The first ever Rotary District Conference held in Tientsin 1948
1948年歷史上首次在天津召開的扶輪地區年會 The first ever Rotary District Conference held in Tientsin 1948 國際扶輪第九十八地區年會 1948年 3月5-6日天津市 中華扶輪史研究員 劉敬恒 2014年12月12日 天津利順德 大 飯店 (The Astor Hotel Tientsin) 國際扶輪第九十八地區年會於1948年3月5-6日在天津市利順德大飯店(The Astor Hotel Tientsin) 舉行,這是中華扶輪史上首次在天津召開的地區年會。 國際扶輪致力於中華民國發展扶輪社,1937 年,把全國部分省份劃定三個扶輪地區,分別 為第九十六地區(華南)、第九十七地區(華中)、第九十八地區(華北)。 1937年7 月1日開始,第98地區的地域包括:河北省、河南省、山東省、山西省、陝西 省、甘肅省。 1937 年7月1 日——1938 年6月30日(抗日戰爭) 第 96-97-98地區總監:鄺富灼博士(Dr. Fong Foo-Sec)(上海) 1938 年7月1 日——1939 年6月30日(抗日戰爭) 第 96-97-98地區總監:鄺富灼博士(上海) 經歷了兩個月的病痛,鄺富灼博士於1938年 10月3日辭世。 繼承第 97-98地區總監:顏德慶博士 (Dr. Yen…
Hong Kong Rotary Scholar Rosanna Wong Yick-Ming (王䓪鳴) invested Dame by the Queen
1 Hong Kong Rotary Scholar Rosanna Wong Yick-Ming appointed Dame Commander by the Queen in 1997 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 August 2024 Hong Kong native Rosanna Wong Yick-Ming (王䓪鳴), who studied social work on a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship in 1977-1978, was appointed Dame Commander by Queen Elizabeth II, United…
Hong Kong RotaryAnn Anson Chan (陳方安生) bestowed Dame Grand Cross by the Queen
Hong Kong RotaryAnn Anson Chan bestowed Dame Grand Cross by the Queen in 2002 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 September 2021 “Men in great place are thrice servants: servants of the sovereign or state, servants of fame, and servants of business”, thus wrote Francis Bacon. Bacon was on the syllabus when…
Journey Between Two Chinas – by Seymour Topping
Journey Between Two Chinas One China is that of 1946-49, during the Chinese Civil War. The second China is that of the Communist mainland today. An overview by a China observer: by Seymoun Topping THE AVERAGE MAN probably knows more about the surface of the moon than he does about the mass of land and…
Alliance for Smiles – Ambitious program brings advanced care for clefts to China
UP FRONT – ALLIANCE FOR SMILES – Ambitious program brings advanced care for clefts to China Make decisions in life based I on how I can help the most people,” says Martin Postma. In September 2008, Postma volunteered as a medical photographer in Harbin, China, with Alliance for Smiles, a San Francisco—based nonprofit that provides…
“China – Democracy’s First Front” by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek
Pink colour on the Map of the Republic of China indicates the territories aggressed and occupied by the Imperial Japanese military forces as in 1940, since 1931. All Rotary Clubs within these areas were suspended. Glossary Sinkiang = Xinjiang = 新疆 Tun-Huang = Dunhuang = 敦煌 The Caves of the Thousand Buddhas…
George Ashmore Fitch – Eyewitness of Nanking Massacre 1937-38
中文版在第 25-28頁 扶輪社員費吳生見證南京大屠殺 193738 Rotarian George Ashmore Fitch — Eyewitness of Nanking Massacre 1937-38 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 28 December 2017 George Ashmore Fitch ( 費 吳 生 ) (1883-1979), American missionary, was born in Soochow, Kiangsu Province of the Ch’ing Empire (大清帝國江蘇省吳縣) in 1883, the son of American Presbyterian missionaries…
Rotarys Wheel of Misfortune – 1999
Rotary’s Wheel of Misfortune (Hong Kong) South China Morning Post Staff Reporter Tuesday, 21 September 1999 The international service movement Rotary has run into an incomprehensible wall of official opposition in Shanghai. Hopeful organisers of a local chapter of the non-political businessmen’s association have been warned not to proceed with plans to formally establish a…
China Day in North America – 1942
President Tom J. Davis requested that each Club in the United States and Canada hold a meeting featuring a program devoted to the interests of China in February 1942. China became one of the Allied Powers during the Pacific War. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek was named the “Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the China Theatre…
Meeting with Mao Tse-Tung by Rotarian George A. Fitch – 扶輪社員費吳生會見毛澤東
