José Inocêncio dos Santos Ferreira (Macau)
José Inocêncio dos Santos Ferreira President 1977-1978 of Macau Rotary Club By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 15 December 2016 José Inocêncio dos Santos Ferreira, CvIH, (Macao, 28 July 1919 – Hong Kong, 24 March 1993), better known as “Adé” (阿德), was a poet from Macao and a great defender of Patuá Macanese,…
Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club – CUHK Pre-Employment Workshop 1972
The fourth Pre-Employment Workshop for the third- and fourth- year undergraduates of the University was held on 24th and 25th May on the University Campus in Shatin. The Workshop, organized by the Appointments Service, brought together 241 students and 60 community leaders and members of staff of the University to discuss all facets of graduate…
The Classification Principle Defined the Charter Membership of Nanking Rotary Club 南京扶輪社
The Classification Principle Defined the Charter Membership of Nanking Rotary Club (南京扶輪社) (1934) By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 July 2015 The Classification Principle What is Rotary? There are so many definitions as there are Rotarians. We hear that it is a service club, an association of business and professional people. An…
Nanking Rotary Club Marked Foundation Day in 1936
Nanking Rotary Club Marked Foundation Day in 1936 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 23 February 2016 “Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world it will be known by the results it achieves. ” ~~Paul Harris, Rotary founder Rotary started with the vision of one man — Paul Percy Harris (19…
Chengtu Rotary Club Launched Anti-TB Campaign 1945-05
新 中國又報 中華尼以諧华五月四 汙』 五龙鼻新生檢驗結 果 之卅患都. 9有 蓉 扶 輪 風發 動 防 痨 運 動 四國民社飲》 成都扶論𩵚线防推扣病,莊 聯合省待生礎,數冒單,市政府,市衛生洛夠 開印境關副假, 在依學成三市額拜行防治銷娥 病進蹦謝。昨日下午四時假資年會事行算 二3 化 會。到歌顧郓對守,李科炎,離,肺病 推防融長羅光壁 , 蔡比醫學酵教投揚泰 ,密 印,中能醫莎會放都的佛魯細遷,市衛在存發 所代麥及扶輪社胜員。 由魯德察豆嘴。決淡染 案:(二1 定五月廿日廿 六且絕行肪清結樣 病連動遜。以成華成三職 市系 動遇工作限境 • (I1>以,鉞市民本對急,特則側黨三聯市 内大中學及虹心學校關民凝校, 三 印盤 傳品,分徵後發張貼。其婆形称 教任5細以 五千元,稱德聚相动阮一元 不见影 洗。(四)宣 傳翻 ,在各,影院教蝕我版 在每報登聯及際論。甜致證實教織放幻造 ,來辦話劇邊種。 ?您內穿,側頂結煙演病窖 之…
Shanghai Rotary Club opens National Campaign against Smallpox in 1926
Shanghai Rotary Club initiated National Campaign against Smallpox, 1926 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 December 2015 Since the inception of the 6 Areas of Focus by Rotary International in recent years, December every year is designated as “Disease Prevention and Treatment Month”, commencing from this Rotary Year 2015-2016. The concern on…
Hangchow Rotary Club (1931) – The First Mandarin Speaking Club in History
史上第一家華語扶輪社 – 杭州扶輪社(1931) Hangchow Rotary Club (1931) The First Mandarin Speaking Club in History By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 May 2014 Hangchow Rotary Club (杭州扶輪社), chartered on 23 June 1932, was the first Mandarin speaking Club in history, located in Hangchow (Hangzhou), capital city of Chekiang (Zhejiang) Province of the Republic…
The 1994 R.I. Convention in Taipei Celebrated the 75 Years of Rotary in Asia
The love of high strategy has fascinated the Chinese for centuries. To the Chinese mind, planning complex manoeuvres and executing intricate plans harmoniously are among the most treasured human qualities. In June 1994, a monumental puzzle was posed to Taiwan’s Rotary leaders, as well as to the members of the 1994 R.I. Convention Committee: how…
2nd Rotary District Conference in China – Nanking 1937
2nd Conference of the 81st District of Rotary International Nanking, Republic of China – 11-13 April 1937 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 15 April 2014 The purpose of the District Conference is to provide opportunities for networking, inspirational addresses, and discussions of Rotary-related matters. The event should recognize the service programs, projects,…
The Birth of Soochow Rotary Club (吳縣扶輪社) 1936
The Birth of Soochow Rotary Club (吳縣扶輪社) 1936 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 10 October 2015 Soochow Rotary Club (吳縣扶輪社) was located inside the walled-city of Wu Xian (吳縣)—the superior jurisdiction of then Soochow (Suzhou) (蘇州)—which was one of the major counties of Kiangsu (Jiangsu) Province of the Republic of China (中華民國江蘇省).…
