rev. 136-2024-11-11
Carlo Bos Shanghai Rotary Club President 1929 1930 Amoy Charter 1933 1934 Herbert Lau 劉敬恒 China Historian October 2015 1876 1936 Chinese Maritime Customs Service 中國海關總 稅務司 CMCS Xiamen Tientsin Tianjin Republic Italian The 1854 1949 Taiwan People From Empire 1911 Imperial 清皇家海關總稅務司 During Rotarian Britons Americans Japanese Austrians Germans French Italians Belgians Russians Dutch Norwegians Swedes Spaniards Portuguese And April Obersalzbrunn Kingdom Prussia After Army 大清國 Expeditionary Force 1900 August 3rd Class Tidewaiter January 1903 March 1909 Lungchow Longzhou July 1907 4th Assistant Commissioner Foochow Fuzhou Native Harbin 哈爾濱 1920 Hankow Hankou Shasi Shashi Deputy 1926 Appraising Department Director December 1928 Tariff Secretary May 1932 June 1935 Toronto Canada 上海扶輪社 When 廈門扶輪社 Before 天津扶輪社 Productive Writer Rotarians Six Pages Blind Patriotism National Madness February Myth Western Supremacy 1931 Pretensions This Laughing World 1937 Opium Comes Home Roost Friends Fourth Pacific Conference Honolulu Hawaii Carol Voice Peace Incident 二八事變 Japan International Settlement 上海公共租界 Manchuria 18th Buddhists Nichiren 日蓮仏教 Heavy League Nations 國際聯盟 Second War With Pagoda Past While Sooner Then Let There Such That Issue Speech Convention 23rd Annual Seattle Washington Vice Chairman Seaport Assembly Thursday Athletic John Nelson Montreal However Far East Roger Preston Boston Gentlemen Indeed Minneapolis Vocational Community Since Russia Europe Asia But Board They You First Why Well Seaports Those Kipling Trade Foreigners Unfortunately Beyond Having Mongolian Tell Besides Therefore All Great Everywhere Failing American German Others Even United States Truly Love Live Confucius Another Here Modern Newly Words English Anglo Saxon 300 Esperanto Mankind Ignorance Viceroy Chang Chih Learn Golden Rule Renaissance Italy Reformation Revolution History Everybody Damocles These Recently Nation Krupp New Caledonia Germany Norway Copper British Austrian Dardanelles Turkey Chouffet Switzerland Whole France 1915 200 000 Douaumont Now Just Poland Disarmament Geneva Though Hence Educational Cinematographic Institute Last 1914 Have Christianity Peacemaker His Will Only Over Until Applause For Thanks America House Friendship Conte Verde Venice Present Committee Hans Frohlick Bombay India Ernst Raimann Penang Straits Yen Ching 顏德慶博士 Peking Mrs Miss Congress Chicago Eugene Oregon Founder Paul Harris Johnson Secretariat