Kingspark Hong Kong Rotaract Club – Project Spina Bifida Concerns
In East Asia/South Pacific, the Rotaract Club of Kingspark, Hong Kong, was recognized for its “Spina Bifida Concerns” campaign, which aims to heighten public awareness of the condition. Rotaractors organized a fun fair and solicited funds from corporate donors to benefit the Childhood Spina Bifida Support Group of Hong Kong, and worked closely with their…
Hong Kong Northeast Rotary Club – School Project in remote Chinese villages
Chinese and Filipino clubs fight illiteracy with bricks In a remote village in Ruyuan County in the People’s Republic of China, most of the 200,000 residents are illiterate and live hand to mouth on a modest farming income. Even though the villagers manage to survive, members of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong NorthEast want…
Shanghai Rotary Club Beggars Town Project 1940
“Receive – Reform – Regenerate – Restore” Shanghai Rotary Club Beggars Home Project 1940 1 July, 2014 The Rotary Club of Shanghai (上海扶輪社) joined hands with the Shanghai Municipal Council (上海公共租界工部局) and the Salvation Army (救世軍) in 1940 to solve thousands of beggars’ problem. A Beggars Home was erected for the purposes of “Receive, Reform,…
History of the Rotary Club of Macau
The idea of setting up a Rotary Club in Macau was raised for the first time in 1938. However, due to the Pacific War, the idea did not become a reality at that time. In 1946 when Macau and Hong Kong began to recover from the effects of World War II, the idea of forming…
Hong Kong Island East Rotary Club – Project Computer Learning for Disabilities
A career guidance manual published by the Rotary Club of Spic Nagar, India, offers young people information on various vocations and how to prepare for them through school and related work experience. They have distributed their 370-page book, titled “Tomorrow-Challenges and Choices,” to young people free of charge. • Rotarians of Wangaratta, Vic., Australia, recently…
Hong Kong Northwest Rotary Club – Literacy Project in Chinese Mainland
The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Northwest is involved in an effort to print classic Chinese texts for distribution in China’s schools. The project is aimed at strengthening literacy skills for the country’s youth and exposing them to venerable, mostlv Confucianist works. The club has already printed some 60,000 books. Once the books are distributed…
Kowloon East Rotary Club – Clean and Green Scheme 1985
A Clean Competition, Over 5500 people in Hong Kong turned out with shovels and a little bag in their hand to compete in the clean and green scheme, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kowloon East. They diligently collected litter, planted trees, cleaned picnic and campsites, and fought brushfires in 12 national parks. The massive…
Kowloon Rotary Club – Project Careers on Wheels 1976
Kowloon Rotary Club – Project Careers on Wheels 1976 This mobile career guidance unit is provided by the Rotary Club of Kowloon to the Hong Kong government. The Careers on Wheels van extends to a display area of nearly 50 m² 538 ft.² Allowing small scale exhibitions to be set up in the most densely…
The Rotary Club of Hong Kong – Home of Many Honorary Doctorates and Fellows
The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Home of Many Honorary Doctorates and Fellows By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 July 2019 The month of July in the year 2019 marks the 100 years of Rotary development in the greater China since the inception of the Rotary Club of Shanghai (上海扶輪社) in 1919.…
Hong Kong Rotarian Chiefs of St. John Ambulance Organization
Hong Kong Rotarian Chiefs of St. John Ambulance Organization The Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) has been the home of 6 volunteer-chiefs of the Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Organization (香港聖約翰救護機構) and 5 of them had also served as Rotary International officers. These 6 past club presidents in the chronological order of their years…
Many Firsts in the Rotary Club of Hong Kong
Many FIRSTs in the Rotary Club of Hong Kong 1 July 2020 The British Crown Colony Hong Kong located at the south China coast was the first prospect of Rotary International to extend Rotary landing on the continent of Asia. The story has to be dated back to June 1918. In his annual report to…
The Birth of Canton Rotary Club 廣州扶輪社 in 1931
The Birth of Canton Rotary Club (廣州扶輪社) in 19311 September 2015 This piece of history is referred to the Canton Rotary Club (廣州扶輪社) formed in the first republican nation in Asia –The Republic of China (中華民國). The Club was organized at the year-end of 1931 and was later admitted to Rotary International in spring 1932,…
A Day of Outing for 30 Blind Girls at the Holiday Camp – Hong Kong Rotary Club
In 1951, seeing the post-war refugee stream in the British Crown Colony Hong Kong, and striving to help assimilate them, the Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) took a special interest in the children –huddled in rude homes and rarely eating all they want –and looked for ways to help them.The way soon appeared.Raising some…
Chung Chi College Rotaract Club – Rural Village Project 2006 – 崇基學院扶輪青年服團
From December 28, 2006 to January 2, 2007, a total of 31 undergraduate students enrolled at the Chinese University of Hong Kong went to Xitan Town, Qingxin County, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province. Datuntou Primary School serves as a service exchange. The event was named “Love and Qingyuan, warm in the mountains.” 譚亦斯葉麗勤孫慧珊冼智山潘珮雯 李景謙洪偉豐鄭逸鵬陳文瑤蘇文慧 劉卓耀趙家誠陳志豪黃耀章朱少雯 潘珮雯陳寶儀蘇文慧鮑天毓陳寶儀…
Macau Rotaract Club – Goodwill Ambassador to Mongolia 2007
Goodwill Ambassador To Mongolia 2007 澳門親善大使.蒙古國文化交流之旅 Activity Report 活動報告 Goodwill Ambassador To Mongolia 2007 Program Details1 Message from Project Coordinator . 5 Message from Project Chair . 7 Message from Committee8 Message from Trip Leaders9 Delegation List . 10 Itinerary11 Ambassadors Report . 13 Table of Content Rotaract Club Of Macau Program Details 1 Aims…
Lingnan College Interact Club 1970 – 嶺南書院國際少年服務團 (1970)
Part of the beneficiaries; the other part is given to the poor by the Rural Committee to the eastern part of Lantau. After the distribution of the cold clothes was completed, the staff members returned to Hong Kong in the afternoon. The group’s work camp is still the first time. The local father said that…
Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club – Some Remarkable Stories
Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club Some Remarkable Stories by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 April 2014 The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West (香港西區扶輪社) used to be one of the prominent clubs in Hong Kong since its inception in 1954. Here are some of the remarkable stories that may gain…
Macau Rotarians led school project in China’s rural mountains
In China’s Du’an Yao Autonomous County, villagers have a saying: “Ten percent land, the other ninety rocks.” I’m traveling through the “three goats area” – its name describes the flinty creatures, the rugged territory and, in particular, the stubbornness of its people – with Li Wei, a minister in the Du’an government, and Stella Kan,…
The Birth of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club in 1954
The Birth of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club in 1954 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 April 2015 The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West (香港西區扶輪社) was admitted to Rotary International on 12 April 1954. It is the 4th Rotary club formed in the British Crown Colony Hong Kong…