Tag: District

  • Hong Kong Tree Planting Day

    Hong Kong Tree Planting Day

    A most energetic tree planting was in Hong Kong’s Sai Kung Country Park where the then Governor Arthur Au of District 345 led 1000 Rotarians, their families, and Rotaractors in planting 2,000 trees within half an hour

  • R.I. District 345 Mini-Marathon for Disabled in Taiwan

    R.I. District 345 Mini-Marathon for Disabled in Taiwan

    Over 2,000 disabled athletes competed in the mini-marathon. Rotarians take off in Taiwan joy Doing Good Things Program,” a feature of Taiwan Television Enterprise, Ltd. The Rotarians of District 345 (Republic of China) are stepping up service at all levels. One high point of the year was a mini-marathon for the disabled sponsored by 11…

  • 國際扶輪社三四五地區第二十五屆年會


    國際扶輪社三四五地區第二十五屆年會 — 銀禧之夜 林華新總監 (臺北東區扶輪社) The 25th Annual Conference of District 345 Rotary International—Silver Jubilee Ricardo Lin, Rotary International District 345 Governor 1984-1985 時間:民國七十四年(1985年)三月二十一日至二十三日 地點:陽明山中山樓 / 臺北圓山大飯店 參加人數:香港/澳門188人、日本 36人、臺灣北部地區 1,178人,合計1,402人(不含眷屬) 平均會議出席人數:80%以上 天氣:春寒料峭、陰雨綿綿 氣溫:攝氏 12~15度 第二十五屆年會盛況打破多年來的紀錄,有照片及錄影帶為證。在往後的年會能超越其盛況 者鳳毛麟角。但成就這場盛事幕後所付出的辛勞,非筆墨足以形容。尤其是社友們的鼎力相助, 眾志成城,更使我感佩萬分,至今難忘。 年會的考驗 總監任內另一重頭戲就是籌辦年會。公式訪問結束後,待我查詢年會之事,籌備會已開過三 次會議,主委和秘書才告知將面臨的難題,尚待解決者主要有下列事項: (一)要求面目一新,異於往年。往年年會地點,都是選在來來飯店(Sheraton Hotel)。現今 開會日期決定權又不在扶輪社,卻屬於開會場地的主管經理,且距離年會日期剩下不到半年。 (二)無法確定人數、無法做預算、無法訂定收費額,又期待不超過去年的收費,真可說是 「巧婦難為無米之炊」。 (三)晚會康樂節目委託演藝界高層人士安排,開出來的價碼是 60萬元(新臺幣)。有一個半小 時的歌舞表演,內容能否接受?但各社自動參與表演的節目全部要取消,頗費口舌。 (四)陽明山中山樓已答應租用一天,但一千多位社友的交通問題要如何解決?停車位只有一 百個,平均十位社友才有一個停車位。 (五)港澳社友來臺開會,增加許多交通費用,是否要調整收費? 2 籌委會委員均是社會上的企業精英,一流的管理人才。三次共約五個小時會議,剩下來的有 這五個待決大懸案。 有句格言:「成功不是坐電梯直上,而是一步一步踏階梯往上爬。」…

  • District 345 of Rotary International – A General Picture in the Years

    District 345 of Rotary International – A General Picture in the Years

    District 345 of Rotary International A General Picture in the Years 1976-1978 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 May 2014 Except here below is a report given by S. H. Sung ( 宋常康), of Hong Kong Rotary Club ( 香港扶輪社), District 345 Governor 1975-1976, at the “Voices of Asia” Session during the…

  • R.I. District 345 – Projects by Clubs in Taiwan

    Republic of China. Here is a happy thought from the Rotary Club of Taipei West. Most of the club’s previous projects had been highly “visible” ones: a playground, a waterfall, a home for crippled children, a city clean-up campaign. One day, feeling that a little optimism wouldn’t hurt the community, the club decided to initiate…

  • R.I. District 345 – Rotary in Taiwan

    R.I. District 345 – Rotary in Taiwan

    《The Rotarian》 November 1973 THE CHARTERING of the first Rotary Club on Taiwan was not a beginning but rather a continuation of the Rotary tradition of mainland China. The Chinese Communist victory over the Nationalist armies in 1949 effectively ended Rotary on the mainland, but a year earlier the seed had been transplanted to Taiwan…

  • R.I. District 345 Award-Winning Club Projects

    R.I. District 345 Award-Winning Club Projects

    AWARD-WINNING CLUB PROJECTS The Awards Committee of District 345 has presented trophies to two Clubs for their outstanding contributions to their communities. They are: -The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West: for its Rotary Village on Mount Davis (see photo). Opened early this year, the Village provides permanent housing for 64 families, a total…

  • Rotary International District 345 Governors (1960-1984)

    Rotary International District 345 Governors (1960-1984)

    國際扶輪 345地區歷任總監1960年-1991年 List of Governors 1960-1991 Rotary International District 345 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 July 2015 (A) 345 地區成立於 1960 年 7 月 1 日,由 3 個不同國家的 3 個領土組成:(1) 中華民國-臺灣;(2) 英國殖民地香港;(3) 葡萄牙屬地澳門。 (B) 自1987年7月 1日起,345地區全部劃編予香港和澳門。 (C) 自1991年7月1 日起,所有扶輪地區採用 4位數字編號系統,在每個目前 地區編號末尾加上一個零。從此,345地區改為 3450地區,直至今日。 (A) The District 345 was established on 1 July…

  • Peninsula and Peninsula Sunrise Rotary clubs – Literacy Program in Dongguan 1997

