Category: History

  • General History of Rotary International

    General History of Rotary International

    General History of Rotary International1 January 2017 In its early years, Rotary clubs served as a respite for their members from the rampant corruption and fraud of the day. After a few years of conducting business with their fellow club members, Rotarians understood that one of the organization’s great strengths was the unusually high ethical…

  • A Day of Outing for 30 Blind Girls at the Holiday Camp – Hong Kong Rotary Club

    A Day of Outing for 30 Blind Girls at the Holiday Camp – Hong Kong Rotary Club

    In 1951, seeing the post-war refugee stream in the British Crown Colony Hong Kong, and striving to help assimilate them, the Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) took a special interest in the children –huddled in rude homes and rarely eating all they want –and looked for ways to help them.The way soon appeared.Raising some…

  • Chung Chi College Rotaract Club – Rural Village Project 2006 – 崇基學院扶輪青年服團

    Chung Chi College Rotaract Club – Rural Village Project 2006 – 崇基學院扶輪青年服團

    From December 28, 2006 to January 2, 2007, a total of 31 undergraduate students enrolled at the Chinese University of Hong Kong went to Xitan Town, Qingxin County, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province. Datuntou Primary School serves as a service exchange. The event was named “Love and Qingyuan, warm in the mountains.” 譚亦斯葉麗勤孫慧珊冼智山潘珮雯 李景謙洪偉豐鄭逸鵬陳文瑤蘇文慧 劉卓耀趙家誠陳志豪黃耀章朱少雯 潘珮雯陳寶儀蘇文慧鮑天毓陳寶儀…

  • The World’s Longest Dancing Chinese Dragon 1991 by HK Rotarians and Rotaractors

    The World’s Longest Dancing  Chinese  Dragon 1991 by HK Rotarians and Rotaractors

    Entered The Guinness Book of World Records 1991 The World’s Longest Dancing Chinese Dragon by Hong Kong Rotarians and Rotaractors District 3450 Rotaract Chair 1990-1991-1992 1 August 2017 In a summer night of 10 August 1991, highlight of the 3rd International Abilympics (第三屆國際展能節) hosted by the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (香港復康會) and to celebrate…

  • Dr. Raymond C. W. Wong – The District 345 Governor for Two Consecutive Terms

    Dr. Raymond C. W. Wong – The District 345 Governor for Two Consecutive Terms

    中文版《愛心的果實》在第 7 頁 Dr. Raymond C. W. Wong The District 345 Governor for Two Consecutive Terms 1 July 2017 It was 30 years ago this date that the late Dr. Raymond C. W. Wong (黃志偉醫師) assumed his office to serve Rotary International as District 345 Governor in 1987-1988, followed by one more year in 1988-1989.…

  • Dr. The Honourable Sir Harry Fang Sin-Yang (Hong King) 方心讓爵士

    Dr. The Honourable Sir Harry Fang Sin-Yang (Hong King) 方心讓爵士

    “Father of Rehabilitation in Asia” Sir Harry S. Y. Fang, Kt, G.B.M., C.B.E., O.B.E., LL.D., D.S.Sc., D.Sc., J.P. 10 August 2017 A member of the Hong Kong Rotary Club (香港扶輪社), Dr. The Honorable Sir Harry S. Y. Fang (方心讓 爵士), Kt, G.B.M., C.B.E., O.B.E., LL.D., D.S.Sc., D.Sc., J.P. (2 August 1923 – 24 August 2009),…

  • Dr. Hsu Mo (Nanking) 徐謨博士 (南京)

    Dr. Hsu Mo (Nanking) 徐謨博士 (南京)

    中文版在第 16-30 頁 最早的兩位國際法院華籍法官都是中國的扶輪社員 Chinese Rotarians served Judges of International Court of Justice 1 December 2016 徐謨大法官 Judge Hsu Mo 顧維鈞大法官 Judge V. K. Wellington Koo The first two Chinese judges of International Court of Justice in The Hague were Rotarians from The Republic of China: Dr. Hsu Mo (徐謨博士) and Dr. V. K. Wellington…

  • Dr. V. K. Wellington Koo (Shanghai) 顧維鈞博士 (上海)

    Dr. V. K. Wellington Koo (Shanghai) 顧維鈞博士 (上海)

    中文版在第 16-30 頁 最早的兩位國際法院華籍法官都是中國的扶輪社員 Chinese Rotarians served Judges of International Court of Justice 1 December 2016 徐謨大法官 Judge Hsu Mo 顧維鈞大法官 Judge V. K. Wellington Koo The first two Chinese judges of International Court of Justice in The Hague were Rotarians from The Republic of China: Dr. Hsu Mo (徐謨博士) and Dr. V. K. Wellington…

