) and wife Geraldine This is the story of George Ashmore Fitch (費吳生) (1883-1979), born in an American missionary’s family at Soochow (Suzhou) (蘇州), Imperial Ch’ing (大清國), who was an active member of Shanghai Rotary Club (上海扶輪社), and the Club’s president in 1930-1931. During the Imperial Japan’s full scale aggression to the Republic of China (中華民國), …


George A. Fitch - Aid Mainland Refugee Chinese Intellectuals to Taiwan

George A. Fitch – Aid Mainland Refugee Chinese Intellectuals to …

December 21, 2024

In the aftermath of the Chinese Civil War and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國) in 1949, many intellectuals and professionals sought refuge from the communist regime. The United States, amidst the Cold War tensions, initiated the Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals program (ARCI) to support these individuals, recognizing their potential value in the ideological battle against communism. George Ashmore Fitch Aid Mainland Refugee Chinese Intellectuals to Taiwan By Herbert …


The Birth of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club in 1954

The Birth of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club in 1954

April 27, 2019

The Birth of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club in 1954 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 April 2015 The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West (香港西區扶輪社) was admitted to Rotary International on 12 April 1954. It is the 4th Rotary club formed in the British Crown Colony Hong Kong and was by then a non-districted club. Later on 1 July 1960, it became one …


Hong Kong Has Twins - October 1954

Hong Kong Has Twins – October 1954

August 14, 2021

The British Crown Colony of Hong Kong, for all its fame and importance astride one of the major trade routes to China, is not very large. Its total area is 391 square miles; the area of Hong Kong Island itself is only 36½ square miles. Yet on that latter speck of land there are three Rotary Clubs: the mature mother Club of Hong Kong, and its new …


New Ways for Old - Application of The Four-Way Test in Taipei

New Ways for Old – Application of The Four-Way Test in Taipei

March 16, 2023

The idea of selling an article for a fixed price, one that can’t be “beat down” by haggling, is comparatively new in the marts of trade. Until midway in the 19th Century, even the simplest retail purchase often became a contest between buyer and seller. It still is today in many parts of the world, though legions of goodwill-conscious businessmen are trying hard to change it. On the island of Taiwan, which is …


Rotary under the Communist Guns - a Taipei Rotary Club outpost of mercy thrives

Rotary under the Communist Guns – a Taipei Rotary Club outpost o…

April 19, 2023

中文版在第 11-14 頁 Rotary under the Communist Guns –- a Taipei Rotary Club outpost of mercy thrives In the January 1965 Issue of《The Rotarian》magazine, there was a report from an American newspaper columnist Tom Dammann with such a title: “Rotary Under the Communist Guns – on Matsu within artillery range of the Communist China, a Rotary outpost of mercy thrives”. That was Tom’s observation on a “medical aid project to the …


Chinese stamps salute to 60th Anniversary of Rotary International

Chinese stamps salute to 60th Anniversary of Rotary International

July 3, 2024

國際扶輪 60 週年紀念的中華郵票 Chinese stamps salute to 60th Anniversary of Rotary International By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 23 February 2015 1965年扶輪 60週年紀念,為世界各地的扶輪集郵愛好者帶來了特別的喜悅。原因是:兩 個國家發行了特別紀念郵票。 中華民國(臺灣)於1965 年2月23日扶輪紀念日,發行了三種面額的新郵票。郵票圖案 展示扶輪徽章後面有一個緊密盤繞的彈簧,象徵著「準備行動」。在 1962-1963 年度地區總監 張申福的領導下,345地區的扶輪社要求政府,將「扶輪 60週年紀念」設定為郵票主題。中華 民國郵政因此發行了一套三枚郵票,面額分別為新臺幣1.5元(紅色)、新臺幣 2元(綠色)、 新臺幣2.5元(藍色)。 Rotary’s 60th Anniversary in 1965 has brought a special excitement to Rotarian stamp collectors around the world. The reason: two countries have issued special postage stamps saluting the event. The Republic of China (Taiwan) on 23 February 1965, the birthday, issued a new …


