(July 1934 RI Archives) Dr. Fong Foo-sec, Immediate Past Director of Rotary International and former president of Shanghai (China) Rotary Club, plants a Tree of Friendship at Bathurst, Australia. Onlookers (left to right): Past President E. C. Murray, of the local Rotary Club; G. Fred Birks, past Vice-President, Rotary International; Rotarian Dr. H. Crotty, Bishop of Bathurst; Past Governor B. R. Gelling (76th District); and Rotarian M. J. Griffin, Mayor of Bathurst.
rev. 168- 2025-02-22
Rotary International Director Fong Foo Sec From Kitchen Boy Doctorate June 2014 鄺富灼博士 Berkeley Columbia Pomona 1869 1938 Guangdong Shanghai Club 上海扶輪社 April 1922 Classification Books Publishing Chinese 1933 1934 Other President 1931 1932 China Council Legislation District81 Governor 1936 1937 District July October 13th Convention Los Angeles California This Rotarian Arthur Melville The Dick Whittington That Magazine His Cat English 14th Lord Mayor London Probably American Qing Emperor Chin Shih 文科進士 Western Doctor Letters Chairman Ladies Fellow Rotarians Wang Peace Conference Paris Bureau Shantung Japan Washington 2there Applause Christmas Institution Blind George Fitch Milwaukee While Orient Far East Pages3 Sunning Canton 廣州府新寧縣 即今日廣東省台山市 Tung Chih 清同治八年 Toy 陳才牧師 Liang Chen 大清國駐美國公使 梁震東 College Foreign Languages 廣州方言學堂 清光緒皇帝御賜遊學文科進士 Ministry Communications 郵傳部 Yen 顏惠慶博士 Commercial Press 商務印書館 Wellington Koo 顧維鈞博士 Ting Fang 伍廷芳博士 National Committee 基督教青年會全國協會 中國盲童學校 Advertising 中國廣告會 Christian Education Association 中華基督教教育會 Junior Red Cross Society 美國紅十字會青少年部 Cantonese Union Church 旅滬廣東中華基督教會 Sometime 1882 Golden Gate There Among Forty Chinaman Pacific Occidental Yet Those But America Accompanied Hong Kong United States Arriving Through Sacramento Man Being Here Chinatown All Perhaps With Pilgrim Progress Travels Africa FONG SEC Salvation Army Greatly San Francisco Finding Special 300 Cleaning Although Friends However Altogether During Freshman University Bachelor 1905 Teacher New York City After Master Are Minister Once 1907 Literature Ohio Affairs Editorial Department Since 1908 Besides Educational Pan Honorary Secretary 1920 Executive Continuation Forestry Fund TODAY Anglo Saxon Koos Fangs Having These Live Use Pay Learn Keep Equip Font Occident