The Birth of the Rotary Club of Macau in 1947
The Birth of the Rotary Club of Macau in 1947 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 15 October 2015 The landmark of Macao as in 1947 Ruínas da Antiga Catedral de São Paulo (Ruins of Saint Paul’s) (大三巴牌坊 ) “Macao” in English, or “Macau” in Portuguese, or “澳門”in Chinese, was formerly a Portuguese…
Filipe Senna Fernandes (Macau) 飛卓迪(澳門)
Spin master FILIPE SENNA FERNANDES Rotary Club of Macau Even Rotarians can bust a move on the dance floor, says Filipe Senna Fernandes, who has built a following as a disc jockey: He was among the featured performers at the 2014 New Year’s gala at the Galaxy Macau casino. A business consultant and marketing professional…
Kowloon North Rotary Club – Donated computers to Ulaanbaatar high school, Mongolia – 2001
Hong Kong Rotarians donate computers to Mongolian high schools The Rotary Club of Kowloon North, Hong Kong, donated U.S. $25,000 worth of computers to high schools in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. Pictured: William Benter, past president of the Rotary Club of Kowloon North, points to one of the new computers, while RI Vice-President Gary Huang (left)…
Hong Kong Rotary Club – Charity Ball in aid of Kamp for Kids – 1950
Rotary Club Ball in aid of poor children is a success Newspaper clipping dated: 15 April 1950 More than 600 people packed the Sky Room ballroom last night on the occasion of the Hong Kong Rotary Club’s dinner-dance in aid of Kamp for Kids. Beginning at 8:30 p.m., the affair lasted until 1 a.m. It…
Hong Kong Rotary Club – Mobile Clinic for Mongolia – 2017
SCMP.COM Companies Hong Kong’s Rotary and Land Rover clubs turn an old truck into a mobile clinic for Mongolia’s poor Clubs raise over HK$800,000 to renovate Aussie six-wheel drive and send it on a cancer- screening mission to Ulan Bator Topic | Motoring William Wadsworth Published: 2:52pm, 16 Jun, 2017 Hong Kong’s Rotarians could soon…
Sir William Woodward Hornell (Hong Kong) 康寧爵士(香港)
Sir William Woodward Hornell The First Rotary Club President in Hong Kong Sir William Woodward Hornell (康寧爵士), Kt, CIE, HonLLD (HKU), MA (Oxford), (1878-1950), Knight Educationalist, was the first president of The Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) from 1930 to 1932, when he was the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong (香港大學校長). Though…
Eminent Hong Kong Rotarians Honored with Knights Bachelor
榮授下級勳位爵士的香港傑出扶輪人 Eminent Hong Kong Rotarians honored with Knights Bachelor By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 November 2015 The insignia of a Knight Bachelor devised in 1926 The title of Knight Bachelor is the basic rank granted to a man who has been knighted by the monarch but not inducted as a member…
Eminent Rotarians on the Honorary Graduates Roster of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Eminent Rotarians on the Honorary Graduates Roster of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 15 September 2016 With over eight decades of proud tradition and ranking among the world’s top 100 institutions, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) (香港理工大學) aspires to be an innovative world-class university with a…
Dr. Chau Cham-Son (Hong Kong) 周湛燊博士(香港)
Dr. Chau Cham-Son — A Rotarian of Life Long Scouting Former Headquarters Commissioner (Public Relations) The Scout Association of Hong Kong 15 January 2024 Dr. Chau Cham-Son (周湛燊博士), OBE, CStJ, HonLLD (Liverpool), BA(AS)(HKU), JP, (23 August 1932 – 9 October 2023), was a senior Rotarian of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) holding the…
Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Lingnan University Honorary Graduates
Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Lingnan University Honorary Graduates 1 August 2015 This article attempts to identify some of the Eminent Rotarians who have been on the roster of Honorary Graduates of the Lingnan University (嶺南大學) in Hong Kong since it passed an academic accreditation review from the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation,…