rev. 2024-05
Chau Cham Son Rotarian Life Long Scouting Former Headquarters Commissioner Public Relations The Scout Association Hong Kong January 2024 周湛燊博士 OBE CStJ HonLLD Liverpool HKU August 1932 October 2023 Rotary Club 香港扶輪社 Building Development President 1991 1992 British Crown Colony Government 1990 Director General Buildings Lands Chief 香港童軍總 1985 1996 羅徵勤太平紳士 MBE Boy Scouts Branch 香港童子軍總會 1963 1973 1976 1977 International District 345 Governor Elect 1987 1988 Regrettably July Rotarians Peter Chiu 周湛樵 BBS QPM CPM 1994 1995 Island West 香港西區扶輪社 Patrick 周湛煌 1989 Northwest 香港西北扶輪社 1946 15th Group Wah Yan College Can Pacific War 1950 Rally Football Stadium Contingent Pan Jamboree December 1952 1953 Greystanes New South Wales Australia Sir Tsun Nin 周埈年爵士 CBE Movement Scoutmaster 1949 華仁書院 香港童軍港島第 Assistant 1957 Victoria City 維多利亞城區總監 1962 Honorary Treasurer Deputy Chairman 香港童軍總會 Campsites Properties Committee 1978 1984 Unofficial Justice Peace Crawford Murray MacLehose 香港總督麥理浩爵士 香港童軍總會執行委員 會主席 1983 Management Centre Edward Youde 香港童軍總領袖 香港總督尤德爵士 11th 000 During Asia Duke Edinburgh Award 愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃 DEA Vice Council Out World Organization Region APR Regional 1986 Bronze Wolf Later 1993 1999 Foundation Member Baden Powell Fellow Besides United Kingdom Thailand Medallion Distinguished Service 1997 Medal Other John Ambulance Brigade That Order 香港聖約翰議會 Commander Most Venerable Hospital Saint Jerusalem Since Royal Jockey 英皇御准香港 賽馬會董事 From 1998 2002 There Positive Aging 香港賽馬會耆智園 2000 This Alzheimer Another 2001 Institute Chinese Medicine 港賽馬會中藥研究院 500 Career Planner Certainly 1980s Colonial Roman Catholic Jesuit University 香港大學 1956 Bachelor Degree Architecture Registered Architect Melbourne Town Officer Excellent Empire Queen Elizabeth Doctor Laws For Citation Alumna Civic Design Legislative After Britain Department Apart 1960 Central Senior Planning Step Territories Land Architectural London Incorporated Architects Surveyors Planners Asian His Chairmanship Chun Board Governors Lingnan Graduate Universities Nowhere Regularly Chancellor Senate Mrs Hotel 香港童軍中心暨龍堡國際酒店 LLD Here