Category: History

  • Rotary International President Clifford A. Randall –Visit to Hong Kong in 1959

    Rotary International President Clifford A. Randall –Visit to Hong Kong in 1959

    Rotary International President (1958-1959) Clifford A. Randall (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.) and Lady Randall visited Hong Kong in 1959. They were greeted at the Kai Tak International Airport. Following a press conference the President addressed a large Rotary gathering.

  • Rotary in Asia – January 1959

    Rotary in Asia – January 1959

    There are 5,500 miles, as the jet flies, between the Straits of the Dardanelles and Tokyo Bay. Between is the world’s hugest continent, and over half the earth’s population. And here in Asia and Asian isles are 25,000 Rotarians- members of more than 620 Clubs in 26 lands. Since 1919, when Asia’s first Rotary Club…

  • The First 25 Years (1905-1930) – Building the structure that made Rotary great

    The First 25 Years (1905-1930) – Building the structure that made Rotary great

    FOR MANY YEARS, this quotation from Ralph Waldo Emerson hung on the wall of the office of Paul P. Harris: “He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare.” It was in quest of friends- friendship-that Paul, at the turn of the twentieth century, began to think in terms of bringing business…

  • Kowloon West Rotary Club Project Concern 1963 – Doctor Afloat: Hong Kong

    Kowloon West Rotary Club Project Concern 1963 – Doctor Afloat: Hong Kong

    We ARE AWAKENED each morning by the sprinkle of coins falling on the deck. But we don’t mind. It is a pleasant alarm.” Martha Turpin flashed a warm smile. “You see, out here we have been accepted and the awakening each morning indicates that the people want what we have to offer.” The offering is…

  • Planet Rotary – History of the Rotarian Magazine since 1911

    Planet Rotary – History  of the Rotarian Magazine since 1911

    It was in 1911 that Rotary decided it needed a magazine to inform club members. That magazine was called Th National Rotarian. It wasn’t very long before the Rotarians who were coming together around the world wanted a publication of their own as well. In 1915, the first regional magazine started up, serving club members…

  • Shanghai Rotary Club Beggars Town Project 1940

    Shanghai Rotary Club Beggars Town Project 1940

    “Receive – Reform – Regenerate – Restore” Shanghai Rotary Club Beggars Home Project 1940 1 July, 2014 The Rotary Club of Shanghai (上海扶輪社) joined hands with the Shanghai Municipal Council (上海公共租界工部局) and the Salvation Army (救世軍) in 1940 to solve thousands of beggars’ problem. A Beggars Home was erected for the purposes of “Receive, Reform,…

  • 一•二八事變中的上海扶輪社

    国际主义抑或人道主义: 一·二八事变中的上海扶轮社* 马建凯 内 容 摘 要 扶 轮 社 是 以 维 系 世 界 和 平 为 宗 旨 的 国 际 人 道 组 织。 一 · 二 八 事 变 爆 发 后,由中、日、美、英等多国人士组成的上海扶 轮 社 特 别 委 员 会,发 起 了 意 在 制 止 战 争 的 请 愿活动,但请愿因日军悍然发出最后通牒而无果而终。表面上,上海扶轮社各方社员的请…

  • History of the Rotary Club of Macau

    History of the Rotary Club of Macau

    The idea of setting up a Rotary Club in Macau was raised for the first time in 1938. However, due to the Pacific War, the idea did not become a reality at that time. In 1946 when Macau and Hong Kong began to recover from the effects of World War II, the idea of forming…

  • R.I. President S. Kendrick Guernsey – visits Hong Kong and Macao in 1947

    R.I. President S. Kendrick Guernsey – visits Hong Kong and Macao in 1947

    To the Antipodes with the Guernseys A PHOTO.REPORT ON THE PRESIDENT’S 40.000-MILE ROTARY TOUR IN THE north of New Zealand, where geysers spout and mud springs boil, a band of Maoris gathered one day a few weeks ago. True natives of this “long bright land,” they had met to welcome two strangers from far shores–the…

  • Dr. Wilson Wang Tze-Sam

    Dr. Wilson Wang Tze-Sam

    Dr. Wilson Wang Tze-Sam, OBE, JP President 1959-1960 Hong Kong Island East Rotary Club 1 April 2015 Dr. The Honorable Wilson Wang Tze-Sam (王澤森), OBE, HonLLD (CUHK), BSc (HKU), JP (27 April 1918-1998) was an Active Member of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East (香港東區扶輪社), and later served the Club as President in…

  • Hong Kong Island East Rotary Club – Project Computer Learning for Disabilities

    Hong Kong Island East Rotary Club – Project Computer Learning for Disabilities

    A career guidance manual published by the Rotary Club of Spic Nagar, India, offers young people information on various vocations and how to prepare for them through school and related work experience. They have distributed their 370-page book, titled “Tomorrow-Challenges and Choices,” to young people free of charge. • Rotarians of Wangaratta, Vic., Australia, recently…

