Category: History

  • Success in Asia – Presidential Conference Taipei 2002

    Success in Asia –  Presidential Conference Taipei 2002

    The charter presentation of Khuree Rotary Club, Mongolia, was held at this Conference. Shanghai & Beijing Provisional Rotary Clubs participated via teleconference.

  • Rotarian’s wife aids Hong Kong refugee children

    Rotarian’s wife aids Hong Kong refugee children

    A humanitarian project financed by the 3-H Grants of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Glossary (1) The 3-H Grants of The Rotary Foundation In 1978, The Rotary Foundation launched its most comprehensive humanitarian service activity with the Health, Hunger and Humanity Grants program. The “3-H” Grants program was designed to undertake large-scale service projects…

  • Hong Kong at the Crossroad ~ by Jerome Greer Chandler

    Hong Kong at the Crossroad ~ by Jerome Greer Chandler

    In 1985,《The Rotarian》magazine observed the monumental transition of the British Crown Colony Hong Kong to become the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China on 1 July 1997. Three Rotarians, Dr. Russell Kwok (郭志仁博士), William Heering, and Sanford Yung (容永道), of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong, expressed their opinions and vision.

  • Asia-Pacific Presidential Conference – 2001

    Asia-Pacific Presidential Conference – 2001

    Asia-Pacific Presidential Conference – 2001 l New ideas from The Philippines, highlights youth and service opportunities … A portion of the Second Plenary Session was a technological zenith — and historic first – for Rotary presidential conferences: a teleconference between Rotarians in Manila and participants in a meeting for District 3450 (Hong Kong & Macao).…

  • Kowloon East Rotary Club – Clean and Green Scheme 1985

    Kowloon East Rotary Club – Clean and Green Scheme 1985

    A Clean Competition, Over 5500 people in Hong Kong turned out with shovels and a little bag in their hand to compete in the clean and green scheme, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kowloon East. They diligently collected litter, planted trees, cleaned picnic and campsites, and fought brushfires in 12 national parks. The massive…

  • Kowloon Rotary Club – Project Careers on Wheels 1976

    Kowloon Rotary Club – Project Careers on Wheels 1976

    Kowloon Rotary Club – Project Careers on Wheels 1976 This mobile career guidance unit is provided by the Rotary Club of Kowloon to the Hong Kong government. The Careers on Wheels van extends to a display area of nearly 50 m² 538 ft.² Allowing small scale exhibitions to be set up in the most densely…

  • ROTARY The View from Sixty – The 60th Anniversary in 1965

    ROTARY The View from Sixty – The 60th Anniversary in 1965

    ROTARY – The View from Sixty – The 60th Anniversary in 1965 Picture for a moment 550,000 men Gathering each week in meeting places in 11700 communities in 125 lands .. Speech by RI President Charles Pettengill

  • Dr. The Honourable Sir David Akers-Jones (New Territories) 鍾逸傑爵士 (新界)

    Dr. The Honourable Sir David Akers-Jones (New Territories)  鍾逸傑爵士 (新界)

    Dr. The Honorable Sir David Akers-Jones New Territories Rotary Club Honorary Member By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (New Territories Rotary Club Director/Secretary 1983-1987) 25 December 2019 Dr. The Honorable Sir David Akers-Jones, KBE, GBM, CMG, HonDSocSc (CityPolyHK), HonLLD (CUHK), HonDCL (Kent), HonRICS, MA (Oxford), JP, (鍾逸傑爵士) (14 April 1927 – 30 September 2019), Briton, was…

  • The Honourable Hugh Moss Gerald Forsgate (Kowloon) 霍士傑(九龍)

    The Honourable Hugh Moss Gerald Forsgate (Kowloon) 霍士傑(九龍)

    Kowloon Rotarian Hugh Moss Gerald Forsgate First Chairman of Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation 1 March 2015 The Honourable Hugh Moss Gerald Forsgate (霍士傑), C.B.E., J.P., (22 February 1919–21 October 2001), Briton, was the first Chairman of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC) (九廣鐵路公司) since its incorporation on 24 December 1982 until 23 December 1990. This appointment was…

  • The Honourable Sir Andrew Caldecott (Kuala Lumpur) 郝德傑爵士 (吉隆坡)

    The Honourable Sir Andrew Caldecott (Kuala Lumpur) 郝德傑爵士 (吉隆坡)

    Sir Andrew Caldecott Former Rotarian served as the Governor of Hong Kong 1 December 2015 Sir Andrew Caldecott, G.C.M.G., K.B.E., K.St.J., LL.D., F.R.A.S., F.R.S.A., M.A., B.A., (26 October 1884 — 14 July 1951) was the 19th Governor of the British Crown Colony Hong Kong (第 19 任香港總督郝德傑爵士) in 1935-1937. Andrew Caldecott was previously the Charter…

