Category: History

  • Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club – Some Remarkable Stories

    Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club – Some Remarkable Stories

    Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club Some Remarkable Stories by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 April 2014 The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West (香港西區扶輪社) used to be one of the prominent clubs in Hong Kong since its inception in 1954. Here are some of the remarkable stories that may gain…

  • Rotary International Presidential Themes

    Rotary International Presidential Themes

    Rotary International Presidential Themes 1 July 2017 Each January, as Rotary district governors-elect convene at the International Assembly for training and fellowship, they can be certain of two things: a lot of take-home reading and the announcement of a new presidential theme. The tradition of crafting a theme is credited to 1949-50 Rotary International President…

  • The Rotary Mottos – Created by Whom and When

    The Rotary Mottos – Created by Whom and When

    The Rotary Mottos Created by Whom and When 1 February, 2017 What is a motto? One dictionary definition reads: “a maxim adopted as a principle of behavior.” When Rotary was formed in 1905 on a firm principle of behavior, it had no motto. But the actions of its growing membership soon molded not one, but…

  • From “The Rotary Code of Ethics” to “Rotarians Code of Conduct”

    From “The Rotary Code of Ethics” to “Rotarians Code of Conduct”

    From《The Rotary Code of Ethics》 to《Rotarian Code of Conduct》 1 January 2015 The earliest Rotarians really had no choice but to make business ethics a priority. They joined the Rotary clubs for two reasons: to make friends and to make business contacts. If their business practices left anything to be desired, they were not likely…

  • Dr. The Honourable Sir Rogerio Hyndman Lobo (Hong Kong)

    Dr. The Honourable Sir Rogerio Hyndman Lobo (Hong Kong)

    Dr. The Honourable Sir Rogerio “Roger” Hyndman Lobo the Brother-in-Law of two District 345 Governors and the Father-in-Law of a District 3450 Governor 1 August 2015 The Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) is used to be the home of a number of prominent Rotarians who were bestowed Knight Bachelors by the King or Queen…

  • Dr. The Honourable Tang Ping-Yuan (Wusih/Shanghai)  唐炳源博士(無錫/上海)

    Dr. The Honourable Tang Ping-Yuan (Wusih/Shanghai)  唐炳源博士(無錫/上海)

    中文版在第 14-24 頁 無錫扶輪人實業家和教育家 — 唐炳源博士 香港公益金創始人暨首任會長 Wusih Rotarian Industrialist & Educator — Tang Ping-Yuan, CBE, LLD Founder & First President of The Community Chest of Hong Kong 1 September 2017 Co-Founder of The Community Chest of Hong Kong The dramatic growth of Hong Kong’s population in the 1960s came with social problems that caught…

  • The Evolution of the ‘Object of Rotary’

    The Evolution of the ‘Object of Rotary’

    The Evolution of Object of Rotary by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 January 2017 In some areas of the world, weekly Rotary club meetings begin with all members standing and reciting the《Object of Rotary》. This statement, which comes from the Rotary International Constitution, is frequently seen on a wall plaque in Rotarians’…

  • The Honourable John Louis Marden (Hong Kong)

    The Honourable John Louis Marden (Hong Kong)

    The District Governors Father and Son George Ernest Marden & John Louis Marden of The Rotary Club of Hong Kong by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 July 2015 George Ernest Marden (馬頓) (1892-1966) George Ernest Marden, affectionately known as “Gem” in Rotary, was the first Hong Kong citizen served Rotary International as…

  • Rotary Club Charter Number

    Rotary Club Charter Number

    Rotary Club Charter Number 1 July, 2014 Several thousand Rotary clubs state that they have the Club Number on their charters, while more than twenty thousand clubs claim that there is no such number shown. Which is the TRUTH? The Charter Number Yesterday Hanging on the wall in the office of The Rotary Club of…

  • Dr. The Honourable Sir Kenneth FUNG Ping-Fan (Hong Kong) 馮秉芬爵士(香港)

    Dr. The Honourable Sir Kenneth FUNG Ping-Fan (Hong Kong)  馮秉芬爵士(香港)

    A Prominent Rotarian of the Rotary Centennial Dr. The Honourable Sir Kenneth FUNG Ping-Fan (Hong Kong) 馮秉芬爵士(香港) by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 May 2014 Dr. The Honorable Sir Kenneth Fung Ping-Fan (馮秉芬爵士), Kt, K.St.J., C.B.E., O.B.E., LL.D., D.S.Sc., J.P., (1911-2002), a prominent politician and businessman, was selected by Rotary International “A…

  • Dr. Raymond Wu (Kowloon West) 鄔維庸醫生 (九龍西區)

    Dr. Raymond Wu (Kowloon West)   鄔維庸醫生  (九龍西區)

