Tag: District

  • R.I. President Richard D. King visited Provisional Beijing Rotary Club in 2002

    R.I. President Richard D. King visited Provisional Beijing Rotary Club in 2002

    China 1. President King greets old friend Li Baoku, vice minister of civil affairs. In a historic meeting, the RI president led a delegation to Beijing, Shanghai, and Xian. 2. President King enjoys a quiet moment with a young recipient of Rotary’s Gift of Life program, which provides heart surgery to children in need. 191…

  • 扶輪地區在臺灣-香港-澳門的合組與分坼 – 1951-1987

    扶輪地區在臺灣-香港-澳門的合組與分坼 – 1951-1987

    扶輪地區在臺灣-香港-澳門的合組與分坼 – 1951-1987 中華扶輪史研究員 劉敬恒 2017年10月 1日 扶輪在臺灣/香港/澳門三地區,第一家扶輪社是在英國殖民地香港1930/31 年成立的香港 扶輪社(Rotary Club of Hong Kong),是「老大哥」;香港的第二家是九龍扶輪社(Rotary Club of Kowloon),成立於1948 年。而在葡萄牙領土澳門的第一家扶輪社,是1947 年成立的澳門 扶輪社(Rotary Club of Macau)。 在臺灣扶輪地區的擴展過程中,香港和澳門地區也在部分時 間中參加了。因此,這也是香港和澳門扶輪地區發展史的一部分。扶輪在臺灣的植根,早在 1931 年的日治時期。雖然,日治時期臺灣的扶輪組織,與中華民國臺灣的扶輪社並無直接的臍帶關 係。但從扶輪社之社區主義的觀點來追溯,則日治時期的扶輪仍是扶輪運動植入臺灣本土的先 軀,屬於地緣文化的領域。因此從史學的角度來探討,它應該首先納入臺灣扶輪史的範疇。儘 管中華民國在臺灣省成立的第一家扶輪社是 1948年的臺北扶輪社(Rotary Club of Taipei),臺 灣扶輪地區演進史的研究,必須以臺灣光復前後之斷層期(1941-1948)為分界嶺,做兩階段 的區分,值得在這裡記錄在案。 日本帝國臺灣 1894年(清光緒 20年),清帝國與日本帝國因為朝鮮主權問題,而爆發甲午戰爭。次年 3 月 20 日,戰況呈現敗象的清朝,派出北洋通商大臣李鴻章為和談代表,並以全權大臣身分 赴日本廣島與日本全權大臣伊藤博文議和。到達之後,李鴻章要求先停戰,但談判沒有結果。 最後清帝國被迫於 1895年 4月17日與日本帝國簽訂《馬關條約》(Treaty of Shimonoseki), 清廷一方面被迫承認朝鮮獨立;另一方面也將遼東半島、臺灣全島及澎湖列島割讓予日本。 臺灣最早的扶輪是在臺灣日治時期,由東京ロータリークラブ (Rotary Club of Tokyo…

  • The Birth of District 345 Rotary International

    The Birth of District 345 Rotary International

    The Birth of District 345 Rotary International  China, Hong Kong and Macao “Non-districted clubs in China, Hong Kong (Crown Colony) and Macao have been constituted into a new district, No. 345.” — This is quoted from the Annual Report 1959- 1960 by the Rotary International General Secretary George R. Means. Hence, on 1 July…

  • Rotary in Formosa – The early years of Rotary Taiwan 1931-1960

    Rotary in Formosa – The early years of Rotary Taiwan 1931-1960

    Rotary in Formosa – The early years of Rotary Taiwan 1931-1960 The early history of Rotary in Formosa or Taiwan (臺灣) can be described in 2 separate and different era: (1) When the territory was in full sovereignty of the Japanese Empire 1895-1945; and (2) when Taiwan became a province of The Republic of China…