1 中文版在第 9-13 頁 扶輪社員費吳生到延安會見毛澤東 Meeting with Mao Tse-Tung and Chou En-Lai By Rotarian Missionary George A. Fitch A trip to Yan An the Communist Capital in 1940 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 28 February 2015 費吳生(左)、毛澤東(中)、梁小初 George A. Fitch (left), Mao Tse-Tung (center), and S. C. Leung Dr. George Ashmore Fitch…
Speech by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek 1938 – What forms of service the women of China during war
Speech by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek Rotary Club of Hankow Ladies’ Night – 漢口扶輪社女賓夕 30 September 1938 What forms of service the women of China have been engaged in during war Ladies and Gentlemen: After the excellent program which we have had this evening, I feel that anything I have to say will be, as we…
George A. Fitch – Aid Mainland Refugee Chinese Intellectuals to Taiwan
In the aftermath of the Chinese Civil War and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國) in 1949, many intellectuals and professionals sought refuge from the communist regime. The United States, amidst the Cold War tensions, initiated the Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals program (ARCI) to support these individuals, recognizing their potential value in…
‘The Child of the Yang-tse – Shanghai – Typical of the New China’ by Albert E. Willsher
This article was edited by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) on 1 June 2014 (1) Albert E. Willsher = A Rotarian of Calcutta, India, who had been a resident in Shanghai for several years. = 作者是印度加爾各答扶輪社社員,曾在上海生活了幾年。 (2) Yang-tse = Yang-tse-Kiang = Yangtze River = 揚子江 = 長江 (3) Shanghai = 上海 (4) Whangpoo…
Letter to ‘The Rotarian’ Editor from Tientsin Rotary Club
Letter to ‘The Rotarian’ Editor from Tientsin Rotary Club on 1 March 1928 by Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 March 2013 It was eighty-five years ago today, the Rotary Club of Tientsin (天津扶輪社), Republic of China (中 華民國), sent a complaint letter to the Editor of《The Rotarian》Magazine. Excerpt of the full text…
The First Ever Delegation from China to the Rotary Annual Convention in 1920
ver. 130 – 2024-10-27 The-First-Ever-Delegation-from-China-to-the-Rotary-Annual-Convention-in-1920.pdf
Report of Rotary in China – January / June / December 2007 – Christopher Bo Bramsen
ver. – 123 – 2024-10-12 Report-of-Rotary-in-China-–-January-2007-Christopher-Bo-Bramsen.pdf ver. – 123 – 2024-10-12 Report-of-Rotary-in-China-–-June-2007-Christopher-Bo-Bramsen.pdf ver. – 123 – 2024-10-12 Report-of-Rotary-in-China-–-December-2007-Christopher-Bo-Bramsen.pdf
Shanghai Rotarians launched the Chinese Mission to Lepers in 1926 ~ 上海扶輪社員於1926年開展中華痲瘋救濟會
中文版在第 9-14 頁 上海扶輪社員於 1926 年開展中華痲瘋救濟會 Shanghai Rotarians launched the Chinese Mission to Lepers in 1926 By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 25 January 2015 Today is the World Leprosy Day – the last Sunday in January. Leprosy was said to be first recognized in the ancient civilizations of China, Egypt, and India,…
Chinese Rotarians served Judges of International Court of Justice – 最早的兩位國際法院華籍法官都是中國的扶輪社員
1 中文版在第 16-30 頁 最早的兩位國際法院華籍法官都是中國的扶輪社員 Chinese Rotarians served Judges of International Court of Justice By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 December 2016 徐謨大法官 Judge Hsu Mo 顧維鈞大法官 Judge V. K. Wellington Koo The first two Chinese judges of International Court of Justice in The Hague were Rotarians from The Republic of China:…
Scientific Training for Chinese Farmers by Vernon Nash
THE ROTARIAN September, I 926 Mr_ Yu ChenCliou, Manager of the College Farms, the first Chinese student to he graduated in agriculture under Walu’r E. Chamberlain. Goals are widely raised throughout China as milk animals. The one in the picture, however, is un importation from Switzerland. Waller E. Chamberlain, head of the Department of Agriculture,…
New Soil for Old China ~ by H. L. Richardson
《The Ice Age in West China》by H. L. Richardson (1943) Glossary (1) Dr. H. L. Richardson, PhD, MSc One of the 35 charter members of Chengtu Rotary Club (成都扶輪社) which was admitted to Rotary International on 9 January 1939, Charter No.4916, but was terminated on 21 December 1950. Richardson’s classification was “Agriculture – Soil Fertilization”…