Category: History

  • RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 10-12

    RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 10-12

    Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 10/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第十輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018 19 May 2016 – Gary C. K. Huang was decorated The Order of…

  • RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 7-9

    RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 7-9

    Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 7/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第七輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018 RI President Gary C.K. Huang with young persons of the Rotary Day UNESCO…

  • RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 4-6

    RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 4-6

    Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 4/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第四輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018

  • RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 1-3

    RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 1-3

    Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 1/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第一輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018 Gary C. K. Huang (黃其光) was born in 1945 in Foochow of Fukien…

  • Taiwan’s Journey to Host Rotary International Convention 2021

    Taiwan’s Journey to Host Rotary International Convention  2021

    Meet Taiwan-ICCA Bidding Workshop Taiwan’s Journey to Host the Rotary International Convention 2021 國際扶輪 前理事 謝三連 Jackson Hsieh 24 May, 2016 2021 Rotary International Convention in Taipei  1991-1993 Charter President of the RC of Taipei Sunrise  1998-1999 District Governor of District 3520  2008-2010 Director, Rotary International  2011-2015 Trustee, The Rotary Foundation…

  • Focus on Formosa -by James Dickson

    Focus on Formosa -by James Dickson

    by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 10 October 2015. Formosa = Taiwan = 臺灣 The name “Formosa” dates from 1542 when Portuguese sailors sighted an uncharted island located at the western Pacific rim and noted it on their maps as Ilha Formosa (“beautiful island”). The name “Formosa” eventually “replaced all others in…

  • Dr. Herman C. E. Liu (Shanghai) 劉湛恩博士(上海)

    Dr. Herman C. E. Liu (Shanghai) 劉湛恩博士(上海)

    中文版在第 20-29 頁 被日本帝國特工暗殺的上海扶輪社員–劉湛恩博士 Dr. Herman C. E. Liu The Shanghai Rotarian assassinated by Imperial Japan’s agents 1 December 2016 Dr. Herman C. E. Liu (劉湛恩博士), President of the Shanghai University (滬江大學), was assassinated by Imperial Japan’s agents in 1938. This is in the Rotary China History that a Rotarian educator, even not a politician…

  • Reverend James Ira Dickson (Taipei) 孫雅各牧師(臺北)

    Reverend James Ira Dickson (Taipei)  孫雅各牧師(臺北)

    孫雅各牧師 — 臺北扶輪社 1949-1950 年度社長 Rev. James Ira Dickson The Second President of Taipei Rotary Club in 1949-1950 10 October 2015 孫雅各牧師(1900 年 2 月 23 日—1967 年 6 月 15 日)是 1948 年臺北扶輪社創社社員,然 後於 1949-1950 年度擔任社長。他是基督教長老教會宣教師,是基督教芥菜種會創辦人孫理蓮 宣教士的丈夫。 孫雅各 1900 年出生於美國南達科塔州,1927 年畢業於普林斯頓大學神學院。同年,與孫 理蓮結婚,受學生海外志願宣教運動影響,接受加拿大長老教會的徵召,至日本帝國領土的臺 灣宣教。10 月抵達臺灣。曾任淡江中學代理校長,臺北神學院(今臺灣神學院)院長。 1940 年,第二次世界大戰。受日本臺灣總督府的壓力,孫雅各與孫理蓮離開臺灣,至南美 洲英屬圭亞那傳教。1945 年,太平洋戰爭結束,孫雅各返回已經是中華民國政權的臺灣。 1948 年,他繼續擔任臺灣神學院院長,直到 1965 年退休。在他主持校務的期間,將臺灣 神學院校區從臺北市雙連遷移到現今的陽明山嶺頭。此外,他在臺灣北部協助教會年輕一輩推 動教會革新運動(該運動稱為新人運動),並推動臺灣原住民宣教,曾創辦…

  • Bien Zue-Sun (Tientsin) 卞壽孫(天津)

    Bien Zue-Sun (Tientsin)  卞壽孫(天津)

    中文版在第 10-17頁 卞壽孫 — 簽發鈔票的天津扶輪人 Bien Zue-Sun The Tientsin Rotarian Who Issued Banknotes 1 November 2014 卞壽孫 (白眉) Bien Zue-Sun Bien Zue-Sun – The Career Banker Bien Zue-Sun (卞壽孫) (1884-1968) was the Tientsin Rotary Club (天津扶輪社) President 1930- 1931 when he was a director of the Bank of China (中國銀行), concurrently the Tientsin Office Manager.…

  • Incorporation of the Rotary Club of Amagao, Macao, 1988

    Incorporation of the Rotary Club of Amagao, Macao, 1988

    By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 January 2024 During the second half of the Rotary Year of 1987-1988 when Dr. Raymond C. W. Wong (黃志偉醫師) (九龍東區扶輪社) (Surgeon), of Kowloon East Rotary Club in Hong Kong, serving his first term as District 345 Governor of Rotary International, there was the proposal from a…

  • Rotarians Headed The Red Cross

    Rotarians Headed The Red Cross

    Rotarians Headed The Red Cross In Hong Kong / In Macao / In Mongolia 25 December 2020 In the District 3450 of Rotary International, there have been 3 prominent Rotarians served as the top leaders of the Red Cross in their respective countries. They were, in the chronological order of their years: (1) The British…

  • Dr. The Honourable Sir Run Run Shaw (Kowloon) 邵逸夫爵士 (九龍)

    Dr. The Honourable Sir Run Run Shaw (Kowloon) 邵逸夫爵士 (九龍)

