Category: History

  • The Washington Conference 1921-22 The Stage of the American and Chinese Rotarian Statesmen

    The Washington Conference 1921-22 The Stage of the American and Chinese Rotarian Statesmen

    The Washington Conference 1921-1922 The Stage of the American and Chinese Rotarian Statesmen in making Peace on Earth 23February 2017 Commencing the Year 2015-2016, Rotary International has designated February to be “Peace and Conflict Prevention/ Resolution Month”. Ninety-five years ago in February, this mission was practically carried out by the American and Chinese Rotarian statesmen…

  • Early History of Vocational Service in Rotary

    Early History of Vocational Service in Rotary

    By Will R. Manier, Jr., Nashville Rotary Club, Tennessee, U.S.A.June 1936 (Rotary International President 1936-1937) Great as was his vision and fine as has been his contributions to our Rotary movement, Paul Harris never dreamed Rotary in a single dream, but Rotary has been an evolution, a composite, of many men’s thinking.Our conception of Vocational…

  • Dr, Chengting Thomas Wang (Shanghai) #1 王正廷博士 (上海) #1

    Dr, Chengting Thomas Wang (Shanghai) #1  王正廷博士 (上海) #1

    Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang(王正廷博士)The First Chinese District Governor addressed at the Rotary Convention 1September 2020國際扶輪第81地區總監–王正廷博士Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang, Governor of 81st District, R. I.Atlantic City of New Jersey, United States, enjoys the distinction of being the only city in the world (aside from Chicago) historically to be host of 5 Rotary International Conventions. Its first…

  • Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang 王正廷博士 #4

    Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang   王正廷博士 #4

    中文版在第9-25頁王正廷博士讓雙橡園成為中華民國使節官邸的扶輪社員Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang The Rotarian made Twin Oaks the Republican China’s Embassy 1 September 2020王正廷博士–中華民國駐美國大使1936年8月-1938年9月Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang–Ambassador of the Republic of China to U.S.A. 1936-1938Even in a city renowned for its commanding estates, Twin Oaks stands out for its understated beauty and historic pedigree. Yet, while the gala events held at other such…

  • Chinese Rotarian The First Man Signed The United Nations Charter 1945

    Chinese Rotarian The First Man Signed The United Nations Charter 1945

    Chinese Rotarian Dr. V. K. Wellington KooThe first Man signed the United Nations Charter 1945 26 June 2020 The year of 2020 marks the 75th Anniversary ofThe United Nations. Created 75 years ago in the ashes of World War II, the United Nations today remains true to its founding mission: to bring nations and peoples…

  • The First 75 Years of Rotary in Asia – 扶輪在亞洲的最初七十五年

    The First 75 Years of Rotary in Asia – 扶輪在亞洲的最初七十五年

    The First 75 Years of Rotary in Asia1 June 2019 “There is one fact that stands out clear and huge as Mount Olympus, or Fujiyama for that matter, and that is the fact that all countries need all other countries; not one of them can be spared. We need not be jealous of each other’s…

  • Yen Chia-Kan (Taipei) 嚴家淦 (臺北)

    Yen Chia-Kan (Taipei)  嚴家淦 (臺北)

    1948Yen Chia-Kan –Charter President of Taipei Rotary Club in 194810 October2015Yen Chia-Kan (嚴家淦), affectionately known as “C. K. Yen” to the Western world, as Vice President of the Republic of China (in Taiwan) became President under a provision of his country’s Constitution, upon the death of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek(蔣中正總統), the longtime ChineseNationalist leader, in 1975.…

  • William Ngartse Thomas Tam – the First Rotarian Chairman of Po Leung Kuk 譚雅士大律師– 首位香港扶輪人執掌保良局

    William Ngartse Thomas Tam – the First Rotarian Chairman of Po Leung Kuk  譚雅士大律師–  首位香港扶輪人執掌保良局

    William Ngartse Thomas Tam The First Rotarian Chairman of Po Leung Kuk 1February 2016 中文版在第7-12頁譚雅士大律師首位香港扶輪人執掌保良局 The Honourable William Ngartse Thomas Tam(譚雅士), O.B.E.,J.P., was a charter member 1930 of The Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社), and later served Club President in 1936-1937. During the same year, concurrently, Tam was elected to serve as Chairman of…

  • David Kwok – (Shanghai) From Industrialist to Statesman

    David Kwok – (Shanghai) From Industrialist to Statesman

    Shanghai Rotarian David Kwok From Textile Industrialist to Deputy Provincial Governor 中文版在第11-19頁上海扶輪人–郭棣活從紡織工業家變身到副省長 1 January2019 扶輪社員郭棣活Rotarian David Kwok (郭棣活) “Dave”, a textile industrialist who was the last guardian of the Shanghai Rotary Club (上海扶輪社), though it was terminated on 16 October 1951, until 1958 he moved to Guangdong Province (廣東省) and accepted the appointment by the…

  • The Honourable KWOK Chan, CBE, KStJ, JP – 17th President of Hong Kong Rotary Club 議員郭贊太平紳士 – 香港扶輪社第十七任社長

    The Honourable KWOK Chan, CBE, KStJ, JP – 17th President of Hong Kong Rotary Club  議員郭贊太平紳士 – 香港扶輪社第十七任社長

    中文版在第6-9頁議員郭贊太平紳士香港扶輪社第十七任社長The Honourable KWOK Chan, CBE, KStJ, JPThe 17th President of The Rotary Club of Hong Kong 1March2016 The Honourable KWOK Chan (議員郭贊太平紳士), C.B.E., K.St.J., J.P. (1904-1967), was the 17th President of The Rotary Club of Hong Kong in 1951-1952. Following the footsteps of his fellow Rotarian seniors, he served also a lawmaker, the Police Reserve,…

  • David W. K. Au – Co-Founder of Chung Chi College

    David W. K. Au – Co-Founder of Chung Chi College

    中文版在第7-9頁香港扶輪人–歐偉國崇基學院聯席創辦人Hong Kong Rotarian David W. K. AuCo-Founder of Chung Chi College 1 January 2018Co-Founder & the First Chairman of the College Board of Governors 1951-1955In the name of Christ, there were 3 Christians initiated to establish the Chung Chi College (崇基學院) in Hong Kong in 1951: (1) The Right Reverend Ronald Owen Hall, Bishop of…

  • 臺灣扶輪地區之演進


    臺灣扶輪地區的演進劉敬恒(中華扶輪史研究員)2018年3月1日儘管臺北扶輪社是1948年在中華民國臺灣省成立的第一家扶輪社,臺灣扶輪地區演進史的研究,必須以臺灣光復前後之斷層期(1941-1948)為分界嶺,做兩階段的區分。雖然,日治時期臺灣的扶輪組織與戰後臺灣的扶輪社並無直接的臍帶關係。 …The Evolution of the Rotary District in Taiwan Liu Jingheng (Researcher on the History of Rotary in China) March 1, 2018 Although the Taipei Rotary Club was the first Rotary Club established in Taiwan Province of the Republic of China in 1948, research on the evolution of the Rotary District in Taiwan , we…

  • Peter K. P. Hall (Hong Kong Island East) 賀錦平 (香港東區)

    Peter K. P. Hall (Hong Kong Island East) 賀錦平  (香港東區)

    Peter K. P. Hall Dedicated Youth Service through Scouting 1 January 2017 Affectionately called “Uncle Peter” by most of his fellows, Peter K. P. Hall (賀錦平) (1925-2016), of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East (香港東區扶輪社), was elected the 22nd Rotary International District 345 Governor in 1981-1982 when the District was compiled with clubs…

  • Many Firsts in the Rotary Club of Hong Kong

    Many Firsts in the Rotary Club of Hong Kong

    Many FIRSTs in the Rotary Club of Hong Kong 1 July 2020 The British Crown Colony Hong Kong located at the south China coast was the first prospect of Rotary International to extend Rotary landing on the continent of Asia. The story has to be dated back to June 1918. In his annual report to…

  • Dr. The Honourable Sir M. K. Lo (羅文錦爵士) – Co-founder and First President of Asian Football Confederation

    Dr. The Honourable Sir M. K. Lo (羅文錦爵士) – Co-founder and First President of Asian Football Confederation

    Dr. The Honourable Sir M. K. Lo, KT, CBE, LLD, JPCo-founder and First President of Asian Football Confederation 15 September 2017Dr. The Honourable Sir M. K. Lo(羅文錦爵士), Kt., C.B.E., LL.D., J.P., an ethnic Eurasian solicitor, was President 1934-1935 of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) after he had served one year of Vice-President. He…

  • Dr. The Honourable Ts’o Seen-Wan, CBE, LLD, JP The First Legislative Councillor served Rotary Club President 曹善允博士 — 首位擔任扶輪社社長的立法局議員

    Dr. The Honourable Ts’o Seen-Wan, CBE, LLD, JP  The First Legislative Councillor served Rotary Club President  曹善允博士 — 首位擔任扶輪社社長的立法局議員

    中文版在第 18-26 頁 曹善允博士 首位擔任扶輪社社長的立法局議員 Dr. The Honourable Ts’o Seen-Wan, CBE, LLD, JP The First Legislative Councillor served Rotary Club President 1 September 2015 Ts’o Seen-Wan (太平紳士曹善允博士), LL.D., J.P., was appointed by Hong Kong Governor Sir Cecil Clementi (香港總督金文泰爵士) to serve as Unofficial Member of theHong Kong Legislative Council (香港立法局非官守議員) in 1929-1937, while simultaneously, serving…

  • The Honourable Sir William Edward Leonard Shenton (Hong Kong)

    The Honourable Sir William Edward Leonard Shenton (Hong Kong)

    Sir William Edward Leonard Shenton Charter Member & Director of Hong Kong Rotary Club in 1930 1 February 2015 Birth of The Rotary Club of Hong Kong The British Crown Colony Hong Kong located at the south China coast was the first prospect of Rotary International to extend Rotary landing on the continent of Asia.…

  • Presidential Conference 2000: Hong Kong

    Presidential Conference 2000: Hong Kong

    Presidential Conference 2000 Below: Keynote speaker the Honorable C.Y. Leung, convenor of the Executive Council of Hong Kong, S.A.R., spoke on the impact of the regional economy on community service. Right: Past district governors Raymond Wong (left) and Charles Loh address a group discussion session. 4:2000 PRETAT, COTE 000 With the clang of a traditional…

  • The Green Great Wall Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary Korea and Mongolia

    The Green Great Wall  Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary Korea and Mongolia

    The Green Great Wall Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary Korea and Mongolia Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒), Founder and Honorary Member Niislel Rotary Club, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 1 November 2008 Sometimes global problems seem so, well, global, especially when it comes to the environment. It can get downright overwhelming when you are constantly bombarded with headlines…

  • Rotary in Formosa – The early years of Rotary Taiwan 1931-1960

    Rotary in Formosa – The early years of Rotary Taiwan 1931-1960

    The early years of Rotary Taiwan 1931-1960 1 January 2017 The early history of Rotary in Formosa or Taiwan (臺灣) can be described in 2 separate and different era: (1) When the territory was in full sovereignty of the Japanese Empire 1895-1945; and (2) when Taiwan became a province of The Republic of China (中華民國)…