Rotarian's wife aids Hong Kong refugee children

Rotarian’s wife aids Hong Kong refugee children

April 20, 2022

A humanitarian project financed by the 3-H Grants of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Glossary (1) The 3-H Grants of The Rotary Foundation In 1978, The Rotary Foundation launched its most comprehensive humanitarian service activity with the Health, Hunger and Humanity Grants program. The “3-H” Grants program was designed to undertake large-scale service projects beyond the capacity of individual Rotary clubs or groups of clubs. Since 1978, almost …


Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the 75 Years of Rotary

Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the 75 Years of Rotary

July 3, 2024

臺灣郵票紀念國際扶輪七十五週年 量湾鄄票纪念囤睽扶翰七⼗五遇年 Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the 75 Years of Rotary of By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) (剖 敬恒) 23 February 2017 To mark the 78th anniversary of Eatery International on February 23, 1980, the Directorate released a commemorative issue. Rotary International was founded in Chicago. the United States, by an American name Paul Harris, a lawyer, in 1905. The members rotated their meetings weekly from one …


Hong Kong at the Crossroad ~ by Jerome Greer Chandler

Hong Kong at the Crossroad ~ by Jerome Greer Chandler

April 4, 2022

In 1985,《The Rotarian》magazine observed the monumental transition of the British Crown Colony Hong Kong to become the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China on 1 July 1997. Three Rotarians, Dr. Russell Kwok (郭志仁博士), William Heering, and Sanford Yung (容永道), of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong, expressed their opinions and vision.


Asteroid was named after former Nanking Rotarian Dr. Ching-Sung Yu  ~ 南京紫金山天文臺創建人南京扶輪社余青松博士

Asteroid was named after former Nanking Rotarian Dr. Ching-Sung Yu ~ …

March 18, 2023

Asteroid 3797 Was Named After Former Nanking Rotarian Dr. Ching-Sung Yu 南京紫金山天文臺創建人南京扶輪社 (1934)創社社員-余青松博士 22January 2017 Dr. Ching-SungYu 余青松博士Asteroid 3797 was named in memory of Dr. Ching-Sung Yu (余青松博士) (1897-1978), Chinese-American astrophysicist, whose spectro photometric measurements of 91 stars at the Lick Observatory in the early 1920s represented a milestone in research on stellar energy distribution. This “Star” 3797 –Orbit Type: Main Belt Asteroid; Reference: …


A People Not Forgotten - Rotary Volunteers aid Hong Kong refugees - 1988

A People Not Forgotten – Rotary Volunteers aid Hong Kong refugee…

February 22, 2023

Glossary (1) Rotary Volunteers Rotarians put Rotary’s motto of Service Above Self into action every day and in every part of the world, generously contributing their time and skills to help others. Rotary clubs carry out service projects that address critical needs locally and often work with distant clubs to co- sponsor international efforts. Rotary Volunteers are vital to the success of this humanitarian work. The Rotary Volunteers program fosters active …


Communist China nominated an American Rotarian for the 1988 Nobel Peace Prize

Communist China nominated an American Rotarian for the 1988 Nobel Peac…

May 7, 2023

Communist China nominated an American Rotarian for the 1988 Nobel Peace Prize 11 July 2017 The title of this article sounds somewhat fantastic. But, it is a true story in history. Since the late 1970s, Dr. Jordan M. Phillips, M.D., a member of the Rotary Club of Downey, California, U.S.A., had been sending medical books to the People’s Republic of China, for almost a decade, to replenish those …


Rotary's Crusade against Polio in China since 1989

Rotary’s Crusade against Polio in China since 1989

October 14, 2022

Rotary’s Crusade against Polio in China since 1989 Built the world’s largest polio vaccine plant in Kunming 24 October 2015 News clipping on 8 October 1992 October 24 is Rotary’s World Polio Day. On this special day, we may look back quarter century ago a wonderful “End Polio” project in China — building the world’s largest polio vaccine plant in 1989 in Kunming (昆明市), the capital city of …


The World’s Longest Dancing  Chinese  Dragon 1991 by HK Rotarians and Rotaractors

