Why and How was The Rotary Foundation Scholarships initiated in 1947
Why and How was The Rotary Foundation scholarships initiated in 1947 1 November, 2016November 2016 is“The Rotary Foundation Month”. The year 2017 will be the 100thAnniversary of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, and will also be the 70thyear of the establishment of The Rotary Foundation scholarship program. Offering scholarships for overseas advanced studies improved…
The First Meeting of Rotary in Room 711 – 扶輪的第一次會議
The First Meeting of Rotary The 23rd February each year marks the anniversary since the Thursday of 23 February 1905 when Paul Harris, his friend and client Silvester Schiele, friend Gus Loehr and acquantance Hiram Shorey met in Gus’s office in the Unity Building in Chicago, USA, in Room 711. Here is the account in…
The Rotary Call Name – First Name or Nickname
The Rotary Call Name–First Name or Nickname 23 February, 2014It is very common, whenever you are going to fill in the registration form for convention or conference, you will be required to: “Enter your name as you wish it to appear on your convention badge. Please mark your Rotary call name (Nickname) in the space…
The World in 1945 when Rotary 40 Years Old
The World in 1945 when Rotary 40 Years Old 23 February, 2015 The year 1945 was the 40th Anniversary of Rotary since its inception in 1905. Rotary Clubs in all parts of the world enthusiastically observed the 40thbirthday of the founding of Rotary on 23rd February. Anniversary highlight was an international broadcast, participated in by…
Dr. Tseung Fat-Im (Hong Kong) 醫師蔣法賢博士 (香港)
中文版在第9-19頁香港扶輪人–醫師蔣法賢博士執掌香港聯合書院並推動建立香港中文大學Hong Kong Rotarian Dr. Tseung Fat-Im Instrumental in forming the United College and the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 1 September 2017 Dr.Tseung Fat-Im (醫師蔣法賢博士), O.B.E., K.St.J., LL.D., M.B., B.S., J.P., a Rotarian since 1937,was President 1947-1948 of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社), and laterservedRotary International as Administrative Advisor 1958-1960…
First Men of Rotary ‘Harry Ruggles’ – He Taught Rotary to Sing
Harry Ruggles: he taught Rotary to sing In early 1920, in a letter to Silvester Schiele, one of the original four members of the Rotary Club of Chicago, Rotary founder Paul Harris wrote: “As I look back over the field of early events, the work of Harry Ruggles so completely overshadows all others in connection…
Dr. Lee Ying-Lam (Canton) 李應林博士(廣州)
Member of the Rotary Club of Guangzhou (1931), who is always remembered by Lingnan University and Chongji College-Dr. Li Yinglin Liu Jingheng (Researcher of Rotary History of China) March 1, 2016 Lingnan University renamed one of its lecture halls “Lee Ying Lam Lecture Theatre” after relocating to the Tuen Mun Permanent Campus of Hong Kong in…
Kwo Keh-Ti (Taipei) 郭克悌(臺北)
中文版在第 10-13頁 郭克悌 — 國際扶輪 345 地區第一任總監 Kwo Keh-Ti – The First Governor of District 345 Rotary International By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 October 2014 Kwo Keh-Ti (郭克悌) (2 February 1893 – March 1971), President 1952-1953 of Taipei Rotary Club (臺北扶輪社), was the first Governor in 1960-1961 of Rotary International District…
Dr. Fong Foo-Sec (Shanghai) #1 鄺富灼博士(上海) #1
Rotary International Director Dr. Fong Foo-Sec From Kitchen Boy to Doctorate 1 June 2014 Dr. Fong Foo-Sec (鄺富灼博士),B.A.(UC Berkeley); M.A., M.Ed.(Columbia); LL.D.(Pomona), (1869-1938), a Guangdong native, joined the Shanghai Rotary Club (上海扶輪社) on 4 April 1922 (Classification: Books Publishing), was the first Chinese who served as a director of Rotary International in 1933-1934, but very…
Admiral Tsai Ting-Kan (Peking) 蔡廷幹海軍中將(北京)
史上第一位華籍扶輪社社長-蔡廷幹海軍上將 Admiral Tsai Ting-Kan The First Chinese Rotary Club President in History 1 July 2014 Admiral Tsai Ting-Kan 蔡廷幹海軍上將 The First Chinese Rotary Club President in History After the establishment of Shanghai Rotary Club (上海扶輪社) in 1919, followed by Tients in Rotary Club(天津扶輪社) in 1923, a group of outstanding persons in Peking (Beijing) gathered together…
Rotary International President Percy Hodgson – Visit to Hong Kong & Canton in 1949
