rev. 153-2024-12-29
Journey Between Two Chinas One China 1946 Chinese Civil War The Communist Seymoun Topping THE AVERAGE MAN People Republic For Philosophy Yet Leo Rosten Wisdom Today United Nations President Peking Mao Tse Whatever 800 Seymour New York Times Nationalist Three Bamboo Curtain Subsequent Associated Press Harper Row Publishers Inc 1972 ALL PHOTOS ERAPHO GUILLUMETTE PICTURES EXCEPT Audrey His Chou Richard Nixon With Rotarian PAOLO KOCH Chairman Little Red Book Great Leap Forward Cultural Revolution STRODE THROUGH Commodore Hotel Rotary Club Should May 1971 Canadian Iai Since Now Windsor Ballroom But You Elated Rotarians APRIL 1973 Soon Memories 500 Nothing French Indochina London Berlin Moscow Vietnam September Yenan Shensi Generalissimo Chiang Kai Father Discussing Party Central Committee States Communists Why Agrarian Reform Japanese English Marxist Leninists Mine Like Czarist British Yankee Comintern American Americans There 1949 016 Private Handicrafts Supply Marketing Cooperative And After Soviet Union Japan Washington Each Although Ancestors Under Iigion When Traveling Theft Money Iost Once Such Until 1959 000 Family Maoist Gone Not Tens Saplings They Hangchow Bits From Maoists During Putting Socialist Short Western Europe Unless Certainly Iabor These Iess Asia Africa Latin America 19605 India June October 1961 Their Given Apart Despite While Much Other Facilities illiteracy Yes Someday Premier Just Even Burma Philippines Indonesia APRiL This Herbert Lau 劉敬恒 Historian August 2015 Glossary Beijing 务院璁理 Zhou Enlai 周恩來 中華人民共和國國務院總理 Yan Shaanxi 陝西省 Zedong 毛澤東 中國共產黨中央委員會主席 央委寅 舍主席 蔣中正 蔣介石 大躍進 Second Five Year Plan 1958 1962 Restrictions Commune 人民公社供銷合作社 公社供硝 Hangzhou 無產階級文化大革命 燕崖偕级 Proletarian 1966 1976 Launched Thought Maoism Famine However Andrew Walder 2014 213 Rudolph Rummel 1991 Estimated 731 Laogai 勞動改造營 改造訾 613 285 385 9696969696 November George Ashmore Fitch 費吳生 Shanghai 上海扶輪社 上海扶翰社 1930 1931 Chungking 重慶扶輪社 1942 1943 重度扶翰社 Empire 大清帝國 中華民國 1947 Seoul Korea Taipei Taiwan 臺灣臺北扶輪社 晕北扶翰社 Tibet Many Dalai Lama Nor Can Hanoi Indo Violent Both Thailand Practically Catholic Hence Hong Kong Approximately Moreover North Jose Hernandez Cubao Quezon City Ends Justify Means April All Thus Communism Was Hitler Mussolini Christian Robert Loh Escape How God Khrushchev Russia Therefore What Hungary Czechoslovakia Korean Castro Cubans Eugene Lyons Worker Paradise Lost Admiral Burke Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation