Category: History

  • Rotary International supreme officers from the Republic of China – 來自中華民國的國際扶輪最高職員

    Rotary International supreme officers from the Republic of China – 來自中華民國的國際扶輪最高職員

    來自中華民國的國際扶輪最高職員 劉敬恒 (中華扶輪史研究員) 2024年7月1日 Rotary International supreme officers from the Republic of China 國際扶輪在中華始於 1919 年 7 月,當時在中華民國成立的第一家扶輪社是位於上海 公共租界的上海扶輪社。到了 2024 年 7 月,扶輪運動在中華大地開展了一百多年。在這 百多年當中,多位中華民國的傑出國民出任了國際扶輪的最高職員。 Rotary in China began in July of 1919 when the first Rotary Club of Shanghai was established in the Shanghai International Settlement, The Republic of China. July in 2024 marks the…

  • Anti-Trachoma by Lanchow – Shanghai Rotary Clubs

    Anti-Trachoma by Lanchow – Shanghai Rotary Clubs

    蘭州扶輪社 / 上海扶輪社主辦砂眼防治 Project Anti-Trachoma 1944-1951 Lanchow Rotary Club & Shanghai Rotary Club Since the inception of the 7 Areas of Focus by Rotary International in recent years, December every year is designated as “Disease Prevention and Treatment Month”, commencing from this Rotary Year 2015-2016. The concern on disease prevention and treatment is not a…

  • Dr. Stephen Douglas Sturton (Hangchow) 蘇達立醫師(杭州)

    Dr. Stephen Douglas Sturton (Hangchow) 蘇達立醫師(杭州)

    杭州扶輪社社長–蘇達立醫師 戰火的歲月中–為杭州百姓提供了生命的蔭庇 中華扶輪史研究員 劉敬恒 / 2016年9月1日 抗戰爆發前夕,蘇達立醫 師伉儷 在廣濟醫院花園內合影。 有人稱他為「杭州的拉貝」(Rabe of Hangchow),在 1937-1942 年戰亂期間,他帶領著許 多醫務工作者,為杭州百姓提供了一個生命的避難所。他就是英國聖公會海外傳道會(Church Missionary Society, C.M.S., Anglican Church)的傳教士蘇達立醫師(Dr. Stephen Douglas Sturton, O.B.E., O.St.J., M.C., M.D.)。1921 年 25 歲的蘇達立接受教會使命,攜同新婚妻子從 英國來到中華民國。在12月抵達浙江省杭州,任職於廣濟醫院(C.M.S. Hospital Hangchow)— 那是1871年海外傳道會在杭州創辦的西醫醫院;1928年10月1日擔任該院院長。醫院是英國的 標準和設備,服務主要集中在兩大範疇:(1)內外全科醫院;(2)痲瘋防治醫院。蘇達立在杭州, 行醫傳揚基督教義先後達30年。 1931 年上海扶輪社(Shanghai Rotary Club)決定在杭州輔導成立新的扶輪社,蘇達立等 24 名社會精英參與組織了杭州扶輪社(Hangchow Rotary Club)。1932年6月23日獲得國際扶輪授 予證書,編號 3525。這是世界上第一家華語扶輪社,也是在中華民國成立的第五家扶輪社。 1931 年 9 月日本帝國發動侵略中華,抗日戰爭爆發。1937 年蘇達立積極救治從淞滬戰場上 撤退下來的傷兵,救護逃難至杭州的難民。1942 年 11 月蘇達立被日本憲兵關押在上海的戰俘集…

  • Dr. William Winston Pettus (Changsha) 裴文坦醫生(長沙)

    Dr. William Winston Pettus (Changsha) 裴文坦醫生(長沙)

    中文版在第 28-32頁 為中國奉獻終身的長沙扶輪人 — 裴文坦醫生 Changsha Rotarian William Winston Pettus, M.D. — A Life for China By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 June 2016 1944年5月19日美國芝加哥國際扶輪第35屆年會 ( 左-右 ) 王恭行 ( 美國新奧爾良扶輪社 ) ( 中華民國駐新奧爾良總領事 ) ; 約翰•伊洛特 ( 國際扶輪理事 ) ; 裴文坦 ( 中華民國 長沙扶輪社 ) At the 35th Rotary International Convention…

  • Tributes to Paul P. Harris

    Tributes to Paul P. Harris

    Paul P. Harris visited Shanghai and Hong Kong in 1935 23 February 2015 Paul P. Harris greeted Dr. Fong Foo-Sec (鄺富灼博士) of Shanghai Rotary Club, China, at the 25th Rotary International Convention, 25-29 June 1934, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. Fong was the Club President in 1931-1932. Though had not the chance to serve as a district…

  • Macau Rotary Club outbound-only youth exchange 2017

    Macau Rotary Club outbound-only youth exchange 2017

    Macau Rotary Club outbound-only youth exchange By Eric Cowcill, Governor-Elect, R.I. District 1285 (Northwest England and the Isle of Man) 10 March 2017 The Rotary Youth Exchange students from Macau. The Rotary clubs of Sandbach, United Kingdom, and Macau have worked together for several years to provide opportunities for Macau youth to attend the annual…

  • The 13th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    The 13th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    國際扶輪 345地區第十三屆年會 The 13th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 12 March 2015 1973年國際扶輪 345地區第十三屆年會,由總監王木發(臺北西北區扶輪社)召開。4月21 日上午在臺北國立國父紀念館隆重揭幕,會期二天。出席年會的有臺灣、香港及澳門等地代表, 中華民國嚴家淦副總統在大會中致詞。嚴家淦是 1948 年臺北扶輪社的創社社長。 The 13th Annual Conference of Rotary International District 345 was convened in 1973 by District Governor “Diamond” Wang Mu-Fa (Taipei Northwest Rotary Club). Its opening ceremony was…

  • The 11th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    The 11th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    國際扶輪 345地區第十一屆年會 The 11th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 12 March 2015 1971 年國際扶輪 345 地區第十一屆年會,由總監張長昌(臺北扶輪社)召開。3 月 12 日上 午在臺北陽明山中山樓揭幕,地區年會主席辜振甫主持,中華民國嚴家淦副總統在大會中致詞。 嚴家淦是 1948 年臺北扶輪社的創社社長,辜振甫是臺灣水泥股份有限公司常務董事。 The 11th Annual Conference of Rotary International District 345 was convened in 1971 by District Governor Calvin C. Chang (Taipei Rotary Club).…

  • The 7th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    The 7th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    國際扶輪 345地區第七屆年會 The 7th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 12 March 2015 1967 年國際扶輪 345 地區第七屆年會,由總監游彌堅(臺北西區扶輪社)召開。3 月 25 日 上午在臺北國賓大飯店隆重揭幕,會期二天。出席年會的有臺灣、香港及澳門等地代表,中華 民國嚴家淦副總統蒞臨大會發表演講。嚴家淦是 1948 年臺北扶輪社的創社社長。游彌堅曾任 臺北市市長 (1946-1950); 是 1955-1956年度臺北西區扶輪社創社社長。 The 7th Annual Conference of Rotary International District 345 was convened in 1967 by District Governor“Mickey” Yew Mi-Kien…

  • William Zu-Liang Sung – 沈嗣良

    William Zu-Liang Sung – 沈嗣良

    中文版在第 13-17頁 沈嗣良 扶輪人–大學校長–中華奧運先驅–牧師 William Zu-Liang Sung Rotarian–Educator–Olympic Activist—Pastor By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 November 2016 President William Z. L. Sung 沈嗣良 社長 The “Wartime President” of Shanghai Rotary Club William Zu-Liang Sung (沈嗣良) was the “Wartime President” of Shanghai Rotary Club (上 海扶輪社) from 1941 overcoming to 1946 the entire…

  • James C. H. Shen (Taipei) 沈劍虹(臺北)

