rev. 2024-05-05
Father Rehabilitation Asia Sir Harry Fang August 2017 Hong Kong Rotary Club 香港扶輪社 The Honorable 方心讓 1923 2009 Rotarian 亞洲復康之父 Society 香港復康會 1959 President 1980 1984 International 國際復康總會 Asian Representatives June Winnipeg Manitoba Canada Honourable Member Rolf Klarich Elect 14th World Congress 1979 James Bomar Presidential Citation Nanjing Anhui General Zhenwu 方振武將軍 Sino Japanese War King College 英皇書院 1936 1940 There Cantonese English University 香港大學 Kelly Ricci Hall Jesuitical From Pacific Had Great Britain Defense Medal 防衛勳章 1948 China Professor Gordon Chongqing 1950 Lecturer Orthopaedic Surgery British Fellowship 1952 Liverpool United Kingdom Merseyman His Back Paul Hospital 聖保祿醫院 Grantham 葛量洪醫院 Margaret Trench Medical Centre 戴麟趾夫人復康院 Ruttonjee Sanatorium 律敦治 療養院 Duchess Kent Children 根德公爵夫人兒童醫院 Chairman Advisory Committee Eventually Such Being This Rochefoucauld Tung Wah Group Hospitals 東華三院 Council Social Service 香港社會服務聯會 School Board 學生保健服務委員會 Legislative 香港立法局 1972 Government Finance Establishment Sub Welfare Planning Committees Chanty Clinics For Dental Portugal 1989 2002 Association 1964 1965 1966 1967 Sports Physically Disabled HKSAP 香港傷殘人士體育協會 Potential Since 2005 Paralympic HKPC SAPD 香港殘疾人奧委會暨傷殘人士體育協會 National NPC IPC 國際傷殘奧 林匹克委員會 Team Games 1986 Health Organization Collaboration Center HKSR Guangzhou 000 2000 However 1997 1988 Deng Pufang 鄧樸方 Persons Federation 殘疾人聯合會 December Governor Justice Peace 香港太平紳士 1974 1985 Unofficial 香港立法局非官守議員 1978 1983 Executive 香港行政局非官守議員 1977 Doctor Laws 香港大 學榮譽法學博士 Chinese 香港中文大學榮譽法學博士 1996 Science Polytechnic 香港理工大學榮譽社會科學博士 1998 Open 香港公開大學榮譽理學博士 1968 Officer Most Excellent Order Empire Queen Elizabeth Commander Knight Bachelor 2001 Grand Bauhinia 大紫荊勳章 SAR Words Yang 楊鐵樑爵士 Dato Seri Paduka GBM LLD DLitt Chief But Remarkably Mainland Why Though Every Catholic Family Causeway Bay September Christ Chapel Cardinal Joseph Zen Cemetery Happy Valley Mrs Anson Chan 陳方安生 Secretary Pallbearers Convener Chung 鍾士元爵士 Rita Fan 范徐麗泰博士 Vice Chancellor Tsui Lap 徐立之教授 Life Work Sinyang Lawrence Jeffery Publisher Press Year 1st Printing Above Self About Book Not Today With One Profits Who Serves Best