Rotary International President Percy Hodgson Visit to Hong Kong and Canton in 1949 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian)1 July 2015Percy HodgsonThe Presidential TravelThe pattern for a year marked with inspiration, enthusiasm and achievement, was set by Rotary International President 1949-1950 Percy Hodgson of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, U.S.A., when, as President Nominee, he…
The First 30 Years of Women in Rotary
The 30 Years of Women in RotaryBy Herbert K. Lau(劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian)1July 2019July 2019 marks the 100th year of Rotary in Shanghai, as well as in Greater China. In these 100 years, Md.Terri Lau (劉麗賢), a Hong Kong native Chinese, is the third woman to serve president of Shanghai Rotary Club (上海扶輪社)in 2019-2020. However,…
Women Serving Rotary
Women Serving Rotary8 March, 2017 –International Women’s DaySome very significant programs of Rotary service are conducted not by Rotarians but by organizations of Rotarians’ wives and other female relatives associated with Rotary clubs around the world. Generally organized before Rotary clubs admitted women to membership since 1989, these groups served, and continue to serve, as…
Rotary in China (2001) – 扶輪在中國 (2001
Rotary in China by Christopher Bo BramsenTuesday, 20 February 2001(Note by Editor: Christopher Bo Bramsen was a member of the Rotary Club of Copenhagen, Denmark, and is the RoyalDanish Ambassador to China, concurrently to Mongolia and North Korea. This article is the key-note speech delivered at the 70th Anniversary Meeting of The Rotary Club of…
Rotary International early policies paving Rotary’s Road back to China
Rotary International early policies paving Rotary’s Road back to China 敬恒) By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) (剖 1 December 2014 This article aims to give readers some historical facts on the Vision vision of our Rotary leaders about of thirty years ago, and how was their wisdom put through in contrast to…
Dr. Arthur W. Woo (Hong Kong) 胡惠德醫生 (香港)
Dr. Arthur W. Woo Rejuvenated the broken Hong Kong Rotary Club in 1945 1 September 2015 Rejuvenated the broken Hong Kong Rotary Club Dr. Arthur W. Woo (胡惠德醫生), O.B.E, C.St.J., F.R.C.S., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., J.P., (1888-1964) was an obstetrician and gynecologist missionary. He was the Rotarian who rejuvenated the broken Rotary Club of Hong…
Paul P. Harris visited Shanghai and Hong Kong in 1935
Paul P. Harris visited Shanghai and Hong Kong in 1935 23 February 2015 “Rotary has satisfactorily demonstrated the fact that friendship can easily hurdle national and religious boundary lines.” ~~ Paul P. Harris, Founder, 1935 FEBRUARY is the anniversary month of Rotary. The February in 1935 was the 30th Anniversarywhich was very remarkableto the 2…
Peace and Conflict Prevention-Resolution Month
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month Paul P. Harris planted a Tree of Friendship in Shanghai 1935 1 February 2018 “Imagine all the people living life in peace …” John Lennon. FEBRUARY is designated《Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month》on the Rotary calendar, since 2015, in lieu of the previous observation《World Understanding Month》. The month also includes the…
Pacific Rotary Conference 1935, Manila, The Philippines
Rotary Conference in the Pacific 1935 1 February2015 Since 1926, every two years, representative Rotarians from shores washed by the Pacific Ocean gathered at a common meeting place. Here, these men of many nations and varied races and creeds discussed not only as a melting pot for ideas on matters of purely Rotary concern, but…
Dr. Fong Foo-Sec (Shanghai) 鄺富灼博士 (上海)
中文版在第6-7頁The First Chinese Director of Rotary International Dr. Fong Foo-Sec and the Business of Teaching English 1 June 2014Dr. Fong Foo-Sec (鄺富灼博士), B.A.(UCBerkeley); M.A., M.Ed.(Columbia); LL.D.(Pomona), (1869-1938), a Guangdong native, joined the Shanghai Rotary Club (上海扶輪社) on 4 April 1922(Classification: Books Publishing), was the first Chinese who served as a director of Rotary International in…