April 2016 Kunming Yun Nan 雲南府 Republic China 中華民國 World War Before Imperial Japan British Burma Yunnan Road Great Britain Chinese Nationalist After Japanese Allied Wujiaba 巫家壩 American Flying Tigers 飛虎隊 中國空軍美國志願大隊 Second Sino 1937 They The Chungking Chongqing Battle Shanghai 淞滬會戰 Taiyuan Nanking Nanjing And Wuhan 武漢會戰 Europe Air Force Academy Jianqiao Airbase 筧橋空軍基地 Lieutenant General Claire Lee Chennault 陳納德中將 1938 During National Redoubt When French Indochina 1940 West Southeast Asia Office Strategic Services Service Unit Detachment 101 1st Special Forces Group Later Army Volunteer 1941 1942 Himalayas India Ledo Industry Central Machine Works Hunan Due Rotarian Fred Barton Rotary Club 昆明扶 December 1944 Issue Correspondence Sponsored 南京扶輪社 昆明扶輪社 International 4298 Chinkiang 鎮江扶輪社 Kiangsu Jiangsu Province Informally 1936 Governor Fong Foo Sec 鄺富灼博士 81st District May 20th Thursday Hsin Yah Restaurant President Miao Chairman Economic Council Vice Alexander James Watson 華德生醫生 Superintendent Church Missionary Society Hospital 大英傳教會惠滇醫院院長 Secretary Roger Arnold 安汝智 Young Men Christian Association Treasurer Hoang Manager Wing Fung Bank Sergeant Arms Molgaard Representative Foreign Bible Board Directors Chou Chia Provincial Telephone Company University 雲南大學校長 Shiao Telegraph Wireless Administration English East While Show 1939 Realizing Consul Ministry Communications Here 1943 America Englishman Netherlander Members Captain John Corps 500 000 DeKalb Illinois Champaign February 1945 40th Anniversary Understanding Many Ralph Loper Fall River Massachusetts Knowing Yes 1948 Taipei Taiwan 臺北扶輪社 October One Charter Regrettably 1950