Category: History

  • Zee Tsung-Tong (Nanking/Shanghai) 徐振東(南京/上海)

    Zee Tsung-Tong (Nanking/Shanghai) 徐振東(南京/上海)

    1 南京扶輪社前社長 — 徐振東 上海扶輪社的最後社員 劉敬恒 (中華扶輪史研究員) 2017 年 1 月 1 日 徐振東(T. T. Zee / Zee Tsung-Tong)(1902-1955),新華信託儲蓄銀行(Sin-Hua Trust & Savings Bank, Ltd.) 上 海 總 行 銀 行 部 經 理 兼 駐 首 都 南 京 分 行 行 長 , 同 時 擔 任 芬 蘭 共 和 國 (Republic of…

  • Tomy Huang (Taipei Hakka) 黃女容(台北客家)

    Tomy Huang (Taipei Hakka) 黃女容(台北客家)

    黃女容–中華扶輪史上最高齡的扶輪社社長 Tomy Huang—The Eldest Rotary Club President in Rotary China History By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 August 2019 Tomy Huang (黃女容), at her age of 82, assumes her office as the 16th President of the Rotary Club of Taipei Hakka (台北客家扶輪社) on 2 July 2019, is definitely the only eldest age…

  • Yen Tsing-Ling (Taipei) 嚴慶齡(臺北)

    Yen Tsing-Ling (Taipei) 嚴慶齡(臺北)

    臺灣汽車之父 — 嚴慶齡 臺北扶輪社 1967-1968 年度社長 中華扶輪史研究員 劉敬恒 2022 年 11 月 1 日 嚴慶齡、吳舜文伉儷 嚴慶齡 (Yen Tsing-Ling)(1909-1981),臺灣汽車之父,是臺北扶輪社(Taipei Rotary Club) 1967-1968 年度社長。當年的臺北扶輪社,是國際扶輪 345 地區的一員。345 地區的地理區域, 包括中華民國臺灣省、英國殖民地香港、葡萄牙屬地澳門。1967-1968 年度的總監是 John Louis Marden (約翰馬登) (香港扶輪社 Hong Kong Rotary Club),年度主題是「發揮您們扶輪的效 能」(Make Your Rotary Membership Effective)。在 1971-1972 年度,嚴慶齡擔任了地區總監 代表(今天的職稱是「助理總監」),負責監理臺灣境內所有扶輪社。 1971 年 9 月 7 日,國際扶輪 345 地區總監蔡永興(Robert Choa)伉儷自香港飛抵臺北,總監在 臺灣地區代表嚴慶齡(左)到機場歡迎。蔡永興總監對臺灣地區的扶輪社,進行公式訪問十天。 2…

  • Robert T. C. Ting (Shanghai) 丁佐成(上海)

    Robert T. C. Ting (Shanghai) 丁佐成(上海)

    1 Shanghai Rotarian Ding Zuocheng–a pioneer in China’s instrument industry Researcher on the history of Rotary in China Liu Jingheng November 10, 2014 Robert T. C. Ting, MEng (Chicago), BSc (Nanking) joined on March 26, 1931 Shanghai Rotary Club (Shanghai Rotary Club), the occupational classification is “Mechanical Equipment-Scientific Instruments and Instrument Manufacturing”, and the then…

  • C. Loo (Shanghai West) 盧宗澄(滬西)

    C. Loo (Shanghai West) 盧宗澄(滬西)

    上海扶輪社員–盧宗澄 無線電通信工程專家 中華扶輪史研究員 劉敬恒 2014 年 3 月 1 日 盧宗澄 (T. C. Loo),無線電通信工程專家,中國國際無線電通信事業的開拓者。長期從事 中國國際無線電臺的建設、運行及管理工作,現代通信系統和設備的研究以及通信科技人才的培 養工作。對創建和發展中國國際無線電通信事業作出了貢獻。 1948 年 2 月 26 日,盧宗澄參加了上海扶輪社(Shanghai Rotary Club) 為現職社員,職業分 類「通訊服務–無線電服務」,是中華民國政府上海國際電臺管理工程師。上海扶輪社成立於 1919 年 7 月,可惜的是,由於不利的政治和社會環境,上海扶輪社於 1951 年 10 月 16 日解散。 年 表 1906 年 6 月 15 日出生於大清國浙江省海鹽縣。 1927 年上海交通大學電機系畢業。 1927—1928 年任上海無線電製造廠工程師。 1928—1929 年任上海無線電臺工程師。 1929—1932 年任上海無線電總臺工程師、管理工程師。 1933 年赴英國馬可尼無線電製造廠(The Marconi…

