PDG Eric Chin 錢樹楷 – DG 2016-2017

PDG Eric Chin 1

DG Eric Chin Bio

Dr. Eric Chin


District Governor, RI D3450 2016-2017
Chief District Secretary 2013-2014
DAG (Area 3) and Deputy Membership Committee Chair 2012-2013
President, RC of Hong Kong Island East 2011-2012
Founder and Chief Executive, Futurecyber Technology Solution Ltd. (since 1992)

Eric Chin earned 3 Master’s degrees: from Stirling University UK (MBA), and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (MSc in Information System Management and MSc. in E-Commerce Management), and was awarded a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree by Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a Visiting Lecturer of MBA at the School of Business and a Consultant-in-Residence in Business Consulting Practicum at, the University of Hong Kong.

Eric is an entrepreneur operating a master franchise business from the USA in Information Communication Technology education for over 20 years and is a partner of the University of Cambridge (International Examination) UK in Hong Kong.  Eric has been active in the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce since 1993 and currently is the Chairman of the Digital, Information and Telecommunication Committee. Eric is also a Chairman of the DBA Alumni Association at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Regarding Public Services, Eric had served on committees in OFTA and the Education Bureau, and as a mentor to SMEs for 10 years. Eric is also a member of The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon.

Eric joined the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East in 2006. As President in 2011-2012, he scored over 40 Recognitions and Awards from RI and District. As a result, Eric won President of The Year and Rotary Club of the Year awards. He was also nominated as an outstanding Rotaract club adviser in the years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.

Eric is a Level Two Major Donor and a member of the Paul Harris Society of the Rotary Foundation.  He and Christine have been married for 29 years and have 2 daughters and 1 son. Their eldest daughter is the Past President of Rotaract Club of HK Island East.


2016-17 地區總監 

2013-14 首席地區秘書

2012-13 副助理地區總監 (第三地域) 及地區社員發展委員會副主委

2011-12 香港東區扶輪社社長

1992-現在 為富卓數碼科技有限公司(1992創立)的創辦人及首席行政執行官






他與太太 Christine 結婚29年,育有二女一子。長女為香港東區扶輪青年服務團之前社長。