  • 扶輪地區在臺灣-香港-澳門的合組與分坼–1951-1987


    扶輪地區在臺灣-香港-澳門的合組與分坼–1951-1987 中華扶輪史研究員 劉敬恒 2017年10月 1日 扶輪在臺灣/香港/澳門三地區,第一家扶輪社是在英國殖民地香港1930/31 年成立的香港 扶輪社(Rotary Club of Hong Kong),是「老大哥」;香港的第二家是九龍扶輪社(Rotary Club of Kowloon),成立於1948 年。而在葡萄牙領土澳門的第一家扶輪社,是1947 年成立的澳門 扶輪社(Rotary Club of Macau)。在臺灣扶輪地區的擴展過程中,香港和澳門地區也在部分時 間中參加了。因此,這也是香港和澳門扶輪地區發展史的一部分。扶輪在臺灣的植根,早在 1931 年的日治時期。雖然,日治時期臺灣的扶輪組織,與中華民國臺灣的扶輪社並無直接的臍帶關 係。但從扶輪社之社區主義的觀點來追溯,則日治時期的扶輪仍是扶輪運動植入臺灣本土的先 軀,屬於地緣文化的領域。因此從史學的角度來探討,它應該首先納入臺灣扶輪史的範疇。儘 管中華民國在臺灣省成立的第一家扶輪社是 1948年的臺北扶輪社(Rotary Club of Taipei),臺 灣扶輪地區演進史的研究,必須以臺灣光復前後之斷層期(1941-1948)為分界嶺,做兩階段 的區分,值得在這裡記錄在案。 日本帝國臺灣 1894年(清光緒 20年),清帝國與日本帝國因為朝鮮主權問題,而爆發甲午戰爭。次年 3 月 20 日,戰況呈現敗象的清朝,派出北洋通商大臣李鴻章為和談代表,並以全權大臣身分 赴日本廣島與日本全權大臣伊藤博文議和。到達之後,李鴻章要求先停戰,但談判沒有結果。 最後清帝國被迫於 1895年 4月17日與日本帝國簽訂《馬關條約》(Treaty of Shimonoseki), 清廷一方面被迫承認朝鮮獨立;另一方面也將遼東半島、臺灣全島及澎湖列島割讓予日本。 臺灣最早的扶輪是在臺灣日治時期,由東京ロータリークラブ (Rotary Club of Tokyo 東 京扶輪社)所輔導成立的台北ロータリークラブ(Rotary Club…

  • The 13th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    The 13th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    國際扶輪 345地區第十三屆年會 The 13th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 12 March 2015 1973年國際扶輪 345地區第十三屆年會,由總監王木發(臺北西北區扶輪社)召開。4月21 日上午在臺北國立國父紀念館隆重揭幕,會期二天。出席年會的有臺灣、香港及澳門等地代表, 中華民國嚴家淦副總統在大會中致詞。嚴家淦是 1948 年臺北扶輪社的創社社長。 The 13th Annual Conference of Rotary International District 345 was convened in 1973 by District Governor “Diamond” Wang Mu-Fa (Taipei Northwest Rotary Club). Its opening ceremony was…

  • The 11th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    The 11th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    國際扶輪 345地區第十一屆年會 The 11th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 12 March 2015 1971 年國際扶輪 345 地區第十一屆年會,由總監張長昌(臺北扶輪社)召開。3 月 12 日上 午在臺北陽明山中山樓揭幕,地區年會主席辜振甫主持,中華民國嚴家淦副總統在大會中致詞。 嚴家淦是 1948 年臺北扶輪社的創社社長,辜振甫是臺灣水泥股份有限公司常務董事。 The 11th Annual Conference of Rotary International District 345 was convened in 1971 by District Governor Calvin C. Chang (Taipei Rotary Club).…

  • The 7th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    The 7th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International

    國際扶輪 345地區第七屆年會 The 7th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 12 March 2015 1967 年國際扶輪 345 地區第七屆年會,由總監游彌堅(臺北西區扶輪社)召開。3 月 25 日 上午在臺北國賓大飯店隆重揭幕,會期二天。出席年會的有臺灣、香港及澳門等地代表,中華 民國嚴家淦副總統蒞臨大會發表演講。嚴家淦是 1948 年臺北扶輪社的創社社長。游彌堅曾任 臺北市市長 (1946-1950); 是 1955-1956年度臺北西區扶輪社創社社長。 The 7th Annual Conference of Rotary International District 345 was convened in 1967 by District Governor“Mickey” Yew Mi-Kien…

  • Kingspark Hong Kong Rotary Club – Legal Career Project for Students

    Kingspark Hong Kong Rotary Club – Legal Career Project for Students

    HONG KONG HOLDING COURT The Rotary Club of Kingspark, Hong Kong, decided the best way to teach some students a lesson was to take them to court – or at least a mock court. The club was participating in a project in which 10 clubs in District 3450 (Hong Kong; Macau; Mongolia) teamed up with…

  • Kowloon East Rotary Club – First 100% Major Donor Club of The Rotary Foundation

    Kowloon East Rotary Club – First 100% Major Donor Club of The Rotary Foundation

    THE ROTARY FOUNDATION HAS SCORED A MAJOR MILESTONE that even founder Arch C. Klumph might not have envisioned. (“I’m happy to announce tonight that we have our first 100% Major Donor Club: the Rotary Club of Kowloon East in Hong Kong,” said 2006-07 Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Luis Gay at the RI Convention’s Major Donor…

