Eminent Hong Kong Rotarians Honored with Grand Bauhinia Medal
榮授大紫荊勳章的香港傑出扶輪人 Eminent Hong Kong Rotarians Honored with Grand Bauhinia Medals 1 July 2021 2021 年 7 月 1 日,是中華人民共和國香港特別行政區成立後邁進第 25 年,這也是政府在 《憲報》上公佈年度授勳名單的日子。 「大紫荊勳章」是香港特別行政區授勳及嘉獎制度下的最高榮譽,表揚畢生為香港社會作出 重大貢獻的人士。「大紫荊勳章」自 1997 年 7 月 1 日起每年頒授一次,所有受勳者皆可以終生 在其英文名字前加上「The Honorable」,亦可在其名字後加上「大紫荊勳賢」或「GBM」。 紫荊花是香港的花徽。大紫荊勳章由 18K 黃金及 18K 白金嵌成的,圖案為星光托著紫荊花, 紫荊代表香港,一顆星代表中國;絲帶的紅色和金色象徵高貴榮譽。 本文試圖列出自 1997 年 7 月 1 日香港特別行政區成立以來,曾獲得大紫荊勳章的傑出扶輪 社員。 The First of July in this year of 2021…
Ir. Dr. Joseph CHOW Ming-Kuen (Hong Kong Island West) 周明權博士 (香港西區)
香港西區扶輪社 — 工程師周明權博士 Ir. Dr. Joseph CHOW Ming-Kuen, O.B.E., J.P. The Hong Kong Rotarian ‘Wonderful and Gentle Soul’ 1 December 2018 In an email to graduates, Professor Christopher Chao (趙汝恆教授), Dean of Engineering at the University of Hong Kong, appraised the School’s distinguished alumnus: “Dr. Chow … … … passionately and selflessly dedicated himself to…
The First Meeting of Rotary
This article was downloaded from the website of The Rotary Club of Ahuriri, Napier, New Zealand (RI District 9930):The First Meeting of RotaryThe 23rd February each year marks the anniversary since the Thursday of 23 February 1905 when Paul Harris, his friend and client Silvester Schiele, friend Gus Loehr and acquantance Hiram Shorey met in…
Rotarians served the Sanitary Board/Urban Council/Regional Council of the British Crown Colony Hong Kong
Rotarians served the Sanitary Board/Urban Council/Regional Council of the British Crown Colony Hong Kong 1883 – 1999 15 October 2016 Coat-of-Arms of the Hong Kong Urban Council, 1935-1999 Logo of the Urban Council, 1973-1999 The Urban Council (香港市政局) was first established as the Sanitary Board (香港潔淨局) in 1883 in the British Crown Colony Hong Kong.…
Rotarians served the Executive Council of the British Crown Colony Hong Kong
Rotarians served the Executive Council of the British Crown Colony Hong Kong 1 February 2015 The Executive Council (行政局) of the British Crown Colony Hong Kong government before 1 July 1997 was “the cabinet” presided by the Governor of Hong Kong (香港總督). It was analogous to other Executive Councils in the British Commonwealth such as…
Eminent Rotarians on the Honorary Graduates Roster of Hong Kong Baptist University
Eminent Rotarians on the Honorary Graduates Roster of Hong Kong Baptist College / Hong Kong Baptist University 15 October 2020 Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) (香港浸會大學) is a public liberal arts university with a Christian education heritage located in Kowloon Tong (九龍塘), Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. The University was established as Hong Kong…
The Honourable Peter Chan Chi-Kwan (New Territories) 陳子鈞(新界)
The Honourable Peter Chan Chi-Kwan Hong Kong Urban Council Senior Elected Member 中文版在第 2-3 頁 香港市政局資深民選議員–陳子鈞大律師 15 October 2017 The Honourable Peter Chan Chi-Kwan (陳子鈞) (7 March 1936 – 15 March 2017) was a charter member and Vice-President from 1969 to 1972 of the Rotary Club of New Territories (新界扶輪社), Hong Kong. He later served…