  • The Rotary Club of Hong Kong – Home of Many Honorary Doctorates and Fellows

    The Rotary Club of Hong Kong – Home of Many Honorary Doctorates and Fellows

    The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Home of Many Honorary Doctorates and Fellows By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 July 2019 The month of July in the year 2019 marks the 100 years of Rotary development in the greater China since the inception of the Rotary Club of Shanghai (上海扶輪社) in 1919.…

  • Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Hong Kong University Honorary Graduates

    Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Hong Kong University Honorary Graduates

    Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Hong Kong University Honorary Graduates 1 August 2015 This article attempts to identify some of the Eminent Rotarians who have been on the roster of the Hong Kong University (香港大學) Honorary Graduates during the 20th Century or the first 95 years of Rotary. The 20th century was dominated by…

  • Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Honorary Graduates of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Honorary Graduates of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Honorary Graduates of the Chinese University of Hong Kong 1 August 2015 This article attempts to identify some of the Eminent Rotarians who have been on the roster of Honorary Graduates of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學) during the 20th Century or the first 95 years of…

  • Rotary Clubs with Charter Numbers in the Republic of China 1919-1952

    Rotary Clubs with Charter Numbers in the Republic of China 1919-1952

    Rotary Clubs with Charter Numbers in the Republic of China 1919-1952 1 July 2014 Club Name Charter No. Charter/Re-admitted Date Termination Date 1. Shanghai 上海扶輪社 545 1919-10-01 1943-12-31 1946-03-27 1951-10-16 2. Tientsin 天津扶輪社 1444 1923-05-10 1943-12-31 1946-09-17 1952-01-24 3. Peking # 北京扶輪社 1814 1924-08-30 Peiping # 北平扶輪社 (1928) 1943-12-31 1946-08-14 1951-06-26 4. Canton 廣州扶輪社 3509…

  • Rabdan Samdandobji (Ulaanbaatar)

    Rabdan Samdandobji (Ulaanbaatar)

    Rabdan Samdandobji Rotarian Chief of Mongolian Red Cross 25 December 2020 Rabdan Samdandobji (Рабдан Самдандобжи) (1951-2020), affectionately known as “Samdan”, was President 1999-2000 of Ulaanbaatar Rotary Club (Улаанбаатар Ротари клуб), Mongolia. His classification was a professional administrator of Red Cross, in his official position as the Secretary General of the Mongolian Red Cross Society (Монголын…

  • Hong Kong Rotarian Chiefs of St. John Ambulance Organization

    Hong Kong Rotarian Chiefs of St. John Ambulance Organization

    Hong Kong Rotarian Chiefs of St. John Ambulance Organization The Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) has been the home of 6 volunteer-chiefs of the Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Organization (香港聖約翰救護機構) and 5 of them had also served as Rotary International officers. These 6 past club presidents in the chronological order of their years…

  • The Rotary Districts and Governors in the Republic of China 1919-1951 – 中華民國的扶輪地區與歷任總監1919-1951

    The Rotary Districts and Governors in the Republic of China  1919-1951 – 中華民國的扶輪地區與歷任總監1919-1951

    When and How Mongolia was grouped into R.I. District 3450? 1 February 2015 January 2015 marked the 20th year of Rotary in the democratic nation Mongolia (Монгол Улс). However, for the first 5 years, the only Rotary Club in this country—The Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar (Улаанбаатар Ротари клуб)—was non-districted. Until 1 July 2000, this land-…

  • Yeh Ming-Hsun – 葉明勳

    Yeh Ming-Hsun – 葉明勳

    Senior Citizens in Chinese Journalism – Dr. Ye Mingxun Witness the first Jiazi of Taiwan’s Rotary Researcher of Chinese Rotary History Liu Jingheng December 1, 2013 In 1960, there were 4 Rotary clubs in Hong Kong, a British territory (Hong Kong Club, Kowloon Club, Hong Kong Eastern Club, Hong Kong Western Club). There is one…

  • When and How Mongolia was grouped into R.I. District 3450?

    When and How Mongolia was grouped into R.I. District 3450?

    When and How Mongolia was grouped into R.I. District 3450? 1 February 2015 January 2015 marked the 20th year of Rotary in the democratic nation Mongolia(Монгол Улс). However, for the first 5 years, the only Rotary Club in this country—The Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar (Улаанбаатар Ротари клуб)—was non-districted. Until 1 July 2000, this land-locked country…

  • Yeh Ting-Kuai (Tai Nan) 葉廷珪(臺南)

    Yeh Ting-Kuai (Tai Nan) 葉廷珪(臺南)

    Founding President of the Rotary Club of Tainan Three elected mayors of Tainan City – Ye Tinggui Researcher of Chinese Rotary History Liu Jingheng December 1, 2013 In 1960, there were 4 Rotary clubs in Hong Kong, a British territory (Hong Kong Club, Kowloon Club, Hong Kong Eastern Club, Hong Kong Western Club). There is…