PDG Johnson Chu 朱梓焜 – DG 2001-2002



Johnson Chu

Fellow Rotarians and Visitors,

Welcome to the new Rotary Year 2001-02.





R.I. President Rick D. King asks every Rotarian to focus on four main issues in the Rotary year 2001-02.

  1. To increase membership and to form new clubs.
  2. To choose new Community Service Projects
  3. To choose new International Service Projects
  4. To enhance the public image of Rotary.

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A good public image for Rotary is important. This will let the public know what Rotary is all about. To counter the view ( of some members of the public ) that Rotary is a group of rich people meeting together once a week for fun, it is important to let the public know that in addition to FELLOWSHIP, SERVICE is an equally important aspect in Rotary. When people know more about Rotary, they will be more willing to join Rotary, thus increasing its membership. New members will ensure the future of Rotary because they bring fresh ideas and add energy to the organisation, which will then be able to offer more and better service to our community and to communities in other parts of the world.

R.I. President Richard King says it is our business to help those whose lives are afflicted by poverty, disease, ignorance and natural disaster, as well as those who simply need a little assistance to put their lives back on track. We should also reach out to business and professional leaders who want to use their talents and skills to help others because “MANKIND IS OUR BUSINESS.”

I always remember the Rotary Mottos: “Service Above Self” and “He Profits Most Who Serves Best”. With my fellow Rotarian’s confidence vested in me and continued support extended to me, I will be able to perform my duty as your governor to the best of my ability. My Regal presidents and district officers, I am looking forward to working with you for a fruitful and harmonious year 2001-2002 for our district.

Immediate Past District Governor John Wan has done a tremendous job for the district. He has taught me a lot and promised to give me full support during my term of office. I am grateful to him and wish him all the best.

I have set out the following district goals basing on R.I. President’s guidelines:


District Goals 2001-02

1. Increasing membership
-Achieve an annual net increase of five members per club
-Start two to three clubs

2. To improve Rotary’s education and training
-Continue the District Leadership Academy
-Organize membership development seminar
-Promote 100% club participation in the district conference

3. Enhance Rotary’s Public image
-Organize large scale (and multi-year) district projects
-Partner with other organization in service projects and recreation activities
-Invite the media to district activities
-Organise district installation to publicize our organization

4. Club development and improvement
-Focus in Rotary’s Global Quest
-Promote the Presidential Citation Program
-Encourage clubs to increase their membership to over 25

5. Support The Rotary Foundation
-Contribute a total of US$250,000 to Rotary Foundation
-Encourage each member to contribute US$100 each year
-Promote 100% club contribution to the Foundation
-Organize a District Rotary Foundation Seminar
-Organize one regular GSE team and another exchange with China
-Continue to support the Rotary Centres for International Studies

6. Address the needs of our community
-Organize a Youth Forum with Government and other NGOs
-Encourage volunteerism

7. Promote communication through Internet
-Establish a Web page for each club
-Establish and operate an electronic mail box for each club
-Promote 100% email address clubs

So, let us make the most of technology to serve mankind. Your comments and ideas will also be welcome. My e-mail address is jtkchu@hotmail.com. I wish every Rotarian another fruitful and successful Rotary year.

Johnson Chu

Email: jtkchu@hotmail.com

The District Governor’s monthly newsletter is now available in PDF format.
[wpfilebase tag=list id=683 pagenav=1 /]

As District Governor Elect, DG Johnson wrote several “Continuity” articles for the Governors Monthly Letter
(taken from the District Governors Monthly Newsletter 2000)

May 2001
April 2001
February 2001
January 2001
December 2000
November 2000
October 2000
September 2000
August 2000
July 2000