The World’s Longest Dancing Chinese Dragon 1991 by HK Rotarians and …

November 17, 2019

Entered The Guinness Book of World Records 1991 The World’s Longest Dancing Chinese Dragon by Hong Kong Rotarians and Rotaractors District 3450 Rotaract Chair 1990-1991-1992 1 August 2017 In a summer night of 10 August 1991, highlight of the 3rd International Abilympics (第三屆國際展能節) hosted by the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (香港復康會) and to celebrate the inauguration of International Abilympic Federation (IAF) in Hong Kong, 250 pairs …


The Recovery of the "Peking Bell"

The Recovery of the “Peking Bell”

November 10, 2017

by Rotarian Jim Pringle Last updated: 18-06-1998 Rtn Bob Wilson, of RC Hong Kong South, could hardly believe his eyes. He had been visiting a home on Hong Kong’s posh Peak to look at furniture and artifacts that were on sale, and had not found anything of interest. Then, on his way out, he glanced at a brass bell that was being used as a doorstop. There was …


Dream Team by Gary Milman

Dream Team by Gary Milman

May 25, 2024

10 Years After … This article was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 15 Nov. 2016 (1) Group Study Exchange Group Study Exchange (GSE) was one of the most popular and rewarding programs of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Since the first exchanges between districts in 1965, more than 70,000 business people and professionals ages 25-40 had participated in GSE. The program paired Rotary districts to …


The Hong Kong Workshop - Preparing for the return of Rotary – 1994

The Hong Kong Workshop – Preparing for the return of Rotary – 19…

May 23, 2020

SPECIAL REPORT The Hong Kong Workshop Preparing for the return of Rotary T s the R.I. Board of Directors and adjacent non-Rotary countries.” able to the Hong Kong Workshop. reviewed the notable prog A second key difference was the ress made to date in extend other goals: to design a comprehen- political stance of governments. The ing Rotary to all parts of the world, sive vision of how Rotary might …


The 1994 R.I. Convention in Taipei Celebrated the 75 Years of Rotary in Asia

The 1994 R.I. Convention in Taipei Celebrated the 75 Years of Rotary i…

May 8, 2024

The love of high strategy has fascinated the Chinese for centuries. To the Chinese mind, planning complex manoeuvres and executing intricate plans harmoniously are among the most treasured human qualities. In June 1994, a monumental puzzle was posed to Taiwan’s Rotary leaders, as well as to the members of the 1994 R.I. Convention Committee: how to host, feed, befriend, entertain, transport, instruct, and safely deliver back to …


Rotary Institute in Hong - December 1995

Rotary Institute in Hong – December 1995

June 11, 2022

President Brown participates in the ceremonial ribbon cutting to inaugurate the Projects in Asia Exhibition at the December Rotary Institute in Hong Kong. Herb is flanked by R.I. Director Sabina S. Santos of the Philippines and Past R. I. Director In Sang Song of Korea, convener of the Institute.


Proposal on forming Rotary Club of Beijing - Strategy Paper 1999

Proposal on forming Rotary Club of Beijing – Strategy Paper 1999

July 3, 2024

Proposal on forming Rotary Club of Beijing – Strategy Paper 1999 To: Herbert K. Lau (Rotary China Historian) 2 August 2013 Dear Herbert: Congratulations on all the research you have done on the subject. Some of what you have found out was also new to me. Today I would like to shift gear. I had told you earlier that I had never held a leading office in Rotary when I moved …


China invited senior Rotary leaders to Beijing in 2000

China invited senior Rotary leaders to Beijing in 2000

November 1, 2015

In October 2000, the Government of the People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國) invited Rotary International President-elect “Rick” Richard D. King (金恩) and seven other Rotary leaders on an official visit to China. The letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (外交部) officially invited the Rotary International (RI) delegation to visit China on 14-21 November 2000, “in the spirit of developing close cooperation between the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the …


Presidential Conference 2000: Hong Kong

Presidential Conference 2000: Hong Kong

May 24, 2020

Presidential Conference 2000 Below: Keynote speaker the Honorable C.Y. Leung, convenor of the Executive Council of Hong Kong, S.A.R., spoke on the impact of the regional economy on community service. Right: Past district governors Raymond Wong (left) and Charles Loh address a group discussion session. 4:2000 PRETAT, COTE 000 With the clang of a traditional gong, Past District Governor Raymond Wong convened Presidential Conference 2000: Hong Kong, attended by 460 …


When and How Mongolia was grouped into R.I. District 3450?

