Charter 4471 Rotary International Chungking Club 1945 Date September 1949 From Secretary Lee President Close Meeting 30th June Stewart Allen Chairman Vice Messrs Sung Treasurer Their Canadian Mission Hospital South Bank Central China Tao Men Kuo Szechwan Sericulture Corporation Ltd Tai Lung Hong 150 Sze Teh Tsun Chung Shan 2nd The Some You Rotarians Assistant Russell Williams Your Our Presidents Please April 1950 58th District Governor Chan Hua 陳裕華 Nanking Shanghai Now Since January During Therefore Registration Office Municipal Government Several Owing Under Eastern Peking For Secretariat Just Prisoner Chinese Reds Arthur 1952 梁正倫醫師 Republic United Church 重慶仁濟醫院 Here Communists After Canada Mao Tse Stalin Communist Finally McGill University Montreal 1929 1938 West Yangtze River Tibet Red November Two December Bamboo Curtain Russia They Down American All People One There And Kong Kwangtung Canton When Had According This Everyone Spying Children Wives Ian Robb Halifax Next Why Startled While Distrust Ashley Lindsay Chengtu Union Mrs Toronto But Political 1951 742 Firing 322 October August Missionary Bulletin Roman Catholic Christian Westerners Britain Missionaries Hung Hands Feet Before Hsu Hai Western Because Eventually Tien Bao Whenever Students Youth Corps Phyllis Marion Events Warren Austin Americanized Protest Later Another Miss Constance Ward Vancouver Desks Even Behind About Fan Sheo She Communism Many Only Fanned Flames Workers Fung Cheo Big Wind Shouting His Payment Come Following Look Most Soon Four Hours Knees Ten Make Someone Then Between 1941 Japanese Chiang Kai Thursday Where Devil Swedish 1939 Actually What Arrest That Razor Knife Officials Nationalist May Like Are Apple Pickers Decadent Three Okanagan Valley British Columbia Frequently Every Cover