  • Dr. Lincoln Dsang (Chengtu) 張淩高博士(成都)

    Dr. Lincoln Dsang (Chengtu) 張淩高博士(成都)

    中文版在第 7-12 頁 成都扶輪社張凌高–曾是「華西垻」的精神領袖 Chengtu Rotarian Lincoln Dsang—the spiritual leader in Huaxiba By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 10 October 2015 Dr. Lincoln Dsang (張凌高博士), PhD (Drew), MA (Northwestern), BA (WCUU) (1890– 1955) was a Charter Member (Classification: Education—Universities) on 9 January 1939 of Chengtu Rotary Club ( 成都扶輪社 ), in the capital…

  • Dr. James L. Ding (Foochow) 陳芝美博士(福州)

    Dr. James L. Ding (Foochow) 陳芝美博士(福州)

    教育家陳芝美博士–福州扶輪社創社社員 中華扶輪史研究員 劉敬恒 2016 年 8 月 1 日 陳芝美博士 Dr. James L. Ding 陳芝美博士(Dr. James L. Ding)(1896-1972)在任鶴齡英華中學校長時,是福州扶輪社 (Foochow Rotary Club)創社 24 名社員之一,職業分類為「中學教育」。他後來在 1938-1939 年 度擔任理事。 福州扶輪社是在福建省省會成立的第一個社,也是在中華民國成立的第八家扶輪社。那是 1933 年 3 月 10 日,上海扶輪社(Shanghai Rotary Club)1930-1931 年度社長費吳生(George Ashmore Fitch)寫信給國際扶輪,表示上海扶輪社擴展委員會決定在福州成立一家新的扶輪社。 隨後,他利用自己的職業為基督教青年會(Young Men’s Christian Association, YMCA)中華全國 總幹事的身分,邀請基督教青年會福州分會協助組織。福州扶輪社成立於 1933 年 6 月 21 日,7 月 31 日加入國際扶輪,證書編號 1913(b),沒有地區編列。該社成立後,出版了名為《榕聲 The…

  • Sun Rui-Huang (Shanghai West) 孫瑞璜(滬西) 

    Sun Rui-Huang (Shanghai West) 孫瑞璜(滬西) 

    滬西扶輪社社員–孫瑞璜 開明睿智、追求光明的金融家 中華扶輪史研究員 劉敬恒 2023 年 12 月 1 日 孫瑞璜(Sun Rui-Huang , MA (Columbia), BA (New York))(1900—1980),新華信託儲蓄 銀行副總經理、大安保險公司董事長、上海市銀錢業業餘聯誼會理事長,是滬西扶輪社 (Shanghai West Rotary Club)現職社員。滬西扶輪社是上海第 2 家、中華民國第 32 家扶輪社, 在 1948 年 11 月 16 日加盟國際扶輪(Rotary International),不過兩年多後在 1952 年 1 月 24 日全面解散。 孫瑞璜,名祖銘,字瑞璜,1900 年 11 月 2 日出生在大清國江蘇省上海縣崇明島。1917 年 (民國六年)上海滬江大學(University of Shanghai)附屬中學畢業,考取北京清華學校(Tsing Hua College),1921 年畢業,公費赴美國留學。先後在紐約大學(University of…

  • Dr. Min-Ch’ien T. Z. Tyau (Peking) 刁敏謙博士(北京)

    Dr. Min-Ch’ien T. Z. Tyau (Peking) 刁敏謙博士(北京)

    rev. – 113- 2024-09-20 Dr.-Min-Chien-T.-Z.-Tyau-刁敏謙博士.pdf

  • William Yinson Lee (Shanghai) 李元信(上海)

    William Yinson Lee (Shanghai) 李元信(上海)

    1 上海扶輪社理事 1926-1930–李元信 Shanghai Charity Innovator William Yinson Lee Shanghai Rotary Club – Director 1926-1930 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 August 2014 Mr. and Mrs. William Yinson Lee, 1916 (Courtesy of the National Archives of Australia) William Yinson Lee (李元信), Australian Chinese, was elected an Active Member of the Rotary Club…

  • Rotarys Wheel of Misfortune – 1999

    Rotarys Wheel of Misfortune – 1999

    Rotary’s Wheel of Misfortune (Hong Kong) South China Morning Post Staff Reporter Tuesday, 21 September 1999 The international service movement Rotary has run into an incomprehensible wall of official opposition in Shanghai. Hopeful organisers of a local chapter of the non-political businessmen’s association have been warned not to proceed with plans to formally establish a…