When and How Mongolia was grouped into R.I. District 3450?

October 31, 2021

When and How Mongolia was grouped into R.I. District 3450? 1 February 2015 January 2015 marked the 20th year of Rotary in the democratic nation Mongolia(Монгол Улс). However, for the first 5 years, the only Rotary Club in this country—The Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar (Улаанбаатар Ротари клуб)—was non-districted. Until 1 July 2000, this land-locked country was grouped into Rotary International District 3450, …


Asia-Pacific Presidential Conference – 2001

Asia-Pacific Presidential Conference – 2001

March 22, 2022

Asia-Pacific Presidential Conference – 2001 l New ideas from The Philippines, highlights youth and service opportunities … A portion of the Second Plenary Session was a technological zenith — and historic first – for Rotary presidential conferences: a teleconference between Rotarians in Manila and participants in a meeting for District 3450 (Hong Kong & Macao). New ideas from the Philippi Asia-Pacific Presidential Conference highlights youth and …


The Birth of the First Mongolian Speaking Rotary Club

The Birth of the First Mongolian Speaking Rotary Club

June 20, 2021

The Birth of the First Mongolian Speaking Rotary Club, 1 February 2015 January 2015 marked the 20th year of Rotary in the democratic nation Mongolia (Монгол Улс). Here is the story of the first Mongolian speaking Rotary Club in the world, or the first Rotary Club formed after Mongolia was grouped into Rotary International District 3450, or the second Rotary Club formed in …


Success in Asia –  Presidential Conference Taipei 2002

Success in Asia – Presidential Conference Taipei 2002

June 5, 2022

The charter presentation of Khuree Rotary Club, Mongolia, was held at this Conference. Shanghai & Beijing Provisional Rotary Clubs participated via teleconference.


Hong Kong Rotarians joint fight against SARS -2003

Hong Kong Rotarians joint fight against SARS -2003

October 2, 2019

Hong Kong Rotarians joint fight against SARS – 2003 1 March, 2017 The months of March to June in 2003 was the unforgettable hard time of the entire Hong Kong population, economically and socially, due to the outbreak of SARS which led to the discouragement of public gatherings resulting many of the Rotary clubs had to reluctantly suspend their regular weekly meetings. SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory …


Chicago street named after Chinese Rotarian Dr. Wang Gung-Hsing ~ 華裔扶輪社員王恭行博士 ~ 留名芝加哥一條街

Chicago street named after Chinese Rotarian Dr. Wang Gung-Hsing ~ 華裔扶輪…

April 19, 2023

中文版在第 9-11 頁 華裔扶輪社員王恭行博士—留名芝加哥一條街 Chicago street named after Chinese Rotarian Dr. Wang Gung-Hsing 1 October 2016 2004 年美國芝加哥市議會命名一條街道為『王恭行街』(紅色招牌),以永久紀念他為社區重建的功績。 2004 – The Chicago City Council adopted a decision to name a street after Wang Gung-Hsing (red sign). A street in Chicago City, United States, is named after Dr. Wang Gung-Hsing (王恭行博士) as “G. H. Wang Street” in 2004 by the Chicago City Council as a permanent memorial to his dedicated neighborhood renewal efforts to …


The Green Great Wall  Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary Korea and Mongolia

The Green Great Wall Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary K…

May 24, 2020

The Green Great Wall Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary Korea and Mongolia Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒), Founder and Honorary Member Niislel Rotary Club, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 1 November 2008 Sometimes global problems seem so, well, global, especially when it comes to the environment. It can get downright overwhelming when you are constantly bombarded with headlines that scream, “EU Warns of Global Climate Chaos” (The …


Two provisional clubs in China - Shanghai & Beijing – get charters

Two provisional clubs in China – Shanghai & Beijing – get c…

March 26, 2024

AUGUST 2006 | THE ROTARIAN 57 Stenhammar applauds service in China IMMEDIATE PAST RI PRESIDENT CARL WILHELM STENHAMMAR celebrated the growth of service opportunities in mainland China 21-23 May with the Rotary clubs of Beijing and Shanghai. – At the Board’s request, Stenhammar appointed a special representative to China in November. Christopher Bo Bramsen of the Rotary Club of Kobenhavn, Denmark, will serve in that position until …


Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the Rotary International Centennial

Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the Rotary International Centennial

July 3, 2024

臺灣郵票紀念國際扶輪百週年 Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the Rotary International Centennial By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 23 February 2017 2005年是扶輪成立一百週年,國際扶輪在1905 年創建於美國芝加哥。 為紀念國際扶輪百年來對社會的貢獻,中華郵政特別在 2005 年 2 月 23 日發行一套兩枚 百週年紀念郵票。 面值新臺幣 5元郵票的設計,以臺灣地圖為主體。旁邊為國際扶輪百年紀念標誌,象徵臺 灣的扶輪精神。面值新臺幣 12 元郵票的設計,將一隻和平鴿與國際扶輪百年紀念標誌並列, 傳達扶輪社員為促進世界和平所做的努力。 國際扶輪是一個非政府、非宗教和非營利的服務組織,由商界和專業人士組成,旨在促進 社區和諧、世界和平和人類福祉。 臺灣第一家扶輪社成立於 1931年。目前有超過 36,000名社員,分屬 900 多家扶輪社,遍 佈全島 12個扶輪地區。他們共同為社區服務,實現扶輪的宗旨和理想。 The year 2005 marks the centennial anniversary of Rotary International, which was founded in 1905 in Chicago of the United States of America. To honor the contributions of Rotary International to society over the past century, Chunghwa …


Bridging The World by Ambassador Christopher Bo Bramsen – June 2006

Bridging The World by Ambassador Christopher Bo Bramsen – June 2006

May 23, 2007

Bridging The World》by Ambassador Christopher Bo Bramsen – June 2006 l Rotary International Special Representative to China at the RI luncheon held on 14 June 2006 at the Rotary International Convention in Malmö/Copenhagen 14 June 2006 BRIDGING THE WORLD Speech given by Ambassador Christopher Bo Bramsen Rotary International Special Representative to China at the RI luncheon held on 14 June 2006 at the Rotary International Convention in Malmö/Copenhagen Your Highness Princess Alexandra President Carl-Wilhelm …


Betting on Macau

Betting on Macau

May 25, 2024

In 2006, Asia’s Monte Carlo – Macau – overtook Las Vegas as the global leader in gaming revenue and raked in about US$10 billion in 2007. Platoons of jetfoils from Hong Kong slice through the South China Sea on hourlong trips to Macau, a peninsular plot of 6.5 square miles at the mouth of the Pearl River. More than half of the 27 million tourists in …


RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 1-3

RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 1-3

February 14, 2024

Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 1/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第一輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018 Gary C. K. Huang (黃其光) was born in 1945 in Foochow of Fukien Province, and grew up in Taiwan, Republic of China. After elementary and high school education in Taiwan, he is …


RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 4-6

RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 4-6

February 14, 2024

Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 4/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第四輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018


RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 7-9

RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 7-9

February 14, 2024

Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 7/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第七輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018 RI President Gary C.K. Huang with young persons of the Rotary Day UNESCO in Paris, France.


RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 10-12

RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 10-12

February 14, 2024

Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 10/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第十輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018 19 May 2016 – Gary C. K. Huang was decorated The Order of Brilliant Star by President Ma Ying-Jeou, Republic of China.


