Mandarin Articles

  • Global Vision 全球展望 February 9, 2024
    • 扶輪領導學院教員手冊
      The Rotary Leadership Institute Faculty Notebook
    • 扶輪青年領袖獎勵計劃
      RYLA (2011)
    • 扶輪青年服務團手冊
      Rotaract Handbook (2012)

  • Global Grants 全球贈款資助指南 February 10, 2024
    • 水資源與用水衛生全球獎助金資助準則
      ~Water Resources and Water Sanitation Global Grant Funding Guidelines
    • 環境全球獎助金資助準則
      ~Environment Global Grants Funding Guidelines
    • 基本教育與識字全球獎助金資助準則
      ~Basic Education and Literacy Global Grant Funding Guidelines
    • 疾病預防與治療全球獎助金資助準則
      ~Disease Prevention and Treatment Global Grant Funding Guidelines
    • 社區經濟發展全球獎助金資助準則
      ~Community Economic Development Global Grant Funding Criteria
    • 和平締造與衝突預防全球獎助金資助準則
      ~Peacemaking and Conflict Prevention Global Fellowship Funding Guidelines
    • 母親與兒童健康全球獎助金資助準則
      ~Maternal and Child Health Global Grant Funding Guidelines

  • Manual of Procedure 程序手冊 February 10, 2024
    • 程序手冊 2013 (Manual of Procedure 2013)
    • 程序手冊 2016 (Manual of Procedure 2016)
    • 程序手冊 2019 (Manual of Procedure 2019)
    • 程序手冊 2022 (Manual of Procedure 2022)

  • Lead Your District 領導你的地區 February 10, 2024
    • 領導你的地區 – 總監 (2019-20)
      Lead Your District – Director (2019-20)
    • 領導人的獎助金職責
      Leaders’ Scholarship Responsibilities
    • 領導你的地區 – 助理總監 (2017-20)
      Lead Your District – Assistant Superintendent (2017-20)
    • 領導你的地區 – 訓練 (2020-23)
      Lead Your District – Training (2020-23)
    • 領導你的地區 – 委員會主委 (2017-20)
      Lead Your District – Committee Chair (2017-20)
    • 領導你的地區 – 扶輪基金會委員會 (2018-21)
      Lead Your District – Rotary Foundation Council (2018-21)

  • Lead Your Club 01 領導你的扶輪社 February 10, 2024
    • 領導你的扶輪社 – 社長 (2019-22)
      Leading Your Rotary Club – President (2019-22)
    • 領導你的扶輪社 – 秘書 (2016-19)
      Leading Your Rotary Club – Secretary (2016-19)
    • 領導你的扶輪社 – 財務 (2016-19)
      Leading Your Rotary Club – Finance (2016-19)
    • 領導你的扶輪社 – 社員委員會 (2016-19)
      Leading Your Rotary Club – Membership Council (2016-19)

  • Lead Your Club 02 領導你的扶輪社 February 10, 2024
    • 領導你的扶輪社 – 行政管理委員會 (2016-19)
      Leading Your Rotary Club – Executive Management Committee (2016-19)
    • 領導你的扶輪社 – 扶輪基金會委員會 (2016-19 )
      Leading Your Rotary Club – Rotary Foundation Committee (2016-19)
    • 領導你的扶輪社 – 服務計劃委員會 (2016-19)
      Leading Your Rotary Club – Service Planning Committee (2016-19)
    • 領導你的扶輪社 – 公共關係委員會 (2016-19)
      Leading Your Rotary Club – Public Relations Committee (2016-19)

  • Mandarin Literature #7 February 10, 2024
    • 下載您所需的影片
      Download the video you want
    • 加強扶輪公共形象
      Strengthening Rotary’s public image – 2019-08-01
    • 如何推薦新社員 (2005)
      How to Propose New Members (2005)
    • 成為一個有活力的扶輪社
      Be a Vibrant Club (2010)
    • 何謂扶輪
      What is Rotary
    • 扶輪 ABC (2013)
      The ABCs of Rotary
    • 扶輪友誼交換
      Rotary Friendship Exchange
    • 扶輪少年服務團手冊 (2002)
      Interact Club Handbook (2002)
    • 扶輪初階
      Getting Started in Rotary
    • 扶輪的焦點領域視覺標示準則 (2021年1月)
      Rotary’s Guidelines for Visual Identification of Focus Areas (January 2021)

