中文版在第 7-8 頁
胡文瀚博士 — 香港東區扶輪社 1957-1958 年度社長
Dr. James Wu Man-Hon, OBE, JP
President 1957-1958 Hong Kong Island East Rotary Club
rev. 159- 2025-01-19
中文版在第 胡文瀚博士 香港東區扶輪社 1957 1958 年度社長 James Man Hon OBE President Hong Kong Island East Rotary Club April 2015 The Honorable 胡文瀚 胡應沾 November 1920 February 2006 HonLLD HKU HonDEng HKPoly BSc Eng Sun Yat Sen Pokfulam 薄扶林村 British Crown Colony Ying Jim Chung Weatherite Industries King Taxi Central His Sir Gordon 胡應湘爵士 KCMG GBS FICE Dun Mei School 敦梅學校 Chinese College 英皇書院 After University 香港大學 1940 But Pacific War Imperial Japan National 國立中山大學 Canton Guangzhou Bachelor Degree There 100 Highway Bureau Kwangtung Guangdong Provincial Government 廣東省政府 1952 China Cold Storage Engineering Westinghouse Hopewell Holdings Ltd 合和實業有限公司 Saiweite Industrial 實業有限公司 Under South Thailand Philippines With Chairman 1975 1980 Life Honorary Federation 香港工業總會 Manufacturers Association 香港中華廠 商聯合會 United Nations Economic Commission Asia Far Development Committee Business Japanese American Society Heating Refrigerating Air Conditioning Engineers ASHRAE 1987 Vice Council Polytechnic 香港理工學院 1972 1991 Computer Laboratory Systems 胡文瀚電腦輔助系統工程實驗室 Doctor Laws Read Page Unofficial Member Urban 1968 1973 Legislative 1979 Trade Vocational Training Productivity Queen Elizabeth Kingdom Officer Most Excellent Order Empire 1974