Dr. Ng Tor-Tai (Kowloon East) 吳多泰博士(九龍東區)
吳多泰博士 九龍東區扶輪社創社社長 劉敬恒 (中華扶輪史研究員) 2016年4月24 日 吳多泰博士 (1911—2005),九龍東區扶輪社1970-1971年度創社社長。九龍東區扶輪社 (Kowloon East Rotary Club)由九龍扶輪社(Kowloon Rotary Club)輔導,1970 年12月3日加 盟國際扶輪。九龍東區扶輪社是在香港地區成立的第八家扶輪社,例會語言為粵語。 吳多泰原籍中華民國廣東省瓊崖特別區(今海南省)文昌縣,畢業於廣東省立勷勤大學,獲 土木工程學士學位。廣東省立勷勤大學(SoengKen University of Canton,是一所曾經設立 在廣州市的大學,是陳濟棠(前廣東省政府主席、海南特別行政區行政長官)為紀念國民黨元老 古應芬在1934 年7月創辦的。勷勤大學只存在了四年,1938年由於日本帝國的侵略停辦。但 其建築工程學系對嶺南早期現代主義有一定的影響,延續至現今中山大學建築工程系及華南理 工大學建築學院,為華南建築學科的發端。 1949 年吳多泰在香港成立國際鴻星投資集團有限公司(International Hung Hsing Holding Ltd.),任董事長,主營業務為房地產投資。 除了扶輪社外,吳多泰也熱衷參與多種社會組織—尖沙嘴街坊福利會理事長、何文田街 坊福利會會長、港九各區街坊會協進會主席、香港至德總會會長、世界至德總會名譽主席、香 港地產商會會董、香港物業商會會董等等。曾任東華三院總理、顧問;南華體育會永遠董事; 香港童軍東九龍地域名譽會長。 在政治參與領域,吳多泰曾任中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會第六、七屆委員;香港基 本法諮詢委員會委員。 吳多泰十分關心興學教育,多次慷慨解囊捐資,造福鄉梓— (1) 吳多泰曾任香港中文大學聯合書院董事會董事,在書院設立「吳多泰學業優異獎」 。 (2) 吳多泰曾任香港童軍總會東九龍地域名譽會長,設立「吳多泰童軍基金」 ,以輔助東九龍 地域童軍運動之發展。 (3) 吳多泰十分關心海南發展,獲海南省「赤子楷模」榮譽稱號。曾擔任海南大學理事會名譽 理事長、原海南大學籌委會副主任。曾向原海南大學捐贈 130 萬港元和 100 噸鋼材,修建 泰堅樓;後又向學校捐贈人民幣 26…
Two provisional clubs in China – Shanghai & Beijing – get charters
AUGUST 2006 | THE ROTARIAN 57 Stenhammar applauds service in China IMMEDIATE PAST RI PRESIDENT CARL WILHELM STENHAMMAR celebrated the growth of service opportunities in mainland China 21-23 May with the Rotary clubs of Beijing and Shanghai. – At the Board’s request, Stenhammar appointed a special representative to China in November. Christopher Bo Bramsen of…
Beijing Rotary Club (Provisional) heads AIDS Charity Event
Provisional club heads AIDS charity event Members of China’s provisional Rotary Club took a significant step toward raising AIDS awareness by hosting the country’s first major AIDS charity event. The black-tie affair, organized by members of the Provisional Rotary Club of Beijing, established in 2001, featured a formal dinner and performances by some of the…
Dr. Gary C. K. Huang (Taipei) #1 黃其光博士(臺北) #1
國際扶輪新社長黃其光 Meet Rotary’s New President: Gary C.K. Huang Rotary’s new president, Gary C.K. Huang, shows us the meaning behind the family of Rotary. Gary Huang played a lot of sports when he was younger, but basketball was his favorite. He was captain and point guard of his high school team. “I’m not tall, but I…
RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 10-12
Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 10/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第十輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018 19 May 2016 – Gary C. K. Huang was decorated The Order of…
RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 7-9
Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 7/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第七輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018 RI President Gary C.K. Huang with young persons of the Rotary Day UNESCO…
RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 4-6
Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 4/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第四輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018
RI President 2014-15 Gary CK Huang Global Travels Vol 1-3
Rotary International President 2014-2015 (District 345 Governor 1986-1987) Dr. Gary C. K. Huang & Mrs. Corinna Huang Global Visits Photo Album Vol. 1/12 國際扶輪社長黃其光博士伉儷 2014-2015 環球訪問圖片集第一輯 This album was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1o Oct. 2018 Gary C. K. Huang (黃其光) was born in 1945 in Foochow of Fukien…
Taiwan’s Journey to Host Rotary International Convention 2021
Meet Taiwan-ICCA Bidding Workshop Taiwan’s Journey to Host the Rotary International Convention 2021 國際扶輪 前理事 謝三連 Jackson Hsieh 24 May, 2016 2021 Rotary International Convention in Taipei 1991-1993 Charter President of the RC of Taipei Sunrise 1998-1999 District Governor of District 3520 2008-2010 Director, Rotary International 2011-2015 Trustee, The Rotary Foundation…
Focus on Formosa -by James Dickson
by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 10 October 2015. Formosa = Taiwan = 臺灣 The name “Formosa” dates from 1542 when Portuguese sailors sighted an uncharted island located at the western Pacific rim and noted it on their maps as Ilha Formosa (“beautiful island”). The name “Formosa” eventually “replaced all others in…
Dr. Herman C. E. Liu (Shanghai) 劉湛恩博士(上海)
中文版在第 20-29 頁 被日本帝國特工暗殺的上海扶輪社員–劉湛恩博士 Dr. Herman C. E. Liu The Shanghai Rotarian assassinated by Imperial Japan’s agents 1 December 2016 Dr. Herman C. E. Liu (劉湛恩博士), President of the Shanghai University (滬江大學), was assassinated by Imperial Japan’s agents in 1938. This is in the Rotary China History that a Rotarian educator, even not a politician…
Reverend James Ira Dickson (Taipei) 孫雅各牧師(臺北)
孫雅各牧師 — 臺北扶輪社 1949-1950 年度社長 Rev. James Ira Dickson The Second President of Taipei Rotary Club in 1949-1950 10 October 2015 孫雅各牧師(1900 年 2 月 23 日—1967 年 6 月 15 日)是 1948 年臺北扶輪社創社社員,然 後於 1949-1950 年度擔任社長。他是基督教長老教會宣教師,是基督教芥菜種會創辦人孫理蓮 宣教士的丈夫。 孫雅各 1900 年出生於美國南達科塔州,1927 年畢業於普林斯頓大學神學院。同年,與孫 理蓮結婚,受學生海外志願宣教運動影響,接受加拿大長老教會的徵召,至日本帝國領土的臺 灣宣教。10 月抵達臺灣。曾任淡江中學代理校長,臺北神學院(今臺灣神學院)院長。 1940 年,第二次世界大戰。受日本臺灣總督府的壓力,孫雅各與孫理蓮離開臺灣,至南美 洲英屬圭亞那傳教。1945 年,太平洋戰爭結束,孫雅各返回已經是中華民國政權的臺灣。 1948 年,他繼續擔任臺灣神學院院長,直到 1965 年退休。在他主持校務的期間,將臺灣 神學院校區從臺北市雙連遷移到現今的陽明山嶺頭。此外,他在臺灣北部協助教會年輕一輩推 動教會革新運動(該運動稱為新人運動),並推動臺灣原住民宣教,曾創辦…
Incorporation of the Rotary Club of Amagao, Macao, 1988
By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 January 2024 During the second half of the Rotary Year of 1987-1988 when Dr. Raymond C. W. Wong (黃志偉醫師) (九龍東區扶輪社) (Surgeon), of Kowloon East Rotary Club in Hong Kong, serving his first term as District 345 Governor of Rotary International, there was the proposal from a…