    The Rotarian Shaw Brothers Runme (邵仁枚) and Run Run Shaw (邵逸夫) By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 March 2014 Run Run Shaw (邵逸夫 ) Runme Shaw (邵仁枚 ) Sir Run Run Shaw (邵逸夫爵士), Kt, GBM, CBE, HonD (Zhejiang), HonLLD (Oxford), HonDBA (PolyHK), HonDLitt (HKBC), HonDHum (SUNY), HonDSc (CityPolyHK), HonDLitt (Sussex), HonDSocSc (East…

  • Hong Kong-Macao Rotarians served Rotary International Officers – 前任國際扶輪職員的香港-澳門扶輪社員

    Hong Kong-Macao Rotarians served Rotary International Officers – 前任國際扶輪職員的香港-澳門扶輪社員

    前任國際扶輪職員的香港/澳門扶輪社員 Hong Kong / Macao Rotarians served Rotary International Officers 1 July 2014 Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang 王正廷博士 HonLLD (Peking), HonLLD (St. John’s), M.A. (Yale), B.A. (Yale) (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Rotary Club (香港)香港扶輪社 (1950 – 1961.5.21) 1934.7.1 – 1935.9.30 RI Honorary Commissioner 國際扶輪名譽專員 1935.10.1 – 1936.7.31 81st District Governor 第81地區總監 1942.7.1 – 1946.6.30 RI…

  • The Birth of Shanghai West Rotary Club

    The Birth of Shanghai West Rotary Club

    South or West “The Birth of Shanghai West Rotary Club (滬西扶輪社)” 1948 1 September 2014 Proposal of a Chinese-Speaking Shanghai South Rotary Club Soon after Dr. Chengting T. Wang (王正廷博士) was instrumental in establishing the 81st District in 1935, there were already plans to extend more new clubs in the nearby cities along with the…

  • Communist China nominated an American Rotarian for the 1988 Nobel Peace Prize

    Communist China nominated an American Rotarian for the 1988 Nobel Peace Prize

    Communist China nominated an American Rotarian for the 1988 Nobel Peace Prize 11 July 2017 The title of this article sounds somewhat fantastic. But, it is a true story in history. Since the late 1970s, Dr. Jordan M. Phillips, M.D., a member of the Rotary Club of Downey, California, U.S.A., had been sending medical books…

  • ‘I was a Prisoner of the Chinese Reds’ by Rotarian Dr. Arthur Stewart Allen

    ‘I was a Prisoner of the Chinese Reds’ by Rotarian Dr. Arthur Stewart Allen

    I was a Prisoner of the Chinese Reds By Dr. Arthur Stewart Allen, M.D., 15 April 1952 Note by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 7 July 2017:– Dr. Arthur Stewart Allen (梁正倫醫師), M.D., of Montreal, Canada, was the last president of the Chungking Rotary Club (重慶扶輪社) in 1949-1950. He was the superintendent of…

  • Chungking Rotarians Launch School for Deaf Children

    Chungking Rotarians Launch School for Deaf Children

    Chungking Rotary Club – 重慶扶輪社 – This was the 24th Rotary Club formed in the Republic of China, sponsored by Hankow Rotary Club (漢口扶輪社). The Club was organized in the Szechwan (Sichuan) Province (四川省) on 3 June 1937, and was admitted to Rotary International on 18 November 1937, Charter #4471, with 30 charter members of…

  • Dr. Herman C. E. Liu – The Shanghai Rotarian assassinated by Imperial Japan’s Agents – 被日本帝國特工暗殺的上海扶輪社員–劉湛恩博士

    Dr. Herman C. E. Liu – The Shanghai Rotarian assassinated by Imperial Japan’s Agents – 被日本帝國特工暗殺的上海扶輪社員–劉湛恩博士

    中文版在第 20-29 頁 被日本帝國特工暗殺的上海扶輪社員–劉湛恩博士 Dr. Herman C. E. Liu The Shanghai Rotarian assassinated by Imperial Japan’s agents 1 December 2016 Dr. Herman C. E. Liu (劉湛恩博士), President of the Shanghai University (滬江大學), was assassinated by Imperial Japan’s agents in 1938. This is in the Rotary China History that a Rotarian educator, even not a politician…

  • Chungking & Changsha Rotary Clubs under Japanese Bombing

    Chungking & Changsha Rotary Clubs under Japanese Bombing

    Chungking & Changsha Rotary Clubs under Japanese Bombing 7 July 2017 A photograph taken by Imperial Japanese Army reporters on 16 June 1940 showing bombs from heavy bombers exploding on Yu Chung Peninsula, Chungking (重慶渝中半島) The Great Bombing of Chungking in 1938-1944 Today is the 80th year after the skirmishing between Japanese and Chinese troops…

  • Chicago street named after Chinese Rotarian Dr. Wang Gung-Hsing ~ 華裔扶輪社員王恭行博士 ~ 留名芝加哥一條街

    Chicago street named after Chinese Rotarian Dr. Wang Gung-Hsing ~ 華裔扶輪社員王恭行博士 ~ 留名芝加哥一條街

    中文版在第 9-11 頁 華裔扶輪社員王恭行博士—留名芝加哥一條街 Chicago street named after Chinese Rotarian Dr. Wang Gung-Hsing 1 October 2016 2004 年美國芝加哥市議會命名一條街道為『王恭行街』(紅色招牌),以永久紀念他為社區重建的功績。 2004 – The Chicago City Council adopted a decision to name a street after Wang Gung-Hsing (red sign). A street in Chicago City, United States, is named after Dr. Wang Gung-Hsing (王恭行博士) as “G. H. Wang Street”…