Letter to ‘The Rotarian’ Editor from Tientsin Rotary Club
rev. 146-2024-11-29
Letter The Rotarian Editor Tientsin Rotary Club March 1928 Herbert Lau 劉敬恒 China Historian 2013 天津扶輪社 Republic 華民國 Magazine Excerpt Reflections Chinese Scholar February Issue Object For Manchu Empire 20th Century Dear Misleading Inaccurate Astor House Hotel 天津利順德 大飯店 Honorable Liang 梁如浩 Minister Foreign Affairs High Advisor Delegation Washington Conference 1921 After Mah Marco Polo Western They Thus Other Ying England Then These Holy Book Millions Yet Son God American British Danish Italian Japanese Norwegian Swiss Such English You Christian International Relations Hosea Ballou Morse Year Woodhead 伍德海 Reference Some Makepeace Without John Cowen This About Newcastle Tyne Leeds Hull Preston London Sub Times 1895 1897 Private Secretary 1900 Imperial Boxer Rising Peking January 1901 April Evening Express 1903 United Kingdom Korea Order Council Russo 1904 Note June Hwuy References Whereas Dutch Java Formosa Amoy Portuguese Goa Photo Honorary 19th Annual Convention Minneapolis Minnesota