    James C. H. Shen (Taipei)  沈劍虹(臺北)

    中文版在第 7-10頁 沈劍虹 — 中華民國末任駐美國大使 Taipei Rotarian James C. H. Shen The last official Republic of China ambassador to the United States By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 10 February 2024 Ambassador James C. H. Shen (沈劍虹大使) (2 July 1909 Shanghai – 12 July 2007 Taipei) was an Active Member of Taipei Rotary…

  • Macao stamps commemorate the 110 years of Rotary

    Macao stamps commemorate the 110 years of Rotary

    澳門郵票紀念扶輪貢獻 110年 Macao stamps commemorate the 110 years of Rotary By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 23 February 2015 2015 年 2 月 16 日,澳門郵電局發行了紀念「國際扶輪成立 110 周年」的郵票及小型張。 郵票面額澳門幣 5.50圓,印有扶輪創始人保羅‧哈里斯的肖像;小型張附有一枚澳門幣12圓 的郵票,圖案展示扶輪根滅全球小兒麻痺的使命。 「國際扶輪」是全球扶輪社的聯合團體。扶輪是結合全世界事業及專業領導人士的一種組 織,提供博愛的服務,在職業方面鼓勵崇高的道德標準,並幫助建立世界的親善與和平。「國 際扶輪」由繼續履行章程文件中賦予義務的扶輪社所組成。 「國際扶輪」的目的在於: 1) 鼓勵、推廣、擴展並監督全世界的扶輪運動; 2) 協調並先籌指揮「國際扶輪」各項活動 「國際扶輪」之使命是透過事業、專業及社區領導人的聯誼,服務他人;並推廣大公無私, 促進世界瞭解親善與和平。 扶輪的組織分成扶輪社、地區與國際三個層面,協助實現扶輪的服務計畫。 扶輪社員是扶輪社的社員,而扶輪社為「國際扶輪」這個全球組織的會員。每個扶輪社選 舉自己的職員,並在模範扶輪社章程與國際扶輪章程及細則的架構下,享有相當大的自主權。 第一家扶輪社於 1905 年 2 月 23 日在美國伊利諾州芝加哥組織成立。當時是一名年輕律 師的保羅.哈里斯,為了追求聯誼與職業上的同志情誼,邀請一群各自從事不同職業的男士, 成立這個新的社團。社員資格的基礎─社區中每一事業及專業只限一人參加。最初,新創立的 扶輪社的社員集會,係輪流在彼此的事業處所舉行,此即「扶輪」名稱之由來。…

  • Proposal on forming Rotary Club of Beijing – Strategy Paper 1999

    Proposal on forming Rotary Club of Beijing – Strategy Paper 1999

    Proposal on forming Rotary Club of Beijing – Strategy Paper 1999 To: Herbert K. Lau (Rotary China Historian) 2 August 2013 Dear Herbert: Congratulations on all the research you have done on the subject. Some of what you have found out was also new to me. Today I would like to shift gear. I had…

  • Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the 75 Years of Rotary

    Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the 75 Years of Rotary

    臺灣郵票紀念國際扶輪七十五週年 量湾鄄票纪念囤睽扶翰七⼗五遇年 Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the 75 Years of Rotary of By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) (剖 敬恒) 23 February 2017 To mark the 78th anniversary of Eatery International on February 23, 1980, the Directorate released a commemorative issue. Rotary International was founded in Chicago. the United States, by an American name…

