Rotarians Headed The Red Cross
Rotarians Headed The Red Cross In Hong Kong / In Macao / In Mongolia 25 December 2020 In the District 3450 of Rotary International, there have been 3 prominent Rotarians served as the top leaders of the Red Cross in their respective countries. They were, in the chronological order of their years: (1) The British…
Dr. The Honourable Sir Run Run Shaw (Kowloon) 邵逸夫爵士 (九龍)
The Rotarian Shaw Brothers Runme (邵仁枚) and Run Run Shaw (邵逸夫) By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (Rotary China Historian) 1 March 2014 Run Run Shaw (邵逸夫 ) Runme Shaw (邵仁枚 ) Sir Run Run Shaw (邵逸夫爵士), Kt, GBM, CBE, HonD (Zhejiang), HonLLD (Oxford), HonDBA (PolyHK), HonDLitt (HKBC), HonDHum (SUNY), HonDSc (CityPolyHK), HonDLitt (Sussex), HonDSocSc (East…
Hong Kong-Macao Rotarians served Rotary International Officers – 前任國際扶輪職員的香港-澳門扶輪社員
前任國際扶輪職員的香港/澳門扶輪社員 Hong Kong / Macao Rotarians served Rotary International Officers 1 July 2014 Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang 王正廷博士 HonLLD (Peking), HonLLD (St. John’s), M.A. (Yale), B.A. (Yale) (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Rotary Club (香港)香港扶輪社 (1950 – 1961.5.21) 1934.7.1 – 1935.9.30 RI Honorary Commissioner 國際扶輪名譽專員 1935.10.1 – 1936.7.31 81st District Governor 第81地區總監 1942.7.1 – 1946.6.30 RI…
Refugees and Human Rights – by Karl L. Stumpf
GERMAN NOVELIST Heinrich Ball, commenting on the estimated 16 million refugees in the world, calls our era “the century of refugees and prisoners.” The 1981 Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, underscores what has been described as an ‘unfortunate reality’ of our time. This is the…
Dr. The Honourable James Wu Man-hon
中文版在第 7-8 頁 胡文瀚博士 — 香港東區扶輪社 1957-1958 年度社長 Dr. James Wu Man-Hon, OBE, JP President 1957-1958 Hong Kong Island East Rotary Club 1 April 2015 Dr. The Honorable James Wu Man-Hon (胡文瀚/胡應沾) (18 November 1920 – 23 February 2006), OBE, HonLLD (HKU), HonDEng (HKPoly), BSc (Eng) (Sun Yat Sen), JP, was President 1957-1958 of Hong…
Nelson Yip – 葉少康
Nelson Yip arrives for breakfast at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, across the street from the Hong Kong Jockey, Club, a major racing venue. Although Yip has cerebral palsy, he moves briskly Off the elevator. He will be the only qualified equestrian representative from the Special Administrative Region of the Peoplé’s Republic of China in the 2008…
Dr. Wilson Wang Tze-Sam
Dr. Wilson Wang Tze-Sam, OBE, JP President 1959-1960 Hong Kong Island East Rotary Club 1 April 2015 Dr. The Honorable Wilson Wang Tze-Sam (王澤森), OBE, HonLLD (CUHK), BSc (HKU), JP (27 April 1918-1998) was an Active Member of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East (香港東區扶輪社), and later served the Club as President in…
Ko Tin-Lung The Rotary Club of Tolo Harbour Hong Kong
香港吐露港扶輪社 — 榮譽社員古天農 Honorary Rotarian Ko Tin-Lung The Rotary Club of Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) Charter President 1987-88-89, Rotary Club of Tolo Harbour 7 July 2022 古天農(1953 年-2022 年 6 月 23 日),香港資深舞台劇演員和導演、電視及電台節目主 持。生前曾任中英劇團藝術總監;香港藝術發展局藝術推廣委員會主席、戲劇組主席、策略委 員會委員;香港政府康樂及文化事務署,以及香港演藝學院戲劇學院之顧問委員。 古天農是參加了香港吐露港扶輪社二十多年的「資深榮譽社員」 。通過扶輪社這個平台, 他以「職業服務」貢獻社會。古天農以戲劇導演的職業為服務通路,多年來獲得扶輪社的贊助 和扶輪社員的熱情參與,主導舉辦了高等學校戲劇比賽、表演藝術工作坊和文化教育項目等。 古天農完整展示了自己是一名真正的扶輪社員。無法成為「現職社員」的原因,是因為他 的工作時間不規律,沒有辦法實踐扶輪社章程規定的出席要求。 Ko Tin-Lung (1953-2022) was for more than 20 years…
Rotarians served the British Crown Colony Hong Kong Legislative Council
Rotarians served the British Crown Colony Hong Kong Legislative Council As Presidents / Members / Secretary General 1 November 2016 This article attempts to list out those Rotarians who had served the British Crown Colony Hong Kong Legislative Council (英屬香港立法局) as Presidents (主席) / Members (議員) / Secretary General (秘書長) before 1 July 1997, in…
Dr. The Honourable Sir David Akers-Jones (New Territories) 鍾逸傑爵士 (新界)
Dr. The Honorable Sir David Akers-Jones New Territories Rotary Club Honorary Member By Herbert K. Lau (劉敬恒) (New Territories Rotary Club Director/Secretary 1983-1987) 25 December 2019 Dr. The Honorable Sir David Akers-Jones, KBE, GBM, CMG, HonDSocSc (CityPolyHK), HonLLD (CUHK), HonDCL (Kent), HonRICS, MA (Oxford), JP, (鍾逸傑爵士) (14 April 1927 – 30 September 2019), Briton, was…
