Wilson Wang Tze Sam OBE President 1959 1960 Hong Kong Island East Rotary Club April 2015 The Honorable 王澤森 HonLLD CUHK BSc HKU 1918 1998 Active Member 香港東區扶輪社 Though Unofficial Urban Council 香港市政局 Legislative 香港立法局 Founder Proprietor Supervisor New Method College 新法書院 Early Education Swatow Shantou Kwangtung Guangdong Province Republic China 中華民國廣東省汕頭 British Crown Colony Stephen 聖士提反書院 Bachelor Science Degree University 香港大學 1941 Madame Ming Tsun 李名珍 1946 Chungking Chongqing Provisional Capital Pacific War 1945 Chinese More 1940s Hoover Dam And Soon Whampoa Dock 黃埔船塢 But Imperial Japan Kweilin Guilin Mainland Materiel Commission Upon 1948 Moreover English 1949 Tutorial Day Evening School 新法英文專修學校 Electric Road North Point 香港北角電氣道 One Francis Street Wanchai 灣仔聖佛蘭士街 1951 Its 培育學生思考創造能力 適應社會轉變 履行公民責任 1952 101 Caroline Hill Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣加路 連山道 1953 Examinations Board Certificate Entrance 1956 1963 1966 1969 Prince Edward Kowloon 九龍太子道 Tai Hang 香港大坑道 Man Fuk 九龍文福道 Colleges 000 1990s Government Approved Department 1997 Direct Subsidy Scheme Teaching When Interact 扶輪少年服務團 1962 Interactors 1989 Alan Tang 鄧光榮 Movie Producer Charter Channel Islands 離島扶輪社 Scouts Girl Guides Red Cross Safety Patrols During Regrettably 2012 Public Services Out 1961 Justice Peace 香港非官守太平紳士 Governor Sir Robert Brown Black 香港總督柏立 基爵士 香港市政局非官守議員 Later David Clive Crosbie Trench 香港總督戴麟趾爵士 香港立法局非官守議員 December 1967 June 1975 Some 1958 1964 1965 Housing Authority Library Advisory Committee Working Party Medical Service Duke Edinburgh Award Queen Elizabeth United Kingdom Badge Honour 1971 Officer Most Excellent Order Empire Tung Wah Group Hospitals Before 東華三院 TWHGs Director 1954 1955 Principal 首總理 1957 Chairman Directors 丁酉年董事局主席 1950s TWGHs 1990 Over Following Eddie 王定一 2005 2006 乙酉年董事局主席 Mrs 1987 District Elderly Community Centre 王澤森長者地區中心 Tzun Tsuen Wan Neighbourhood 王李名珍 荃灣長者鄰舍中心 2009 Integrated Health Management 王澤森上醫館 Apart 香港中文大學 From 1972 香港聨合書院 Bonham 般咸道 Vice Trustees 1980s Besides Distinguished International Professorships Visiting Surgery Conference Fund Doctor Laws 1992 44th Congregation Chancellor Chris Patten 香港總督彭定康 Social Orientals Athletic Association 東華體育會 South 南華體育會 Cycling 香港單車聯會 Amateur Gymnastic 香港業餘體操協會 Such Private Anglo Schools 60s Aberdeen Technical 香港仔工業學校 Executive Boy Eastern Victoria Park Deaf END