Category: History

  • Dr. Wu Yung-Chang (Tai Chung) 巫永昌醫學博士(臺中)

    Dr. Wu Yung-Chang (Tai Chung) 巫永昌醫學博士(臺中)

    Doctor Wu Yongchang, the oldest director of the International Rotary 345 area, Liu Jingheng, a researcher on the history of Chinese Rotary. October 1, 2013 Wu Yung-Chang “Free” (1905-2000) is a century-old Chinese Rotary history The “oldest” district director, he was 72 years old the year he was in office. To this day, he is…

  • Sheung H. Sung (Hong Kong) 宋常康 (香港)

    Sheung H. Sung (Hong Kong)  宋常康 (香港)

    Christian Church Supervisor-Song Changkang, the 16th Director of Rotary International 345 District Liu Jingheng, Researcher of Chinese Rotary History July 1, 2018 Sheung H. Sung (May 17, 1917-January 23, 2018) ), joined the Hong Kong Rotary Club in 1956, and served as the president from 1967 to 1968. Following Chen Anqi of the Rotary Club…

  • Chang Shen-Fu (Taipei) 張申福 (臺北)

    Chang Shen-Fu (Taipei)  張申福 (臺北)

    Zhang Shen-fu Third Director of Rotary International 345 Region Researcher of Chinese Rotary History Liu Jingheng Member of “Rotary” Monthly Publication Committee 1999-2003 October 1, 2013 Chang Shen-Fu “Sunny”, President of Rotary Club of Taipei (1957) -1958). A few years later, he was the second member of the club, serving as the Rotary International clerk—the…

  • Reverend Dr. Andrew Ben Loo (Taipei North) 盧祺沃牧師 (台北北區)

    Reverend Dr. Andrew Ben Loo (Taipei North) 盧祺沃牧師  (台北北區)

    Reverend Dr. Andrew Ben Loo, Founding President of the Rotary Club of Taipei North District in 1959. Later, he served as the regional director of Rotary International 345 from 1968 to 1969. The geographical area includes Taiwan Province of the Republic of China, Hong Kong, a British territory, and Macau, a Portuguese territory. Lu Qiwo…

  • Yew Mi-Kien (Taipei West) 游彌堅(臺北西區)

    Yew Mi-Kien (Taipei West) 游彌堅(臺北西區)

    The father of Taiwan’s tourism industry–Yew Mi-Kien International Rotary 345 District Seventh Director Liu Jingheng Researcher of Chinese Yew Mi-Kien “Mickey” (October 21, 1897-1971) December 12), a politician of the Chinese Kuomintang, served as the second mayor of Taipei from March 1946 to February 1950. You Mijian was originally a member of the Taipei Rotary…

  • Lawyer Yu (Taipei South) 虞舜(臺北南區)

    Lawyer Yu (Taipei South)  虞舜(臺北南區)

    Jurist – Yu Shun Researcher of Chinese Rotary History Liu Jingheng Lawyer Yu (1912-1998), a jurist of the Republic of China, former member of the Rotary Club of Taipei North District. 1968 In the year he participated in the organization of the Rotary Club of Taipei South District and served as the president of the…

  • Lee Chao-Jan (Taipei West) 李超然(臺北西區)

    Lee Chao-Jan (Taipei West)  李超然(臺北西區)

    Lee Chao-Jan (Rotary Club of Taipei West District)-Regional Director of Rotary International 345 (1982-1983)

  • 75 Years of Rotary in China – 扶輪在中國75年

    75 Years of Rotary in China – 扶輪在中國75年

    Extract from the Rotarian 1994 The establishment of Shanghai Rotary Club and its initial service plan When Rotary was founded in Shanghai in 1919, at that time, Shanghai, the largest port in the Yangtze River Estuary in China, and it is also the country’s largest port The main window for the opening of the world.…

  • Ricardo Lin (Taipei East) 林華新 (臺北東區)

    Ricardo Lin (Taipei East)  林華新 (臺北東區)

    Ricardo Lin (Rotary Club of Taipei East District) Regional Director of Rotary International 345 (1984-1985) Step into the door of the Rotary Befriended Rotary for 40 years Lin Huaxin A wise man who has progressed urges people to look forward. Neither dare to boast that people “learn the new while reviewing the past,”.. The quatrains…

  • Norovyn Altankhuyag (Tuul)

    Norovyn Altankhuyag (Tuul)

    Rotarian Norovyn Altankhuyag Prime Minister of Mongolia 2012–2014 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Founder of Tuul Rotary Club, Mongolia) 1 January 2015 Norovyn Altankhuyag (Норовын Алтанхуяг) is a Mongolian politician who was the Prime Minister of Mongolia from 2012 to 2014. Altankhuyag is a Charter Member of Tuul Rotary Club (Туул Pотари Kлуб), and later…

