ver. – 99 – 2024-08-17
Chengting Wang Addressed Atlantic City Rotary Convention 1946 September 2020 王正廷博士 重慶扶輪社社長 國際扶輪第二副社長 中國資政 1945 Thomas Chungking Club President International Administrative Advisor China Director 2nd Vice This 37th Annual New Jersey June World War Chicago Conventions Its 1920 000 Rotarians The 1936 1951 1963 During Republic 中華民國 Shanghai 上海扶輪社 Albert Adams Opening Ceremony Secretary Chief Delegate George Treadwell Sixteen Chinese District Governor Story She Another Along Special Representative 重慶扶輪社 One Second Pacific Thursday Fifth Plenary Session Prior After Navy Confucious When Applause Indeed Nationalism Internationalism Again There Therefore United Nations Mankind Whole Even Thousands From Nation PEACE Did Yes They Personally Significant Nathan Hale But While God Several Congress Napoleonic Court Hague First Third Internationals Socialistic Communistic School League Similarly Shall Government Right Way Wrong Greeks Macedonia Romans Mongols Asia Europe Germans Laws Police Military Force Sovereignty Likewise Loyalty Wilson Roosevelt Throughout PEOPLE Fourth Object Often Secondly Thirdly Fourthly Secretariat Each What Then Before Without Code Peace Our Biographical Sketch Kuomintang Nationalist Party Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek Ambassador States Washington 1932 William Sung 10th Olympic Games Los Angeles Delegation Part 11th Berlin Germany Revolution 1911 辛亥革命 Imperial Qing Manchu Empire Though 1938 Minister Foreign Affairs Finance Acting Prime Father 1922 Committee 1950 Chongqing Life Rotarian August Active Member July 1934 Honorary Commissioner 81st October 1935 1937 However Commenced 96th 97th 98th Unfortunately Japan Districts 1942 1944 1947 Upon Hong Kong 香港扶輪社 Macau 澳門扶輪社 Portuguese Territory Macao South Coast 1948 West 滬西扶輪社 November 1949 Taipei Taiwan Province 臺灣省臺北市 British Crown Colony Sir Shouson Chow 周壽臣爵 May 1961 Note Years Wing 周振榮 Victoria 維多利亞扶輪社 1980 Parallel More 100 Recommended IOC Pierre Coubertin 20th Meeting Paris France Since Joint Nan University 南開大學 Chang Ling 張伯苓 National Amateur Athletic Federation CNAAF 中華全國體育協進會 Nanking Nanjing 1924 8th Far East Sports 1927 Eastern Championship That 沈嗣良 John Page 141 Italy Many London Their Quarterly Advocating Other Red Cross Society 中華民國紅十字會 Statesman Businessman 1882 Fenghua Zhejiang Anglican Church Trinity College Ningbo Peiyang Tientsin Tianjin Provincial High Changsha Hunan 1905 YMCA Young Men Christian Association Sun Yat Sen Tong Meng Hui Revolutionary 中國同盟會 1907 Michigan Yale 1910 Phi Beta Kappa Within Republican January 1912 Provisional Legislature Deputy Speaker February 1913 Industry Commerce Board Assembly Peking Senate Yuan Shih 袁世凱大總統 1916 North Thereupon Assemblymen Canton Guangzhou 1918 1919 Versailles Conference Wellington Koo 顧維鈞博士 4th Patriotic Movement 五四運動 Zhenjiang Xiamen Weihai Britain Belgium Shantung Shandong Sino Japanese Commission With December Premier Always Soviet Russia March Karakhan Justice Educational Sinking Funds Customs Lung Hai Railway 1926 中國國民黨 蔣中正 Manchuria 1931 Central Executive Hua Feng Cotton Mill Company Woosung Liu Kou Mining Ltd Peiping Futan Famine Relief Flood Philanthropic Associations Standing Aviation Good Roads Pan Episcopal Doctor Degree Lights Sunday Walter Judd Auld Land Syne Boardwalk House Friendship Ocean Hall Keynote Tom Warren Wolverhampton England Round Table Discussions Supplementing Achieving Australia Chile Czechoslovakia Denmark India Puerto Rico Portugal Past Sutton Mexico Peoples Davis Butte Montana Participated Lebanon Norway Hospitality Beyer Host Chairman Edgar Dreher Backing 184th Philadelphia Group Assemblies Vocational Craft And Presidents Secretaries Spanish Service Community Youth Attendance Final Registration 958 344 Thus For People Two Tuesday Mrs Ben Yost Choir Bessie Beatty Allan Jones Whittemore Lowe Gypsy Rosario Antonio Beginning Monday Wednesday Entertainment Phil Spitalny All Girl Orchestra Hour Charm Jesu Mari Sanroma Miliza Korjus Spalding Igor Gorin Dallas Texas Focal Ball Ibero American Commonwealth General Bombay Zurich Alaska Finland Sweden Switzerland Pageantry Quentin Reynolds Fellowship Proposal Denver Council Legislation Resolution Colorado 813 359 Lang Elect Richard Hedke