rev. 110 – 2024-09-14
The First Council Legislation Rotary International 1934 Who China September 2014 2013 2016 2019 But People Congress General Conference Great Britain Ireland Board Directors This Foundation While Every Women 1989 PolioPlus 1986 500 Voting Representatives Some 1933 Convention Boston Detroit Rotarians 1954 Seattle 1956 Philadelphia 1970 Atlanta Constitution Bylaws Standard Club Four Finally 1977 Fong Foo Sec 鄺富灼博士 Shanghai 上海扶輪社 25th Annual Michigan June Being President January Clinton Anderson Albuquerque New Mexico Samuel Botsford Buffalo York Almon Roth Palo Alto California Otto Fischer Stuttgart Germany Robert Hill Columbus Missouri Raymond Knoeppel Crawford McCullough Fort William Ontario Canada Luis Machado Havana Cuba Will Manier Nashville Tennessee Also John Nelson 中華民國 Frederick James Madras India Clare Martin Cairo Egypt Federico Martins Paz Bolivia Cecil Rae Ipoh Federated Malay States Paul Thorwall Helsinki Helsingfors Finland Litt Berkeley Columbia Pomona 1869 1938 Guangdong April 1922 Classification Books Publishing Chinese Other 1931 1932 District Governor 1936 1937 July October 1905 Bachelor Letters University Master Arts Education 1907 Imperial Qing Emperor Guang Wen Chin Shih 大清國光緒皇帝御賜遊學文科進士 Doctor European Laws College 13th Los Angeles Rotarian Arthur Melville Dick Whittington His Cat English 14th Lord Mayor London Probably August Issue That Magazine Editor Chief Commercial Press 商務印書館 1920s 1940s Opening Address Temple Auditorium Gentlemen You Our Now Therefore Harris Founder Today Yesterday Technological 1970s Electronic 2001 What For Herbert Lau RotaryChina Org 1951