Rotary International Road China Herbert Lau 劉敬恒 Historian December 2014 This Vision Mainland The Club Shanghai 上海扶輪社 October 1919 1930s Board 上海扶翰社 But 1952 Chinese After Economic Reform Socialism People Republic PRC 中華人民共和國民共和 1978 Communist Party 囤中國共產黨共崖 Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平 NGOs Sparks 1980s Directors Because 1987 Acapulco Princess Hotel Mexico February Opryland Nashville Tennessee 1988 World Community Service Committee Centre Technical Exchanges 中國國際 經濟技術交流中心 缍膺技 Youth Exchange Secretariat All Federation 中華全國青年聯合會 年聪合舍 Meeting Hong Kong Workshop 1994 Preparing Merely Annual Convention Taipei 1993 Presidential January Its Mongolia Kazakhstan Twenty Asia President Robert Barth Switzerland Elect Bill Huntley 韓德立 England Chairman Royce Abbey Australia Foundation Trustees Special Report Pages Readers Sang Song Korea Above Self 1996 One Center Evanston Illinois March 1997 Anaheim California Recognizing British Crown Colony July Communique Carlo Ravizza August 1999 賴唯捨 Italy Issue Rotarian Government Page Groundwork Year 2000 Beijing November Ministry Civil Affairs Frank Devlyn 戴甫靈 Richard King Nominee Bhichai Rattakul 陳裕財 Thailand Thai Kingdom 晾裕财 Accompanying Director Kenneth Collins General Secretary Edwin Futa Royal Danish Ambassador North Christopher Bramsen 白慕申 Elect President State Councillor Ismail Amat 中國國務委員司馬義 艾買提 維吾爾族 中圃圃薇委宣 习熹裳 艾竟提 慈吾廖骇荆 Rotarians 2005 19305 96year 1934 Paul Harris 1936 Past Both Vice Vienna Austria June Central Eastern Discussion There R0tary Participants East Europe Among Their Western Though However Object Way Test Everyone Instead Health 100 Trustee For Japanese Japan They Given Millions West Agreement Tariffs Trade Confucian These Governors American With R0tarians Polio Plus Kunming Scholars GSE Further National Immunization Days 1991 Vietnam Laos Bhutan Asian Under THE ROTARIAN JUNE PROBLEM FLAGS BANNER GIVE WORKED HARD FOR CLUB THIS YEAR Plus Anywhere FRIEND Goods Services Our New Catalog BANNERS STATE INTERNATIONAL CUSTOM ANY OCCASION Discounts ORDYER TODAY Seesaw Mode Making 树odud邂 岫昭扎岫 1085 Bay Blvd Suite Chulo Vista 619 585 1044 FAX 0108 CALL RUSSELL HAMPTON Boo 877 8908 Fax 708 960 3960 MEDALS PINS ALL CLUBS Lapel Top ENAMEL DIE CHARGE Low Min 250 Write 714 4924155 800 4215735 492 4158 USA CHANGE Guangzhou Once Flexibility Every Governments ROBERT BARTH BILL HUNTLEY ROYCE ABBEY EDS WATCHES ARE MON THAN JUST ANOTHER PRETTY FACE Support Partners Helping Grants Many While Macau ROTARY Then Having ACT WITH CONSISTENCY CREDIBILITY CONTINUITY Communications 55075974730 SPECIAL RATES ROTARIANS Leave Lasting Legacy When Permanent Fund Benefactor Phil Carman Senior Planned Giving Supervisor 847 866 3100
Rotary International Road China1 December 2016 This China Mainland The Club Shanghai October 1919 1930s Board 1952 After Economic Reform Socialism Chinese People Republic PRC 1978 China Communist Party Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平 NGOs Sparks 1980s Directors Because 88The 1987 Acapulco Princess Hotel Mexico February Opryland Nashville Tennessee February1988 World Community Service Committee International Centre Technical 2Exchanges 中國國際經濟技術交流中心 Youth Exchange Secretariat All Federation 中華全國青年聯合會 Meeting Hong Kong Workshop 1994 Preparing Rotary Merely Annual Convention Taipei 1993 Presidential January Its Mongolia Kazakhstan Twenty Asia President Robert Barth Switzerland Elect Bill Huntley 韓德立 England Chairman Royce Abbey Australia Foundation Trustees Special Report Readers Sang Song Korea Above Self 97The 1996 97of One Center Evanston Illinois March1997 Anaheim California March 1997 Recognizing July