Rotary International Presidential Themes
Rotary International Presidential Themes 1 July 2017 Each January, as Rotary district governors-elect convene at the International Assembly for training and fellowship, they can be certain of two things: a lot of take-home reading and the announcement of a new presidential theme. The tradition of crafting a theme is credited to 1949-50 Rotary International President…
The Rotary Mottos – Created by Whom and When
The Rotary Mottos Created by Whom and When 1 February, 2017 What is a motto? One dictionary definition reads: “a maxim adopted as a principle of behavior.” When Rotary was formed in 1905 on a firm principle of behavior, it had no motto. But the actions of its growing membership soon molded not one, but…
From “The Rotary Code of Ethics” to “Rotarians Code of Conduct”
From《The Rotary Code of Ethics》 to《Rotarian Code of Conduct》 1 January 2015 The earliest Rotarians really had no choice but to make business ethics a priority. They joined the Rotary clubs for two reasons: to make friends and to make business contacts. If their business practices left anything to be desired, they were not likely…
The Evolution of the ‘Object of Rotary’
The Evolution of Object of Rotary by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 January 2017 In some areas of the world, weekly Rotary club meetings begin with all members standing and reciting the《Object of Rotary》. This statement, which comes from the Rotary International Constitution, is frequently seen on a wall plaque in Rotarians’…
Rotary Club Charter Number
Rotary Club Charter Number 1 July, 2014 Several thousand Rotary clubs state that they have the Club Number on their charters, while more than twenty thousand clubs claim that there is no such number shown. Which is the TRUTH? The Charter Number Yesterday Hanging on the wall in the office of The Rotary Club of…
The Original Purposes of Rotary
The original purposes of Rotary By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 23 February 2014. In 1930, the Rotary Club of Chicago —The Rotary Club Number One— has a committee at work in the endeavor to prepare a history of the Club. An examination was made of all the available literature of the early…
The History of the Rotary Club of Peking
by Hermann G. Heid Last updated: 24-10-1998 I am grateful to all of you affording me this opportunity to discuss a topic which has fascinated me for some 3 years now: the history of the RC Peking. The old Shanghai and Peking Rotary Clubs were closely intertwined; as a matter of fact all Chinese Clubs…
RI District 3450 The Evolution of The Geographical Limit
District 3450 did not always incldue the territory it does now. Below is the timeline showing the evolution of District 3450’s geographical limit: 1960 – 1978 District 3450 Taiwan / Hong Kong / Macao 1978 – 1987 District 3450 Northern Taiwan / Hong Kong / Macao 1987 – 1991 District 3450 Hong Kong / Macao…
The History of District 3450
By Past District Governor Peter K. P. Hall From a lonely man’s hunger for friendship, Rotary has become the most influential international service organization today. For one club with only four members 103 years ago, Rotary today has more than 32,000 clubs with an estimated 1,200,000 Rotarians in 200 countries and regions.
Rotary in Asia – Celebrating 80 Years of Exemplary Service by Wen Huang
In 1918, Leon Lambert, a leading businessman in philosophy of life because it teaches service and coop- the Philippines, heard from a friend about what was then called the “International Association Rotary Clubs (IARC).” He was attracted to the concept of Rotary’s spirit of fellowship and communi- ty service. A year later, Lambert wrote a…
When and Where came the RYLA – 扶輪青年領袖獎勵計劃的緣起
When and Where came the RYLABy Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) R. I. District 3450 RYLA Chair 1999-20004 May 2020Each year, thousands of young people are selected to attend Rotary-sponsored leadership camps or seminars held in districts throughout the world. In an informal atmosphere, groups of outstanding people ages 14-30 spend several days in a challenging…