    中文版在第 7-11 頁 九龍西區扶輪人 — 鄔維庸醫生 心臟科醫師倡導精神康復服務四十年 Kowloon West Rotarian Dr. Raymond Wu, GBS, OBE, FRCP, JP Cardiologist Advocated 40 Years Psychiatric Rehabilitation 3 October 2016 Dr. Raymond Wu (鄔維庸醫生), G.B.S., O.B.E., F.R.C.P., J.P. (1937-2006), President 1980-1981 of Kowloon West Rotary Club (九龍西區扶輪社) in Hong Kong, was the first Chairman 1966- 2006 of The New…

  • George Ernest Marden (Hong Kong) 馬頓

    George Ernest Marden (Hong Kong) 馬頓

    George Ernest Marden, affectionately known as “Gem” in Rotary, was the first Hong Kong citizen served Rotary International as Director in 1951-1952, and concurrently the Chairman of The Rotary Foundation Fellowships (i.e. scholarships). In the early 1920s, Gem joined the Shanghai Rotary Club (上海扶輪社), and later was elected Club President in 1928-1929. After the World…

  • 國際扶輪第3450地區簡史 – The History of District 3450 in Chinese

    國際扶輪第3450地區簡史 – The History of District 3450 in Chinese

    國際扶輪第3450地區簡史 賀錦平前地區總監2009年07月 賀錦平前地區總監以簡易筆觸介紹自1919年首個扶輪社在上海出現,到1931年香港成立首個扶輪社至21世紀的今天,娓娓道來,讓我們只需花數分鐘時間即可了解3450地區發展史,實為不可多得的歷史文獻。 從一位渴望交友的寂寞男士開始,扶輪發展至今,已成為其中最具影響力的國際性服務團體。104年前,第一個扶輪社只有四人。今天在全球的200個國家和地區中,已建立超過32,000個扶輪社,約1,200,000名社員。

  • Macau Rotarians led school project in China’s rural mountains

    Macau Rotarians led school project in China’s rural mountains

    In China’s Du’an Yao Autonomous County, villagers have a saying: “Ten percent land, the other ninety rocks.” I’m traveling through the “three goats area” – its name describes the flinty creatures, the rugged territory and, in particular, the stubbornness of its people – with Li Wei, a minister in the Du’an government, and Stella Kan,…

  • Hong Kong Rotarians joint fight against SARS -2003

    Hong Kong Rotarians joint fight against SARS -2003

    Hong Kong Rotarians joint fight against SARS – 2003 1 March, 2017 The months of March to June in 2003 was the unforgettable hard time of the entire Hong Kong population, economically and socially, due to the outbreak of SARS which led to the discouragement of public gatherings resulting many of the Rotary clubs had…

  • Dr. The Honourable Wong Po-Yan (Kowloon West) 黃保欣博士(九龍西區)

    Dr. The Honourable Wong Po-Yan (Kowloon West) 黃保欣博士(九龍西區)

    中文版在第 10-16 頁 九龍西區扶輪人 — 黃保欣博士 香港機場管理局首任主席 Kowloon West Rotarian Dr. Wong Po-Yan, GBM, CBE, DBA, DSSc, JP The First Chairman of Airport Authority Hong Kong 15 August 2019 Dr. The Honorable Wong Po-Yan (黃保欣), G.B.M., C.B.E., D.B,A., D.S.Sc., J.P. (1923-2019), the first Chairman 1995-1999 of The Airport Authority Hong Kong (香港機場管理局), was President 1974-1975…

  • The Original Purposes of Rotary

    The Original Purposes of Rotary

    The original purposes of Rotary By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 23 February 2014. In 1930, the Rotary Club of Chicago —The Rotary Club Number One— has a committee at work in the endeavor to prepare a history of the Club.  An examination was made of all the available literature of the early…

  • The Birth of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club in 1954

    The Birth of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club in 1954

    The Birth of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club in 1954 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 April 2015 The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West (香港西區扶輪社) was admitted to Rotary International on 12 April 1954. It is the 4th Rotary club formed in the British Crown Colony Hong Kong…

  • The Recovery of the “Peking Bell”

    The Recovery of the “Peking Bell”

    by Rotarian Jim Pringle Last updated: 18-06-1998 Rtn Bob Wilson, of RC Hong Kong South, could hardly believe his eyes. He had been visiting a home on Hong Kong’s posh Peak to look at furniture and artifacts that were on sale, and had not found anything of interest. Then, on his way out, he glanced…

  • The History of the Rotary Club of Peking

    by Hermann G. Heid Last updated: 24-10-1998 I am grateful to all of you affording me this opportunity to discuss a topic which has fascinated me for some 3 years now: the history of the RC Peking. The old Shanghai and Peking Rotary Clubs were closely intertwined; as a matter of fact all Chinese Clubs…