DG Andy Li 李兆民總監 – DG 2023-24
DG Andy is a holder of Bachelor’s Degree in Economic and Master of Business Administration Degree in Marketing. He established his company, Powerful Industrial Limited in 1993 and has been being in the security system industry for over three decades. With his extensive experience in marketing and management, his company has become one of the…
PDG Norman Lee – DG 2022-23
Norman first earned his bachelor’s degrees in Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering with honours, furthered with his Master’s Degree in the same domain from Boston University, likewise with honour. In 2015, Norman was awarded a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) by Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Norman is currently the CEO of Optitable Technology Ltd. providing…
PDG Keith Chow – DG 2021-2022
Serve to Change Lives It’s indeed my honor to be the District Governor of Rotary International District 3450 and to serve all Rotarians Rotaractors, Interactors and Junioractors. I am glad that our team grows stronger and would like to send my warmest welcome to Junioractors. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the…
PDG ERIC CHAK 翟慶聰 – DG 2020-2021
2020 is a very challenging year for mankind. We are among the lucky ones as the Pandemic here is relatively mild in Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia. We are expecting economic downturn in many parts of the world. There will be more people suffering from poor hygiene and starvation in the communities. Our way of…
PDG Wilson Cheng 鄭鶴明 – DG 2019-2020
Rotary Club of Kowloon Tong Partner, SCS Global Audit & Co, Global Partner, since 2003 Director, SCS Global Consulting (HK) Ltd., Director, since 2003 Director, D & N (HK) Ltd, Director, since 2011 President, Rotary Club of Kowloon Tong, 2012-13 Assistant Governor, Area 8, 2014-15 Chairman, Intercity Meeting, 2014-15 Chairman, District Peace Committee,…
PDG YC Ho 何汝祥 – DG 2018-2019
Hello all Rotarians! It is indeed my unique honor to be your District Governor and to serve all Rotarians and the youths in Rotary, namely the Rotaractors and Interactors in the Rotary Year 2018-19. RI President Barry Rassin has adopted “BE THE INSPIRATION” to be our Year Strategic Logo. He calls upon us…
PDG HW Fung 馮興宏 – DG 2017-2018
Hing Wang FUNG, SBSDistrict Governor 2017-18 Chairman of THE ONE HK, 2014-17,Assistant Governor (Area 2), 2013-14District Secretary (Committees), 2012-13,Rotarian of the Year, 2012-13President of Rotary Club of Metropolitan Hong Kong, 2011-12Commissioner for Census & Statistics, HKSAR Government, 2005-2011 Mr. FUNG graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a First Class Honour degree of Bachelor…
PDG Eric Chin 錢樹楷 – DG 2016-2017
Dr. Eric Chin District Governor, RI D3450 2016-2017Chief District Secretary 2013-2014DAG (Area 3) and Deputy Membership Committee Chair 2012-2013President, RC of Hong Kong Island East 2011-2012Founder and Chief Executive, Futurecyber Technology Solution Ltd. (since 1992) Eric Chin earned 3 Master’s degrees: from Stirling University UK (MBA), and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (MSc…
PDG Peter Pang 彭志宏 – DG 2015-2016
Peter is married to Katherine and is the father of Perren (son) and Pettrine (daughter). Peter received his MBChB degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1994. He completed his residency and fellowship training at the Prince of Wales Hospital and has been granted a fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) and…
PDG Belinda Yeung 楊碧瑤 – DG 2014 ~ 2015
Belinda Bik Yiu YEUNG District Governor 2014 – 15 DG Belinda BY YEUNG (DG BY), her partner Daniel Bong and her daughter Stephanie make a very simple and happy household. DG BY divides her time between her duties as Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of Regal Hotels International Holdings Limited, her work for various…
PDG Eugene Fong 方奕展 – DG 2013-2014
DG’s Newsletter District Governor Eugene Fong Eugene is the Director and Deputy General Manager of Junefair Group which specializes in buildings’ electrical services and wholesale of electrical cables in Hong Kong and Macau. He is currently the Vice President of the Hong Kong Electrical Contractors Association. Eugene was the President of Rotary Club of…
PDG Kenneth Wong 王國林 – DG 2012-2013
PDG Kenneth Wong Email: kennethwong.rotary3450@gmail.com Born September 1956, Kenneth married to Lucia and with daughter Amy and son Arthur Kenneth graduated from the City University, London UK in 1980 with a B.Sc (Hon) in Industrial Chemistry Upon returning to Hong Kong, Kenneth engaged in the textile industry with a special focus on manufacturing process…
PDG David Harillela 夏大衛 – DG 2011-2012
Born and raised in Hong Kong, DG David Harilela spent his primary years at the renowned local Diocesan Boys School where he obtained his A’levels. He then travelled across the world to study at one of the top schools in Los Angeles, California – The University of Southern California (USC), where he graduated with a…
PDG Jason Chan 陳澤華 – DG 2010-2011
Jason Chan [陳澤華] is a registered professional surveyor. He has been a Rotarian since January 1995 when he became a member of Rotary Club of the Peak and is a Major Donor to The Rotary Foundation. He served as club president in 2003-2004. He was the Deputy District Secretary and District Fund Raising Chair (HK)…
PDG Ada Cheng 鄭瑤璋 – DG 2009-2010
Ada is a graduate in Business Administration from the United Kingdom and has been a qualified Chartered Secretary and an Associate member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators since 1990. Ada is currently the Senior General Manager, Human Resources of Offshore Incorporations HK Limited (“OIL”), which is the largest and longest-established company formation…
PDG Albert Wong 王永權 – DG 2008-2009
Ph.D,FAIA,FCIS,FCS,FHKIoD,FSI,MSCPA,CMA,CFP,CFE. Albert is a Professional Financial Consultant and Qualified Financial Planner, he is a qualified accountant and holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Banking and Finance. He also possesses many professional and academic designations of various countries.
PDG Peter Wong 黃紹開 – DG 2007-2008
WONG Shiu Hoi, Peter, Managing Director and Chief Executive of Taifook Securities Group Limited, a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in August 1996, holds a Master of Business Administration Degree from the University of East Asia in Macau (currently known as “the Macau University”). He possesses over 30 years of experience…
PDG Tony Wong 黃昭文 – DG 2006-2007
Membership and offices held in social and civic organizations : Chairman of Board of Directors (2004-2006) – Cognitio College (1979) Ltd. – The Sponsoring Body of Cognitio College (Hong Kong) & Cognitio College ( Kowloon) Chairman of Cognitio College Alumni Association Ltd. (1999-2005) Current Committee Member; Life & Voting member of South China Athletic…
PDG Peter Wan 尹錦滔 – DG 2005-2006
Peter K. T. Wan, a Certified Public Accountant, is a partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers, Hong Kong. He has over 30 years of experience in auditing serving a wide range of clients. He is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK. Peter has been a…
PDG Alexander Mak 麥貴榮 – DG 2004-2005
PDG Alexander Mak • 29 years of experience in the taxation field. • Alexander got his Bachelor of Social Science degree from the University of Hong Kong and is an associate member of the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants, the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong and the Taxation Institute of Australia.…