Macao stamps commemorate the 110 years of Rotary

Macao stamps commemorate the 110 years of Rotary

July 3, 2024

澳門郵票紀念扶輪貢獻 110年 Macao stamps commemorate the 110 years of Rotary By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 23 February 2015 2015 年 2 月 16 日,澳門郵電局發行了紀念「國際扶輪成立 110 周年」的郵票及小型張。 郵票面額澳門幣 5.50圓,印有扶輪創始人保羅‧哈里斯的肖像;小型張附有一枚澳門幣12圓 的郵票,圖案展示扶輪根滅全球小兒麻痺的使命。 「國際扶輪」是全球扶輪社的聯合團體。扶輪是結合全世界事業及專業領導人士的一種組 織,提供博愛的服務,在職業方面鼓勵崇高的道德標準,並幫助建立世界的親善與和平。「國 際扶輪」由繼續履行章程文件中賦予義務的扶輪社所組成。 「國際扶輪」的目的在於: 1) 鼓勵、推廣、擴展並監督全世界的扶輪運動; 2) 協調並先籌指揮「國際扶輪」各項活動 「國際扶輪」之使命是透過事業、專業及社區領導人的聯誼,服務他人;並推廣大公無私, 促進世界瞭解親善與和平。 扶輪的組織分成扶輪社、地區與國際三個層面,協助實現扶輪的服務計畫。 扶輪社員是扶輪社的社員,而扶輪社為「國際扶輪」這個全球組織的會員。每個扶輪社選 舉自己的職員,並在模範扶輪社章程與國際扶輪章程及細則的架構下,享有相當大的自主權。 第一家扶輪社於 1905 年 2 月 23 日在美國伊利諾州芝加哥組織成立。當時是一名年輕律 師的保羅.哈里斯,為了追求聯誼與職業上的同志情誼,邀請一群各自從事不同職業的男士, 成立這個新的社團。社員資格的基礎─社區中每一事業及專業只限一人參加。最初,新創立的 扶輪社的社員集會,係輪流在彼此的事業處所舉行,此即「扶輪」名稱之由來。 今日,全球扶輪社員超過 120 萬人。共同奉行「超我服務」理想的 35,000 多家扶輪社遍 及於 200多個國家及地理區域。澳門的第一家扶輪社於 1947年成立,截至2015年,已發展為 6家扶輪社,擁有約200名多國籍社員。 On 16 February 2015, the Macao Post and Telecommunications issued a stamp and a souvenir sheet to commemorate the “110th Anniversary of the Founding of Rotary International”. The …


Minor Planet No. 12935 was named after the 1948 Rotary Foundation Fellow Cheng Che-Min - 扶輪基金1948年受獎人鄭哲敏院士獲小行星命名殊榮

Minor Planet No. 12935 was named after the 1948 Rotary Foundation Fell…

March 18, 2023

中文版在第10-23頁扶輪基金1948年受獎人鄭哲敏院士獲小行星命名殊榮Minor Planet No. 12935 was named after The 1948 Rotary Foundation Fellow Cheng Che-Min 1 November20161952–Dr. Cheng Che-Min (Zheng Zhemin) 鄭哲敏博士Five minor planets have been named after top Chinese scientists, including Cheng Che-Min (known today as Zheng Zhemin) (鄭哲敏), a Rotary Foundation Fellow of 1948-1949, at a ceremony held on Monday, 4 January 2016, at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse(釣魚臺國賓館), Beijing, China.Certificates Presentation Ceremony was …


Taiwan’s Journey to Host Rotary International Convention  2021

Taiwan’s Journey to Host Rotary International Convention 2021

February 14, 2024

Meet Taiwan-ICCA Bidding Workshop Taiwan’s Journey to Host the Rotary International Convention 2021 國際扶輪 前理事 謝三連 Jackson Hsieh 24 May, 2016 2021 Rotary International Convention in Taipei  1991-1993 Charter President of the RC of Taipei Sunrise  1998-1999 District Governor of District 3520  2008-2010 Director, Rotary International  2011-2015 Trustee, The Rotary Foundation  2021 HOC Chair, 2021 Taipei RI Convention 2 謝三連 Jackson Hsieh 2021 Rotary International Convention in Taipei  Introduction of Rotary International  Introduction of Taiwan …


Shenyang City - the unique home of 3 Rotary Clubs under 3 Different Regimes

Shenyang City – the unique home of 3 Rotary Clubs under 3 Differ…

March 27, 2023

Shenyang City – the unique home of 3 Rotary Clubs under 3 Different Regimes 1 December 2019 Shenyang City (瀋陽/沈阳), a major Chinese sub-provincial city and the provincial capital of Liaoning Province (遼寧省), has been the home of 3 Rotary clubs under 3 different regimes: (1) 1929 — The State of Manchuria (Manchukuo) (滿洲國) – Mukden Rotary Club (奉天ロータ リー俱樂部), Charter #3116 dated 11 April 1929 but was terminated on 31 …