rev. 110 – 2024-09-14
The Rotary Mottos Created Whom When February 2017 What One 1905 But 112th 200 Paul Percy Harris Club Chicago United States However ROTARY That International Profits Most Who Serves Best Convention Portland Oregon 1911 1910 Rotarian Arthur Sheldon Benjamin Franklin Collins Minneapolis Minnesota Serve Not Self Some Service Above These 1950 Detroit Michigan 1989 Council Legislation 2004 They Profit 2010 Frederick Motto All Rotarians Chesley Perry 1908 School January Few For Two National Association Clubs America 19th Century 20th Business August Although Philosophy Thenceforth Read Pages Columbia River After Frank Pinkham Seattle Monarch Cascade Locks July Gradually Ultimately 2005 2006 President Carl Wilhelm Stenhammar 施當恆 Therefore Translated French Soyez Serviable Non Spanish Dar Antes Pensar Beneficia Mejor Sirve German Swiss Dienen Geht Eigenen Vorteil Wer Andern Dient Nutzt Sich Selbst Perhaps Hawaiian Hookauwa Aole Uka This Die Vaart Netherlands Dutch While Chinese 81st District Pagoda Shanghai 上海扶輪社 Mandarin 大公無私 利人即利己 Today Taiwan 2016 Edition Manual Procedure 年程序手冊 國際扶輪座右銘 超我服務 服務最多 收穫最大