  • Mandarin Literature #8 February 10, 2024
    • 扶輪社領導計畫工作單
      Rotary Leadership Program Worksheet
    • 扶輪社領導計畫常見問題
      Rotary Leadership Program FAQs
    • 扶輪社模式 (2019)
      Rotary Model (2019)
    • 扶輪政策彙編 20-06-24
      Rotary Policy Compilation 20-06-24
    • 扶輪基金會 – 社資格認證備忘錄 (2022-7-1)
      Rotary Foundation – Club Qualification Memorandum (2022-7-1)
    • 扶輪基金會的里程碑 (2016-17)
      Rotary Foundation Milestones (2016-17)
    • 扶輪基金會的歷史
      History of The Rotary Foundation
    • 扶輪基金會政策彙編2020年4月20-09-25版
      Rotary Foundation Policy Compilation April 20-09-25, 2020
    • 扶輪基金會慶祝100年行善天下的成就
      The Rotary Foundation – 100 Years of Doing Good in the World
    • 扶輪基礎 (Rotary Basics) (2017年4月版) – 扶輪社員參考指南
      Rotary Basics (April 2017 Edition) – Rotarian Reference Guide
    • 扶輪基礎
      Rotary Basics
    • 扶輪策略計劃指南 – 2020-03
      Rotary Strategic Planning Guide – 2020-03

  • Mandarin Literature #9 February 10, 2024
    • 扶輪新策略 (2020)
      Rotary New Strategy (2020)
    • 扶輪與根除小兒麻痺
      Rotary and polio eradication
    • 協助推動扶輪新的全球宣傳活動「採取行動的人」
      Help drive Rotary’s new global campaign, People Taking Action
    • 社員教育策略
      Member Education Strategy
    • 社員發展 (2005)
      Member Development (2005)
    • 社員發展資源指南
      Member Development Resource Guide

  • Mandarin Literature #10 February 10, 2024
    • 建立屬於自己的置物箱
      Create your own storage box
    • 為何加入扶輪?
      Why join Rotary?
    • 國際扶輪禮節順序 (2016-09)
      Rotary International Order of Etiquette (2016-09)
    • 國際扶輪禮儀 – (PDG Medichem李芳裕) pps
      Rotary International Etiquette – (PDG Medichem Li Fangyu) pps
    • 從品牌中心尋找您所需的資訊
      Find the information you need from the Brand Center
    • 這是扶輪 (2005)
      This is Rotary (2005)
    • 新世代計畫的歷史
      The history of the Next Generation Project
    • 新社員指導訓練手冊 (2005)
      New Member Guidance and Training Manual (2005)
    • 領導發展
      Leadership development
    • 箱中的援手
      A helping hand in the box
    • 衛星扶輪社指南
      Satellite Rotary Guide
    • 談扶輪防止社友流失與企業留才
      Discussing how Rotary prevents the loss of community members and retains talents in enterprises
    • 職業分類代碼
      Occupational classification code
    • 職業服務
      Career Services
    • 職業服務的尋根 (2010-10)
      Finding the Roots of Career Services (2010-10)
    • 籌組新社作業指南 (3480地區)
      Operation Guide for Organizing a New Clubs (3480 Region)
    • 護照扶輪社指南
      Passport Rotary Guide

  • Mandarin Literature #11 February 10, 2024
    • 強化您的社員 (2021)
      Strengthen your members (2021)
    • 介紹扶輪給新社員 (2022)
      Introducing Rotary to New Members (2022)
    • 扶輪知識集錦 (2012)
      Rotary Knowledge Collection (2012)

  • Mandarin Literature #12 February 10, 2024
    • 扶輪用語與詞彙英中對照表 (2020)
      Rotary Terminology and Vocabulary English-Chinese Comparison Table (2020)
    • 扶輪領導學院手冊
      The Rotary Leadership Institute Manual
    • 扶輪一詞在中國並沒有特許專利
      The word “Rotary” does not have a patent in China

  • Mandarin Literature #13 February 10, 2024
    • 扶輪領導學院教員手冊
      The Rotary Leadership Institute Faculty Notebook
    • 扶輪青年領袖獎勵計劃
      RYLA (2011)
    • 扶輪青年服務團手冊
      Rotaract Handbook (2012)