    Peninsula and Peninsula Sunrise Rotary clubs – Literacy Program in Dongguan 1997

    A journey worth making Since 1997, members of the Rotary clubs of Peninsula and Peninsular Sunrise, Hong Kong, China, have made a six-hour trip to and from Liaopu, Dongguan Province, every Saturday without fail. The reason for the long trek? Their desire to participate in a vital literacy program that is organized at a local…

  • Kowloon West Rotary Club – Project Aid for Addicts 1965

    Kowloon West Rotary Club – Project Aid for Addicts 1965

    AID FOR ADDICTS A new venture aimed at solving drug-addiction problems is under way in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and the Rotary Club of Kowloon West had a hand in starting it. At a meeting early this year the Club handed over to the Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society a deed to premises where the Society…

  • Hong Kong Rotarian donated US$1.2 million to the Rotary Foundation

    Hong Kong Rotarian donated US$1.2 million to the Rotary Foundation

    Quiet donation will echo through the years RECENT DONATION OF USS1.2 MILLION has put The Rotary Foundation one giant step closer to reach- ing its goal of permanently endowing the Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution. The gift, made by a Rotarian in District 3450 (Hong Kong; Macau; Mongolia) who would…

  • R.I. District 3450 – Gobi Desert Race for Polio Plus -2005

    R.I. District 3450 – Gobi Desert Race for Polio Plus -2005

    Creative fundraising gives donors a run for their money Rotarians in District 3450 (Hong Kong; Macau; Mongolia) have always supported PolioPlus, but race through the picturesque Gobi desert near Dunhuang, China, a city along the Silk Road known for its proximity to a collection of caves housing hundreds of well-preserved ancient Buddhist drawings and murals.…

  • Rotary International President Clifford A. Randall –Visit to Hong Kong in 1959

    Rotary International President Clifford A. Randall –Visit to Hong Kong in 1959

    Rotary International President (1958-1959) Clifford A. Randall (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.) and Lady Randall visited Hong Kong in 1959. They were greeted at the Kai Tak International Airport. Following a press conference the President addressed a large Rotary gathering.

  • R.I. President S. Kendrick Guernsey – visits Hong Kong and Macao in 1947

    R.I. President S. Kendrick Guernsey – visits Hong Kong and Macao in 1947

    To the Antipodes with the Guernseys A PHOTO.REPORT ON THE PRESIDENT’S 40.000-MILE ROTARY TOUR IN THE north of New Zealand, where geysers spout and mud springs boil, a band of Maoris gathered one day a few weeks ago. True natives of this “long bright land,” they had met to welcome two strangers from far shores–the…

  • Rotary International President A. Z. Baker – visits Hong Kong & Taiwan in 1955

    Rotary International President A. Z. Baker – visits Hong Kong & Taiwan in 1955

    Rotary International President A. Z. Baker visited Hong Kong & Taiwan – 1955 1 April 2015 “Peace is an old, old hope of man, but the peace that obtains in most of the world today seems far short of the ancient dream. It is a nervous, delicate, troubled peace; it could end, as everyone knows,…

  • 臺灣扶輪地區之演進


    臺灣扶輪地區的演進劉敬恒(中華扶輪史研究員)2018年3月1日儘管臺北扶輪社是1948年在中華民國臺灣省成立的第一家扶輪社,臺灣扶輪地區演進史的研究,必須以臺灣光復前後之斷層期(1941-1948)為分界嶺,做兩階段的區分。雖然,日治時期臺灣的扶輪組織與戰後臺灣的扶輪社並無直接的臍帶關係。 …The Evolution of the Rotary District in Taiwan Liu Jingheng (Researcher on the History of Rotary in China) March 1, 2018 Although the Taipei Rotary Club was the first Rotary Club established in Taiwan Province of the Republic of China in 1948, research on the evolution of the Rotary District in Taiwan , we…

  • Many FIRSTs in District 3450 of Rotary International

    Many FIRSTs in District 3450 of Rotary International

    Many FIRSTs in District 3450 of Rotary International 1 February 2020 District 3450 of Rotary International was inaugurated on 1 July 1960 when the code then was 3 digits of “345” only. Commencing 1 July 1991, all Rotary districts are to be identified with a 4-digit number system. This was initially accomplished by adding a…

  • Rotary International President Percy Hodgson – Visit to Hong Kong & Canton in 1949

    Rotary International President Percy Hodgson – Visit to Hong Kong & Canton in 1949

    Rotary International President Percy Hodgson Visit to Hong Kong and Canton in 1949 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian)1 July 2015Percy HodgsonThe Presidential TravelThe pattern for a year marked with inspiration, enthusiasm and achievement, was set by Rotary International President 1949-1950 Percy Hodgson of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, U.S.A., when, as President Nominee, he…

  • Paul P. Harris visited Shanghai and Hong Kong in 1935

    Paul P. Harris visited Shanghai and Hong Kong in 1935

    Paul P. Harris visited Shanghai and Hong Kong in 1935 23 February 2015 “Rotary has satisfactorily demonstrated the fact that friendship can easily hurdle national and religious boundary lines.” ~~ Paul P. Harris, Founder, 1935 FEBRUARY is the anniversary month of Rotary. The February in 1935 was the 30th Anniversarywhich was very remarkableto the 2…

  • Rotary in Hong Kong and Kowloon in 1952

    Rotary in Hong Kong and Kowloon in 1952

    Rotary in Hong Kong and Kowloon in 19521 December 2015This is the cover of the April 1952 Issue of《The Rotarian》magazine, and this was the first time the beautiful Victoria Harbourscene used on the cover of this global magazine with pictorial story telling Rotarians world-wide how the then British Crown Colony Hong Kong was recovering from…