rev. 114 – 2024-09-21
Rotary International President Percy Hodgson Visit Hong Kong Canton 1949 Herbert Lau 劉敬恒 China Historian July 2015Percy HodgsonThe Presidential TravelThe 1950 Pawtucket Rhode Island Nominee Assembly Objectives Team Hodgsonset This About Hodgsonasked Information The Rotarians Many Past Director 2President Central Office Chicago Having Mrs Edith Their Australia Continental Europe August2 Orient Philippines Hawaii September October3 Ibero America November December4 Canada United States December January February And March5 Middle East India Pakistan Italy Great Britain France April MayThe Thus Frequently His 57th District South Kongand Macao Commencing1 96th Southernprovinces Republic 中華民國 Fukien Fujian 福建省 Kwangtung Guangdong 廣東省 Kwangsi Guangxi 廣西省 Kweichow Guizhou 貴州省 Yunnan 雲南省 Taiwan 臺灣省 British Crown Colony Portuguese Territory Gem George Ernest Marden Shanghai Club 1928 1929 Governor There 12Rotary 1931 1932 Foochow 1933 Amoy Swatow 1936 Wuchow Kunming 1937 Kweiyang 1945 Macau 1947 Liuchow 1948 Kowloon Taipei Except Kweilin 1944 June 1946 October 16days Japan All World War Then Upon MoonFestival 15th Day 8th Lunar Month 中秋節