Tag: Remarkable Events

  • New Ways for Old – Application of The Four-Way Test in Taipei

    New Ways for Old – Application of The Four-Way Test in Taipei

    The idea of selling an article for a fixed price, one that can’t be “beat down” by haggling, is comparatively new in the marts of trade. Until midway in the 19th Century, even the simplest retail purchase often became a contest between buyer and seller. It still is today in many parts of the world,…

  • Canton and Swatow – Rotary Clubs in the former Kwangtung Province

    Canton and Swatow – Rotary Clubs in the former Kwangtung Province

    Canton and Swatow Rotary Clubs in the former Kwangtung Province 1 August 2015 中華民國廣東省(1911-1949)版圖 The provincial map of the Republic of China showing the territory of the Kwangtung Province in 1911-1949 Map of the Kwangtung Province showing the locations of Canton ( 廣州) and Swatow ( 汕頭) Kwangtung Province (廣東省) or in the modern spelling…

  • 一•二八事變中的上海扶輪社

    国际主义抑或人道主义: 一·二八事变中的上海扶轮社* 马建凯 内 容 摘 要 扶 轮 社 是 以 维 系 世 界 和 平 为 宗 旨 的 国 际 人 道 组 织。 一 · 二 八 事 变 爆 发 后,由中、日、美、英等多国人士组成的上海扶 轮 社 特 别 委 员 会,发 起 了 意 在 制 止 战 争 的 请 愿活动,但请愿因日军悍然发出最后通牒而无果而终。表面上,上海扶轮社各方社员的请…

  • Shenyang Rotarian Angus Ward – A Hostage in Communist China 1948-1949 – 1948-1949年中美外交摩擦的軟禁「華德事件」

    Shenyang Rotarian Angus Ward – A Hostage in Communist China 1948-1949 – 1948-1949年中美外交摩擦的軟禁「華德事件」

    1 中文版(中方觀點)在第 11-19 頁 1948-1949 年中美外交摩擦的軟禁「華德事件」 Shenyang Rotarian Angus Ward A Hostage in Communist China 1948-1949 1 December 2016 On the page of “Rotarians in the News” of《The Rotarian》magazine, Issue April 1950, there is a photo with such caption: “Angus Ward (center), former Consul General and Rotarian in Mukden, China, reports to President Truman. Now…

  • Over the Great Wall – Rotary Service storms the barricade of racial antipathy by Arthur Melville

    Over the Great Wall – Rotary Service storms the barricade of racial antipathy by Arthur Melville

    Rotary Service storms the barricade of racial antipathy By ARTHUR MELVILLE CROSS the north end of China, stretched over some twenty-two degrees of longitude lies the Great Wall, one of the most impressive artificial barriers ever erected by man. Roughly constructed of great boulders it was a formidable obstacle in its day, and for nineteen…

  • A People Not Forgotten – Rotary Volunteers aid Hong Kong refugees – 1988

    A People Not Forgotten – Rotary Volunteers aid Hong Kong refugees – 1988

    Glossary (1) Rotary Volunteers Rotarians put Rotary’s motto of Service Above Self into action every day and in every part of the world, generously contributing their time and skills to help others. Rotary clubs carry out service projects that address critical needs locally and often work with distant clubs to co- sponsor international efforts. Rotary…

  • Rotary’s Crusade against Polio in China since 1989

    Rotary’s Crusade against Polio in China since 1989

    Rotary’s Crusade against Polio in China since 1989 Built the world’s largest polio vaccine plant in Kunming 24 October 2015 News clipping on 8 October 1992 October 24 is Rotary’s World Polio Day. On this special day, we may look back quarter century ago a wonderful “End Polio” project in China — building the world’s…

  • Rotary Institute in Hong – December 1995

    Rotary Institute in Hong – December 1995

    President Brown participates in the ceremonial ribbon cutting to inaugurate the Projects in Asia Exhibition at the December Rotary Institute in Hong Kong. Herb is flanked by R.I. Director Sabina S. Santos of the Philippines and Past R. I. Director In Sang Song of Korea, convener of the Institute.

  • Success in Asia – Presidential Conference Taipei 2002

    Success in Asia –  Presidential Conference Taipei 2002

    The charter presentation of Khuree Rotary Club, Mongolia, was held at this Conference. Shanghai & Beijing Provisional Rotary Clubs participated via teleconference.