  • China Day in North America – 1942

    China Day in North America – 1942

    President Tom J. Davis requested that each Club in the United States and Canada hold a meeting featuring a program devoted to the interests of China in February 1942. China became one of the Allied Powers during the Pacific War. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek was named the “Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the China Theatre…

  • Carlo Bos (Shanghai / Amoy / Tientsin)

    Carlo Bos (Shanghai / Amoy / Tientsin)

    Carlo Bos Shanghai Rotary Club – President 1929-1930 Amoy Rotary Club – Charter President 1933-1934 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 15 October 2015 Carlo Bos (1876-1936), a commissioner in the Chinese Maritime Customs Service (中國海關總 稅務司) (CMCS), respectively in Shanghai (上海), Amoy (Xiamen) (廈門), Tientsin (Tianjin) (天津), Republic of China, was an…

  • Meeting with Mao Tse-Tung by Rotarian George A. Fitch – 扶輪社員費吳生會見毛澤東

    Meeting with Mao Tse-Tung by Rotarian George A. Fitch – 扶輪社員費吳生會見毛澤東

    1 中文版在第 9-13 頁 扶輪社員費吳生到延安會見毛澤東 Meeting with Mao Tse-Tung and Chou En-Lai By Rotarian Missionary George A. Fitch A trip to Yan An the Communist Capital in 1940 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 28 February 2015 費吳生(左)、毛澤東(中)、梁小初 George A. Fitch (left), Mao Tse-Tung (center), and S. C. Leung Dr. George Ashmore Fitch…

  • Speech by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek 1938 – What forms of service the women of China during war

    Speech by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek 1938 – What forms of service the women of China during war

    Speech by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek Rotary Club of Hankow Ladies’ Night – 漢口扶輪社女賓夕 30 September 1938 What forms of service the women of China have been engaged in during war Ladies and Gentlemen: After the excellent program which we have had this evening, I feel that anything I have to say will be, as we…

  • George A. Fitch – Aid Mainland Refugee Chinese Intellectuals to Taiwan

    George A. Fitch – Aid Mainland Refugee Chinese Intellectuals to Taiwan

    In the aftermath of the Chinese Civil War and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國) in 1949, many intellectuals and professionals sought refuge from the communist regime. The United States, amidst the Cold War tensions, initiated the Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals program (ARCI) to support these individuals, recognizing their potential value in…

  • Revd. Dr. Robert Johnston McMullen (Hangchow) 明思德牧師 (杭州)

    Revd. Dr. Robert Johnston McMullen (Hangchow) 明思德牧師 (杭州)

    Hangchow Rotarian Revd. Robert Johnston McMullen American Missionary served refugees relief in Wartime China By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 May 2016 This small photo is illustrated by a piece of very short news reported in the Page 52, September 1938 Issue of《The Rotarian》Magazine: “In the fore front of relief activities, among…

  • Schuhua Hu (Chungking) 胡庶華(重慶)

    Schuhua Hu (Chungking) 胡庶華(重慶)

    1 中文版在第 5-25 頁 胡庶華 — 教育家、冶金學家 重慶扶輪社 — 創社社員 1937 Educator & Metallurgist Schuhua Hu Chungking Rotary Club – Charter Member 1937 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 15 March 2015 Schuhua Hu (胡庶華) (24 December 1886 – 17 June 1968), metallurgist, was one of the 30 charter members of the Chungking…

  • ‘The Child of the Yang-tse – Shanghai – Typical of the New China’ by Albert E. Willsher

    ‘The Child of the Yang-tse – Shanghai – Typical of the New China’ by Albert E. Willsher

    This article was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1 June 2014 (1) Albert E. Willsher = A Rotarian of Calcutta, India, who had been a resident in Shanghai for several years. = 作者是印度加爾各答扶輪社社員,曾在上海生活了幾年。 (2) Yang-tse = Yang-tse-Kiang = Yangtze River = 揚子江 = 長江 (3) Shanghai = 上海 (4) Whangpoo…

  • Dr. Ching-Sung Yu (Nanking) 余青松博士(南京)

    Dr. Ching-Sung Yu (Nanking) 余青松博士(南京)

    Dr. Ching-Sung Yu (Nanking) 余青松博士(南京) rev. 134- 2024-11-09 Dr.-Ching-Sung-Yu-余青松博士.pdf