  • Hong Kong Northwest Rotary Club – Literacy Project in Chinese Mainland

    Hong Kong Northwest Rotary Club – Literacy Project in Chinese Mainland

    The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Northwest is involved in an effort to print classic Chinese texts for distribution in China’s schools. The project is aimed at strengthening literacy skills for the country’s youth and exposing them to venerable, mostlv Confucianist works. The club has already printed some 60,000 books. Once the books are distributed…

  • Ko Tin-Lung The Rotary Club of Tolo Harbour Hong Kong

    Ko Tin-Lung The Rotary Club of Tolo Harbour Hong Kong

    香港吐露港扶輪社 — 榮譽社員古天農 Honorary Rotarian Ko Tin-Lung The Rotary Club of Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) Charter President 1987-88-89, Rotary Club of Tolo Harbour 7 July 2022 古天農(1953 年-2022 年 6 月 23 日),香港資深舞台劇演員和導演、電視及電台節目主 持。生前曾任中英劇團藝術總監;香港藝術發展局藝術推廣委員會主席、戲劇組主席、策略委 員會委員;香港政府康樂及文化事務署,以及香港演藝學院戲劇學院之顧問委員。 古天農是參加了香港吐露港扶輪社二十多年的「資深榮譽社員」 。通過扶輪社這個平台, 他以「職業服務」貢獻社會。古天農以戲劇導演的職業為服務通路,多年來獲得扶輪社的贊助 和扶輪社員的熱情參與,主導舉辦了高等學校戲劇比賽、表演藝術工作坊和文化教育項目等。 古天農完整展示了自己是一名真正的扶輪社員。無法成為「現職社員」的原因,是因為他 的工作時間不規律,沒有辦法實踐扶輪社章程規定的出席要求。 Ko Tin-Lung (1953-2022) was for more than 20 years…

  • Rotary International President A. Z. Baker – visits Hong Kong & Taiwan in 1955

    Rotary International President A. Z. Baker – visits Hong Kong & Taiwan in 1955

    Rotary International President A. Z. Baker visited Hong Kong & Taiwan – 1955 1 April 2015 “Peace is an old, old hope of man, but the peace that obtains in most of the world today seems far short of the ancient dream. It is a nervous, delicate, troubled peace; it could end, as everyone knows,…

  • Rotarians served the British Crown Colony Hong Kong Legislative Council

    Rotarians served the British Crown Colony Hong Kong Legislative Council

    Rotarians served the British Crown Colony Hong Kong Legislative Council As Presidents / Members / Secretary General 1 November 2016 This article attempts to list out those Rotarians who had served the British Crown Colony Hong Kong Legislative Council (英屬香港立法局) as Presidents (主席) / Members (議員) / Secretary General (秘書長) before 1 July 1997, in…

  • Shenyang Rotarian Angus Ward – A Hostage in Communist China 1948-1949 – 1948-1949年中美外交摩擦的軟禁「華德事件」

    Shenyang Rotarian Angus Ward – A Hostage in Communist China 1948-1949 – 1948-1949年中美外交摩擦的軟禁「華德事件」

    1 中文版(中方觀點)在第 11-19 頁 1948-1949 年中美外交摩擦的軟禁「華德事件」 Shenyang Rotarian Angus Ward A Hostage in Communist China 1948-1949 1 December 2016 On the page of “Rotarians in the News” of《The Rotarian》magazine, Issue April 1950, there is a photo with such caption: “Angus Ward (center), former Consul General and Rotarian in Mukden, China, reports to President Truman. Now…

  • Over the Great Wall – Rotary Service storms the barricade of racial antipathy by Arthur Melville

    Over the Great Wall – Rotary Service storms the barricade of racial antipathy by Arthur Melville

    Rotary Service storms the barricade of racial antipathy By ARTHUR MELVILLE CROSS the north end of China, stretched over some twenty-two degrees of longitude lies the Great Wall, one of the most impressive artificial barriers ever erected by man. Roughly constructed of great boulders it was a formidable obstacle in its day, and for nineteen…

  • A People Not Forgotten – Rotary Volunteers aid Hong Kong refugees – 1988

    A People Not Forgotten – Rotary Volunteers aid Hong Kong refugees – 1988

    Glossary (1) Rotary Volunteers Rotarians put Rotary’s motto of Service Above Self into action every day and in every part of the world, generously contributing their time and skills to help others. Rotary clubs carry out service projects that address critical needs locally and often work with distant clubs to co- sponsor international efforts. Rotary…

  • Rotary’s Crusade against Polio in China since 1989

    Rotary’s Crusade against Polio in China since 1989

    Rotary’s Crusade against Polio in China since 1989 Built the world’s largest polio vaccine plant in Kunming 24 October 2015 News clipping on 8 October 1992 October 24 is Rotary’s World Polio Day. On this special day, we may look back quarter century ago a wonderful “End Polio” project in China — building the world’s…

  • Rotary Institute in Hong – December 1995

    Rotary Institute in Hong – December 1995

    President Brown participates in the ceremonial ribbon cutting to inaugurate the Projects in Asia Exhibition at the December Rotary Institute in Hong Kong. Herb is flanked by R.I. Director Sabina S. Santos of the Philippines and Past R. I. Director In Sang Song of Korea, convener of the Institute.