  • Hong Kong Has Twins – October 1954

    Hong Kong Has Twins – October 1954

    The British Crown Colony of Hong Kong, for all its fame and importance astride one of the major trade routes to China, is not very large. Its total area is 391 square miles; the area of Hong Kong Island itself is only 36½ square miles. Yet on that latter speck of land there are three…

  • The Long Road Back To China

    The Long Road Back To China

    THE LAUNCH OF TWO PROVISIONAL CLUBS IN THIS ONCE ROTARY RICH NATION HERALDS A NEW ERA OF EXTENSION IN ASIA, BY WEN HUANG This month, RI President Richard “Rick” D. King leads a delegation of Rotary leaders to China and Southeast Asia on a mission with huge implications for Rotary growth through extension. The trip,…

  • The Birth of the First Mongolian Speaking Rotary Club

    The Birth of the First Mongolian Speaking Rotary Club

    The Birth of the First Mongolian Speaking Rotary Club, 1 February 2015 January 2015 marked the 20th year of Rotary in the democratic nation Mongolia (Монгол Улс). Here is the story of the first Mongolian speaking Rotary Club in the world, or the first Rotary Club formed after Mongolia was grouped into Rotary International District…

  • Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang (Chungking) 王正廷博士 (重慶) #2

    Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang   (Chungking)   王正廷博士 (重慶) #2

    Dr. Chengting T. Wang – Addressed again at the Atlantic City Rotary Convention in 1946 1 September 2020 王正廷博士 – 重慶扶輪社社長 / 國際扶輪第二副社長、理事、中國資政 (1945-1946) Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang – Chungking Rotary Club President (1945-1946) Rotary International Administrative Advisor for China, Director & 2nd Vice President This is the story of Rotary’s 37th Annual Convention held…

  • Ira Dan Kaye (Kowloon) 紀艾華(九龍)

    Ira Dan Kaye (Kowloon)  紀艾華(九龍)

    Ira Dan Kaye (紀艾華), M.B.E. The 18th Governor of Rotary International District 345 (1977-1978) 1 September 2015 Ira Dan Kaye (紀艾華/紀愛華), President 1973-1974 of Kowloon Rotary Club (九龍扶輪社) was elected to serve as the 18th Governor of Rotary International District 345 (Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) in 1977-1978. Theme of the year was “Serve to…

  • Dr. Liu Lit-Mo (Hong Kong Island West) 廖烈武博士 (香港西區)

    Dr. Liu Lit-Mo (Hong Kong Island West) 廖烈武博士  (香港西區)

    中文版在第 7-10 頁 廖烈武博士 國際扶輪 3450 地區第 35 任總監 Dr. Liu Lit-Mo, MBE, LLD, JP The 35th District 3450 Governor of Rotary International 1 September 2017 Rotary International recorded with deep sorrow the passing of District 3450 Governor 1994- 1995, Dr. Liu Lit Mo (太平紳士廖烈武博士), M.B.E., LL.D., J.P., on 12 July 2017 at an age…

  • Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang (Hong Kong) 王正廷博士 (香港) #3

    Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang (Hong Kong)    王正廷博士 (香港) #3

    中文版在第 17-26 頁 王正廷博士 — 坐在國際奧林匹克委員會上的首位香港扶輪社員 Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang The First Hong Kong Rotarian sit on the International Olympic Committee 1 September 2020 王正廷博士 – 國際扶輪第二副社長 1945-1946 Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang, 2nd Vice President, Rotary International 1945-1946 The “oldest” Rotary Club in greater China—the Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) is holding a very…

  • The Rotary Foundation Educational Programs Before 1970

    The Rotary Foundation Educational Programs Before 1970

    The Rotary Foundation Educational Programs Before 1970 1November 2016 In this Rotary Year 2016-2017, our Rotary Foundation of Rotary International turns 100. That is a century of Rotary members changing lives and improving communities all over the world. And that is definitely something worth celebrating. The Rotary Foundation is recognized as one of the most…

  • Early History of The Rotary Foundation before 1950

    Early History of The Rotary Foundation before 1950

    Early History of The Rotary Foundation before 1950 1 November 2016 In this Rotary Year 2016-2017, our Rotary Foundation of Rotary International turns 100. That is a century of Rotary members changing lives and improving communities all over the world. And that is definitely something worth celebrating. November is Rotary Foundation Month of Rotary International.…

  • Stories Behind The Four-Way Test

    Stories Behind The Four-Way Test

    Stories Behind The Four-Way Test 1January 2016 January is the Vocational Service Month of Rotary. It may be the right time for all of us to review and to observe one of the guiding principles of the Rotary Movement world-wide. These principles have been developed over the years to provide Rotarians with a strong, common…