The Honourable Hugh Moss Gerald Forsgate (Kowloon) 霍士傑(九龍)
Kowloon Rotarian Hugh Moss Gerald Forsgate First Chairman of Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation 1 March 2015 The Honourable Hugh Moss Gerald Forsgate (霍士傑), C.B.E., J.P., (22 February 1919–21 October 2001), Briton, was the first Chairman of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC) (九廣鐵路公司) since its incorporation on 24 December 1982 until 23 December 1990. This appointment was…
The Honourable Sir Andrew Caldecott (Kuala Lumpur) 郝德傑爵士 (吉隆坡)
Sir Andrew Caldecott Former Rotarian served as the Governor of Hong Kong 1 December 2015 Sir Andrew Caldecott, G.C.M.G., K.B.E., K.St.J., LL.D., F.R.A.S., F.R.S.A., M.A., B.A., (26 October 1884 — 14 July 1951) was the 19th Governor of the British Crown Colony Hong Kong (第 19 任香港總督郝德傑爵士) in 1935-1937. Andrew Caldecott was previously the Charter…
Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Hong Kong University Honorary Graduates
Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Hong Kong University Honorary Graduates 1 August 2015 This article attempts to identify some of the Eminent Rotarians who have been on the roster of the Hong Kong University (香港大學) Honorary Graduates during the 20th Century or the first 95 years of Rotary. The 20th century was dominated by…
Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Honorary Graduates of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Eminent Rotarians on the Roster of Honorary Graduates of the Chinese University of Hong Kong 1 August 2015 This article attempts to identify some of the Eminent Rotarians who have been on the roster of Honorary Graduates of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學) during the 20th Century or the first 95 years of…
Rabdan Samdandobji (Ulaanbaatar)
Rabdan Samdandobji Rotarian Chief of Mongolian Red Cross 25 December 2020 Rabdan Samdandobji (Рабдан Самдандобжи) (1951-2020), affectionately known as “Samdan”, was President 1999-2000 of Ulaanbaatar Rotary Club (Улаанбаатар Ротари клуб), Mongolia. His classification was a professional administrator of Red Cross, in his official position as the Secretary General of the Mongolian Red Cross Society (Монголын…
Yeh Ming-Hsun – 葉明勳
Senior Citizens in Chinese Journalism – Dr. Ye Mingxun Witness the first Jiazi of Taiwan’s Rotary Researcher of Chinese Rotary History Liu Jingheng December 1, 2013 In 1960, there were 4 Rotary clubs in Hong Kong, a British territory (Hong Kong Club, Kowloon Club, Hong Kong Eastern Club, Hong Kong Western Club). There is one…
Yeh Ting-Kuai (Tai Nan) 葉廷珪(臺南)
Founding President of the Rotary Club of Tainan Three elected mayors of Tainan City – Ye Tinggui Researcher of Chinese Rotary History Liu Jingheng December 1, 2013 In 1960, there were 4 Rotary clubs in Hong Kong, a British territory (Hong Kong Club, Kowloon Club, Hong Kong Eastern Club, Hong Kong Western Club). There is…
Dr. Wu Yung-Chang (Tai Chung) 巫永昌醫學博士(臺中)
Doctor Wu Yongchang, the oldest director of the International Rotary 345 area, Liu Jingheng, a researcher on the history of Chinese Rotary. October 1, 2013 Wu Yung-Chang “Free” (1905-2000) is a century-old Chinese Rotary history The “oldest” district director, he was 72 years old the year he was in office. To this day, he is…
Sheung H. Sung (Hong Kong) 宋常康 (香港)
Christian Church Supervisor-Song Changkang, the 16th Director of Rotary International 345 District Liu Jingheng, Researcher of Chinese Rotary History July 1, 2018 Sheung H. Sung (May 17, 1917-January 23, 2018) ), joined the Hong Kong Rotary Club in 1956, and served as the president from 1967 to 1968. Following Chen Anqi of the Rotary Club…
Chang Shen-Fu (Taipei) 張申福 (臺北)
Zhang Shen-fu Third Director of Rotary International 345 Region Researcher of Chinese Rotary History Liu Jingheng Member of “Rotary” Monthly Publication Committee 1999-2003 October 1, 2013 Chang Shen-Fu “Sunny”, President of Rotary Club of Taipei (1957) -1958). A few years later, he was the second member of the club, serving as the Rotary International clerk—the…