Tag: Remarkable Events

  • The Green Great Wall Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary Korea and Mongolia

    The Green Great Wall  Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary Korea and Mongolia

    The Green Great Wall Centennial Community Project jointly by Rotary Korea and Mongolia Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒), Founder and Honorary Member Niislel Rotary Club, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 1 November 2008 Sometimes global problems seem so, well, global, especially when it comes to the environment. It can get downright overwhelming when you are constantly bombarded with headlines…

  • Rotary in China commenced with The Birth of the Shanghai Rotary Club in 1919

    Rotary in China commenced with The Birth of the Shanghai Rotary Club in 1919

    Rotary in China commenced withThe Birth of the Shanghai Rotary Club in 1919 1 July2014 The Rotary Club of Shanghai (上海扶輪社) was the “father” of Rotary in China, and was the first Rotary Club formed in The Republic of China (中華民國) in 1919(as well as the second Club formed in Asia). That was 95 years…

  • The Hong Kong Workshop – Preparing for the return of Rotary – 1994

    The Hong Kong Workshop – Preparing for the return of Rotary – 1994

    SPECIAL REPORT The Hong Kong Workshop Preparing for the return of Rotary T s the R.I. Board of Directors and adjacent non-Rotary countries.” able to the Hong Kong Workshop. reviewed the notable prog A second key difference was the ress made to date in extend other goals: to design a comprehen- political stance of governments.…

  • Pacific Rotary Conference 1935, Manila, The Philippines

    Pacific Rotary Conference 1935, Manila, The Philippines

    Rotary Conference in the Pacific 1935 1 February2015 Since 1926, every two years, representative Rotarians from shores washed by the Pacific Ocean gathered at a common meeting place. Here, these men of many nations and varied races and creeds discussed not only as a melting pot for ideas on matters of purely Rotary concern, but…

  • The World’s Longest Dancing Chinese Dragon 1991 by HK Rotarians and Rotaractors

    The World’s Longest Dancing  Chinese  Dragon 1991 by HK Rotarians and Rotaractors

    Entered The Guinness Book of World Records 1991 The World’s Longest Dancing Chinese Dragon by Hong Kong Rotarians and Rotaractors District 3450 Rotaract Chair 1990-1991-1992 1 August 2017 In a summer night of 10 August 1991, highlight of the 3rd International Abilympics (第三屆國際展能節) hosted by the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (香港復康會) and to celebrate…

  • Hong Kong Rotarians joint fight against SARS -2003

    Hong Kong Rotarians joint fight against SARS -2003

    Hong Kong Rotarians joint fight against SARS – 2003 1 March, 2017 The months of March to June in 2003 was the unforgettable hard time of the entire Hong Kong population, economically and socially, due to the outbreak of SARS which led to the discouragement of public gatherings resulting many of the Rotary clubs had…

  • The Birth of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club in 1954

    The Birth of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club in 1954

    The Birth of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club in 1954 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 April 2015 The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West (香港西區扶輪社) was admitted to Rotary International on 12 April 1954. It is the 4th Rotary club formed in the British Crown Colony Hong Kong…

  • The Recovery of the “Peking Bell”

    The Recovery of the “Peking Bell”

    by Rotarian Jim Pringle Last updated: 18-06-1998 Rtn Bob Wilson, of RC Hong Kong South, could hardly believe his eyes. He had been visiting a home on Hong Kong’s posh Peak to look at furniture and artifacts that were on sale, and had not found anything of interest. Then, on his way out, he glanced…

  • The Birth of the Hong Kong Rotary Club in 1930

    The Birth of the Hong Kong Rotary Club in 1930

    The Birth of the Hong Kong Rotary Club in 1930 20 February 2016 It was 85 years ago when The Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) was admitted to Rotary International on 20 February 1931. Then it was a non-districted Club. The Charter was delivered from the hands of the Hong Kong Governor Sir William…

  • China invited senior Rotary leaders to Beijing in 2000

    China invited senior Rotary leaders to Beijing in 2000

    In October 2000, the Government of the People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國) invited Rotary International President-elect “Rick” Richard D. King (金恩) and seven other Rotary leaders on an official visit to China. The letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (外交部) officially invited the Rotary International (RI) delegation to visit China on 14-21 November 2000,…

  • Bridging The World by Ambassador Christopher Bo Bramsen – June 2006

    Bridging The World by Ambassador Christopher Bo Bramsen – June 2006

    Bridging The World》by Ambassador Christopher Bo Bramsen – June 2006 l Rotary International Special Representative to China at the RI luncheon held on 14 June 2006 at the Rotary International Convention in Malmö/Copenhagen 14 June 2006 BRIDGING THE WORLD Speech given by Ambassador Christopher Bo Bramsen Rotary International Special Representative to China at the RI…