  • Rotary Club of Bayview Sunshine Hong Kong – Walk for a Polio Free World

    Rotary Club of Bayview Sunshine Hong Kong – Walk for a Polio Free World

    Polio campaign Setting the pace to end polio More than 2,000 people converged at scenic Victoria Peak, Hong Kong, on 10 November 2002 to participate in the three-mile Walk for a Polio-Free World. The Rotary Club of Bayview Sunshine organized the event, which raised US$50.000 for the polio eradication fundraising campaign from sponsors who pledged…

  • Tolo Harbour Rotary Club supported End Polio in Africa

    Tolo Harbour Rotary Club supported End Polio in Africa

    Tolo Harbour Rotary Club supported End Polio in Africa — 1997 Charter President 1987-1988-1989, Tolo Harbour Rotary Club 24 October 2015 PolioPlus Program World Polio Day is 24 October. PolioPlus, the most ambitious program in Rotary’s history, is the volunteer arm of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. For the last three decades, Rotary has led…

  • Kowloon East Rotary Club – Rotary Villages Project in Jiangsu China

    Kowloon East Rotary Club – Rotary Villages Project in Jiangsu China

    The Rotary Club of Kowloon East Rotary Villages Project in Jiangsu Province, China, 1992 九龍東區扶輪社 1992 年中國江蘇省扶輪新村項目 China- Jiangsu Province residents join Tommy Wan of the Rotary Club of Kowloon East commemorating the building of the first of two Rotary Club villages in mainland China. Each village includes 110 houses, which the Rotarians donated to…

  • Kwun Tong Rotary Club – Project Music Across the Ocean

    Kwun Tong Rotary Club – Project Music Across the Ocean

    The spirit of internationality “Music Across the Ocean was the theme of an international service project which brought together Rotarians of Kieran To B, gruitan E aspha and Santa Philippines. Members of the three clubs sponsored a singing tour of the Philippines for the 54 members of the Kwun Tong Children’s Chorus. The Kwun Tong…

  • Kowloon Rotary Club – Arran Street Projects in 1951 and 1977

    Kowloon Rotary Club – Arran Street Projects in 1951 and 1977

    The Rotary Club of Kowloon Projects Arran Street Trachoma Clinic in 1951 Arran Street Child Assessment Center in 1977 1 April 2015 The No.9 Arran Street single-storey premises erected by Kowloon Rotary Club in 1951 In the April 1952 Issue of《The Rotarian》magazine, there is a one-page report on “Rotary in Hong Kong” describing the Rotary…

  • Ulaanbaatar Rotary Club – Australian Rotarians rescue a life in Mongolia – 1995

    Ulaanbaatar Rotary Club – Australian Rotarians rescue a life in Mongolia – 1995

    Australian Rotarians rescue a life in Mongolia BY PHILLIP HINTON Hishigzul is a playful, robust two-year-old Mongolian girl. Her rosy cheeks and inquisitive eyes would certainly qualify her to be the star of a movie or a television program. In November 1994, how- ever, she was experiencing severe ham problems loacaneilaring help her, Hishigzul’s life…

  • Hong Kong Clubs mark Centennial with Nature Project -2005

    Hong Kong Clubs mark Centennial with Nature Project -2005

    Hong Kong clubs mark centennial with nature project FOR THEIR centennial project, six Rotary clubs in Hong Kong will contribute HK$500.000 to renovate a nature center and build a wetland conservation research center. The Rotary clubs of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island West, Hong Kong Northwest, The Peak, City Northwest Hong Kong, and Mid-Level will…

  • District 3450 raised fund for PolioPlus Partners Program

    District 3450 raised fund for PolioPlus Partners Program

    Rotarians raise $220.000 District 3450 has been a generous supporter of the PolioPlus Partners program, through which Rotary clubs, districts, and individual Rotarians volunteer time and “I led a team there,” says Wong. “[But the 1999 effort] can’t be compared to this one, in terms of the amount of money involved.” for PolioPlus Partners District…

  • R.I. District 3450 First All-Medical Group Study Exchange Team to Beijing

    R.I. District 3450 First All-Medical Group Study Exchange Team to Beijing

    First all-medical GSE team to Beijing The traditional Chinese proverb, “you rely on friends when you are not at home,” couldn’t have found a better example than the first all- medical Group Study Exchange (GSE) with a non-Rotary country, between physicians from Beijing, People’s Republic of China, and their counterparts in Hong Kong and Macau.…

  • R.I. President Luis Giay visited Hong Kong and Macau in 1997

    R.I. President Luis Giay visited Hong Kong and Macau in 1997

    MACAU President Luis meets with H.E. General Vasco Rocha Vieira, governor of Macau. Right: Yan-Kee Cheng, governor of R.. District 3450. HONG KONG During a late-November visit to Rotary District 3450 Scholar Rosanna Wong and presents her with a plaque that recognizes her contributions to international understanding. Rosanna is the current convenor of the Executive…