  • Macau Rotaract Club – Goodwill Ambassador to Mongolia 2007

    Macau Rotaract Club – Goodwill Ambassador to Mongolia 2007

    Goodwill Ambassador To Mongolia 2007 澳門親善大使.蒙古國文化交流之旅 Activity Report 活動報告 Goodwill Ambassador To Mongolia 2007 Program Details1 Message from Project Coordinator . 5 Message from Project Chair . 7 Message from Committee8 Message from Trip Leaders9 Delegation List . 10 Itinerary11 Ambassadors Report . 13 Table of Content Rotaract Club Of Macau Program Details 1 Aims…

  • The First Council on Legislation of Rotary International in 1934

    The First Council on Legislation of Rotary International in 1934

    The First Council on Legislation of Rotary International in 1934 Who was the first China’s representative attended this Council? 1 September 2014 The last Council on Legislation of Rotary International (RI) was met in 2013. The next will be held in spring of 2016, and would be followed by the next in 2019. But the…

  • The Honourable Fung Hon-Chu (Hong Kong Island West) 馮漢柱 (香港西區)

    The Honourable Fung Hon-Chu (Hong Kong Island West) 馮漢柱 (香港西區)

    Fung Hon-Chu, OBE, JP Charter President of The Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 April 2014 Birth of the Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West (香港西區扶輪社) was admitted to Rotary International on 12 April 1954. It is the…

  • Lingnan College Interact Club 1970 – 嶺南書院國際少年服務團 (1970)

    Lingnan College Interact Club 1970 – 嶺南書院國際少年服務團 (1970)

    Part of the beneficiaries; the other part is given to the poor by the Rural Committee to the eastern part of Lantau. After the distribution of the cold clothes was completed, the staff members returned to Hong Kong in the afternoon. The group’s work camp is still the first time. The local father said that…

  • Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club – Some Remarkable Stories

    Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club – Some Remarkable Stories

    Hong Kong Island West Rotary Club Some Remarkable Stories by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 April 2014 The Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West (香港西區扶輪社) used to be one of the prominent clubs in Hong Kong since its inception in 1954. Here are some of the remarkable stories that may gain…

  • Rotary International Presidential Themes

    Rotary International Presidential Themes

    Rotary International Presidential Themes 1 July 2017 Each January, as Rotary district governors-elect convene at the International Assembly for training and fellowship, they can be certain of two things: a lot of take-home reading and the announcement of a new presidential theme. The tradition of crafting a theme is credited to 1949-50 Rotary International President…

  • The Rotary Mottos – Created by Whom and When

    The Rotary Mottos – Created by Whom and When

    The Rotary Mottos Created by Whom and When 1 February, 2017 What is a motto? One dictionary definition reads: “a maxim adopted as a principle of behavior.” When Rotary was formed in 1905 on a firm principle of behavior, it had no motto. But the actions of its growing membership soon molded not one, but…

  • From “The Rotary Code of Ethics” to “Rotarians Code of Conduct”

    From “The Rotary Code of Ethics” to “Rotarians Code of Conduct”

    From《The Rotary Code of Ethics》 to《Rotarian Code of Conduct》 1 January 2015 The earliest Rotarians really had no choice but to make business ethics a priority. They joined the Rotary clubs for two reasons: to make friends and to make business contacts. If their business practices left anything to be desired, they were not likely…

  • Dr. The Honourable Sir Rogerio Hyndman Lobo (Hong Kong)

    Dr. The Honourable Sir Rogerio Hyndman Lobo (Hong Kong)

    Dr. The Honourable Sir Rogerio “Roger” Hyndman Lobo the Brother-in-Law of two District 345 Governors and the Father-in-Law of a District 3450 Governor 1 August 2015 The Rotary Club of Hong Kong (香港扶輪社) is used to be the home of a number of prominent Rotarians who were bestowed Knight Bachelors by the King or Queen…

  • Dr. The Honourable Tang Ping-Yuan (Wusih/Shanghai)  唐炳源博士(無錫/上海)

    Dr. The Honourable Tang Ping-Yuan (Wusih/Shanghai)  唐炳源博士(無錫/上海)

    中文版在第 14-24 頁 無錫扶輪人實業家和教育家 — 唐炳源博士 香港公益金創始人暨首任會長 Wusih Rotarian Industrialist & Educator — Tang Ping-Yuan, CBE, LLD Founder & First President of The Community Chest of Hong Kong 1 September 2017 Co-Founder of The Community Chest of Hong Kong The dramatic growth of Hong Kong’s population in the 1960s came with social problems that caught…

  • The Evolution of the ‘Object of Rotary’

    The Evolution of the ‘Object of Rotary’

    The Evolution of Object of Rotary by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 January 2017 In some areas of the world, weekly Rotary club meetings begin with all members standing and reciting the《Object of Rotary》. This statement, which comes from the Rotary International Constitution, is frequently seen on a wall plaque in Rotarians’…

  • The Birth of District 345 Rotary International

    The Birth of District 345 Rotary International

    The Birth of District 345 Rotary International China, Hong Kong and Macao by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 July 2015 “Non-districted clubs in China, Hong Kong (Crown Colony) and Macao have been constituted into a new district, No. 345.” — This is quoted from the Annual Report 1959-1960 by the Rotary International…