PDG KT Kwo 郭克悌 – DG 1960-1961

KT Kwo 196061

PDG KT Kwo – DG 1960-1961 –

Taipei Rotary Club (臺北扶輪社) –

DG 1960 – 1961 –

You are Rotary  – Live it!
Express it! Expand it!

1960 61
1960 61
1 July 1961 –30 June 1962The FIRSTDistrict 345 Governor from Hong Kong –Kenneth FungPing-Fan(馮秉芬), President 1949-1950 of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong(香港扶輪社). Later in 1971, he was the FIRST ethnic Chinese Rotarian decorated Knight Bachelor by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.