  • Chinese stamps salute to 60th Anniversary of Rotary International

    Chinese stamps salute to 60th Anniversary of Rotary International

    國際扶輪 60 週年紀念的中華郵票 Chinese stamps salute to 60th Anniversary of Rotary International By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 23 February 2015 1965年扶輪 60週年紀念,為世界各地的扶輪集郵愛好者帶來了特別的喜悅。原因是:兩 個國家發行了特別紀念郵票。 中華民國(臺灣)於1965 年2月23日扶輪紀念日,發行了三種面額的新郵票。郵票圖案 展示扶輪徽章後面有一個緊密盤繞的彈簧,象徵著「準備行動」。在 1962-1963 年度地區總監 張申福的領導下,345地區的扶輪社要求政府,將「扶輪 60週年紀念」設定為郵票主題。中華 民國郵政因此發行了一套三枚郵票,面額分別為新臺幣1.5元(紅色)、新臺幣 2元(綠色)、 新臺幣2.5元(藍色)。 Rotary’s 60th Anniversary in 1965 has brought a special excitement to Rotarian stamp collectors around the world. The reason:…

  • Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the Rotary International Centennial

    Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the Rotary International Centennial

    臺灣郵票紀念國際扶輪百週年 Taiwan Stamps Commemorate the Rotary International Centennial By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 23 February 2017 2005年是扶輪成立一百週年,國際扶輪在1905 年創建於美國芝加哥。 為紀念國際扶輪百年來對社會的貢獻,中華郵政特別在 2005 年 2 月 23 日發行一套兩枚 百週年紀念郵票。 面值新臺幣 5元郵票的設計,以臺灣地圖為主體。旁邊為國際扶輪百年紀念標誌,象徵臺 灣的扶輪精神。面值新臺幣 12 元郵票的設計,將一隻和平鴿與國際扶輪百年紀念標誌並列, 傳達扶輪社員為促進世界和平所做的努力。 國際扶輪是一個非政府、非宗教和非營利的服務組織,由商界和專業人士組成,旨在促進 社區和諧、世界和平和人類福祉。 臺灣第一家扶輪社成立於 1931年。目前有超過 36,000名社員,分屬 900 多家扶輪社,遍 佈全島 12個扶輪地區。他們共同為社區服務,實現扶輪的宗旨和理想。 The year 2005 marks the centennial anniversary of Rotary International, which…

  • Pacific Rotary Conference 1928, Tokyo, Japan

    Pacific Rotary Conference 1928, Tokyo, Japan

    December, 1928 THE ROTARIAN The Second Pacific Conference INFERENCE A Rotary contribution to international thought By ARTHUR MELVILLE SOMETHING like 30,000 Rotary gatherings occur every week: the regular club luncheons. In addition to these are the administrative, inter-city, district or in- ternational gatherings of Rotarians which are less frequent but hardly less significant, so far…

  • Pacific Rotary Conference 1932, Honolulu, Hawaii

    Pacific Rotary Conference 1932, Honolulu, Hawaii

    THE ROTARIAN In the picture-(frontrow, left to right): Carlos Bos, Shanghai, China; Shun Midzushima, Tokyo, Japan; Crawford C.McCullough, past president, Rotary International, Fort William, Ontario, Canada; H. Hirao, Osaka, Japan;Yozo Namura, Yokohama, Japan;Franz Mayer, Mexico City, Mexico; Stanley McKenzie, general chairman, host club, Honolulu. Second Row-(left to right): George Johnson, Seattle, Washington; Andrew Patterson, president,…

  • Pacific Rotary Conference 1926, Honolulu, Hawaii

    Pacific Rotary Conference 1926, Honolulu, Hawaii

    THE ROTARIAN February, 1926 The Pacific Rotary Conference I—Civilization and the Pacific Frank Milner, M. A. HE choice of Honolulu as the By rallying center for a Pacific Rotary Conference in Rector, W aimki School, Oamaru. 1926 is another striking en- New Zealand dorsement of the claim of the beautiful Hawaiian capital to rank as…

  • Pacific Rotary Conference 1936, Honolulu, Hawaii

    THE ROTARIAN Seated crosslegged on the floor, chopsticks in hand, Paul P. Harris, Rotary Founder, enjoys his sukiyaki on a recent Pacific goodwill trip. A typical Hawaiian Rotary welcome, as given to a Rotarian and his wife, en route the 2nd Pacific Rotary Conference in Tokyo, Japan, in 1928. … On opposite page, two Rotarians…