  • Rotarian’s wife aids Hong Kong refugee children

    Rotarian’s wife aids Hong Kong refugee children

    A humanitarian project financed by the 3-H Grants of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Glossary (1) The 3-H Grants of The Rotary Foundation In 1978, The Rotary Foundation launched its most comprehensive humanitarian service activity with the Health, Hunger and Humanity Grants program. The “3-H” Grants program was designed to undertake large-scale service projects…

  • Hong Kong at the Crossroad ~ by Jerome Greer Chandler

    Hong Kong at the Crossroad ~ by Jerome Greer Chandler

    In 1985,《The Rotarian》magazine observed the monumental transition of the British Crown Colony Hong Kong to become the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China on 1 July 1997. Three Rotarians, Dr. Russell Kwok (郭志仁博士), William Heering, and Sanford Yung (容永道), of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong, expressed their opinions and vision.

  • Asia-Pacific Presidential Conference – 2001

    Asia-Pacific Presidential Conference – 2001

    Asia-Pacific Presidential Conference – 2001 l New ideas from The Philippines, highlights youth and service opportunities … A portion of the Second Plenary Session was a technological zenith — and historic first – for Rotary presidential conferences: a teleconference between Rotarians in Manila and participants in a meeting for District 3450 (Hong Kong & Macao).…

  • When and How Mongolia was grouped into R.I. District 3450?

    When and How Mongolia was grouped into R.I. District 3450?

    When and How Mongolia was grouped into R.I. District 3450? 1 February 2015 January 2015 marked the 20th year of Rotary in the democratic nation Mongolia(Монгол Улс). However, for the first 5 years, the only Rotary Club in this country—The Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar (Улаанбаатар Ротари клуб)—was non-districted. Until 1 July 2000, this land-locked country…

  • Hong Kong Has Twins – October 1954

    Hong Kong Has Twins – October 1954

    The British Crown Colony of Hong Kong, for all its fame and importance astride one of the major trade routes to China, is not very large. Its total area is 391 square miles; the area of Hong Kong Island itself is only 36½ square miles. Yet on that latter speck of land there are three…

  • The Birth of the First Mongolian Speaking Rotary Club

    The Birth of the First Mongolian Speaking Rotary Club

    The Birth of the First Mongolian Speaking Rotary Club, 1 February 2015 January 2015 marked the 20th year of Rotary in the democratic nation Mongolia (Монгол Улс). Here is the story of the first Mongolian speaking Rotary Club in the world, or the first Rotary Club formed after Mongolia was grouped into Rotary International District…

  • The Washington Conference 1921-22 The Stage of the American and Chinese Rotarian Statesmen

    The Washington Conference 1921-22 The Stage of the American and Chinese Rotarian Statesmen

    The Washington Conference 1921-1922 The Stage of the American and Chinese Rotarian Statesmen in making Peace on Earth 23February 2017 Commencing the Year 2015-2016, Rotary International has designated February to be “Peace and Conflict Prevention/ Resolution Month”. Ninety-five years ago in February, this mission was practically carried out by the American and Chinese Rotarian statesmen…

  • Chinese Rotarian The First Man Signed The United Nations Charter 1945

    Chinese Rotarian The First Man Signed The United Nations Charter 1945

    Chinese Rotarian Dr. V. K. Wellington KooThe first Man signed the United Nations Charter 1945 26 June 2020 The year of 2020 marks the 75th Anniversary ofThe United Nations. Created 75 years ago in the ashes of World War II, the United Nations today remains true to its founding mission: to bring nations and peoples…

  • Presidential Conference 2000: Hong Kong

    Presidential Conference 2000: Hong Kong

    Presidential Conference 2000 Below: Keynote speaker the Honorable C.Y. Leung, convenor of the Executive Council of Hong Kong, S.A.R., spoke on the impact of the regional economy on community service. Right: Past district governors Raymond Wong (left) and Charles Loh address a group discussion session. 4:2000 PRETAT, COTE 000 With the clang of a traditional…

  • The Green Great Wall Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary Korea and Mongolia

    The Green Great Wall  Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary Korea and Mongolia

    The Green Great Wall Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary Korea and Mongolia Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒), Founder and Honorary Member Niislel Rotary Club, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 1 November 2008 Sometimes global problems seem so, well, global, especially when it comes to the environment. It can get downright overwhelming when you are constantly bombarded with headlines…

  • Rotary in China commenced with The Birth of the Shanghai Rotary Club in 1919

    Rotary in China commenced with The Birth of the Shanghai Rotary Club in 1919

    Rotary in China commenced withThe Birth of the Shanghai Rotary Club in 1919 1 July2014 The Rotary Club of Shanghai (上海扶輪社) was the “father” of Rotary in China, and was the first Rotary Club formed in The Republic of China (中華民國) in 1919(as well as the second Club formed in Asia). That was 95 years…