PDG Belinda Yeung 楊碧瑤 – DG 2014 ~ 2015

PDG Belinda Yeung

Belinda Bik Yiu YEUNG

District Governor 2014 – 15

2014 15

DG Belinda BY YEUNG (DG BY), her partner Daniel Bong and her daughter Stephanie make a very simple and happy household.
DG BY divides her time between her duties as Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of Regal Hotels International Holdings Limited, her work for various governmental and non-governmental committees and associations and her numerous services to the community through Rotary and other charitable organisations. Her career has been formulated on the premise that she gives back to society a fair measure of the benefit she has derived from her vocation.

dg_bg_white_trmGraduated in 1982 from the Barron Hilton School of Hotel Management of the University of Houston and joined Regal in 1987, she has assumed various leadership positions in the Century City International Holdings Limited group of companies, of which Regal Hotels International is a major player. As Chief Operating Officer, she has successfully led Regal through difficult times such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003 and the 2008 economic tsunami. Under her watch, Regal has grown from owning and managing seven hotels in 2007 to 24 in Hong Kong and other cities in China, operating and opening over 9,000 guest rooms, 36,800 sq. m. or 241 banquet venues and 100 restaurants and bars and bars under its portfolio, staffed by 7,800 employees.

In the public domain she has variously served as a member of the Hong Kong Chief Executive Election Committee, 1st Vice Chairwoman of the Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners, Fellow of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and Chairwoman of the Industry Advisory Committee of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management of the PolyU, the Corporate Partner Scheme Committee of the Wofoo Leaders’ Network. In addition, she has fulfilled roles as a Member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Hui Yang, Honorary President and Permanent Member of the Wai Chow Clansmen D.A.H.H. and Honorary President and Permanent Member of the Wai Chow Sheung Shui Clansmen Association Limited.

Over the past 20 years, she has supported, and in many cases contributed as a strategic partner of, numerous charitable organisations, both in her personal capacity and in the working arena. Among these causes are the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society, the Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation, Po Leung Kuk, Vocational Training Council and Wofoo Social Enterprises.

An active and enthusiastic advocate of the Rotary movement, DG BY launched the Guizhou Signature Community Service Project as Club President-Elect in 2009 and, as Club President in 2010, saw the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour awarded the distinction of “Rotary Club of the Year 2010 – 11”, for which she received the accolade of “President of the Year 2010 – 11”.

DG BY loves to travel, play golf, work on her yoga, practice Chinese calligraphy and appreciate the finer things in life. She has toured some 50 countries so far, experiencing different cultures and ways of life.


2014 – 15 年度地區總監

地區總監楊碧瑤 (DG BY) 來自幸福快樂小家庭,成員包括寶眷龐述賢和女兒君瑜。

除了出任富豪酒店國際控股有限公司執行董事兼首席營運官一職,DG BY 深信「取諸社會、用諸社會」的道理,在繁忙的工作中堅持積極服務社會,同時出任許多政府及非牟利機構公職,包括扶輪社,以期更進一步服務社群。

DG BY於1982年在美國休斯頓大學酒店管理學系畢業,旋即於1987年加入富豪酒店集團,在世紀城市國際控股有限公司(富豪集團系內公司)擔任不同要職, 是一位資深酒店管理領導。作為富豪酒店集團首席營運官,她帶領集團成功跨越不同階段的挑戰,包括2003年沙士疫症爆發及2008年金融海嘯。憑藉其敏銳 的巿場觸覺與前瞻視野,為集團轉危為機,將集團規模由2007年擁有及管理7間酒店,擴展至目前在香港及中國內地其他城巿經營24間酒店、逾9,000間 客房、約100間餐廳和酒吧、36,800 平方米或241個宴會場地和管理約7,800名員工。

工作以外,DG BY 出任許多不同公職,包括香港特別行政區行政長官選舉委員會委員、香港酒店業主聯會第一副主席、香港理工大學院士、香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院行業顧問委員會主席、全國政協惠陽縣委員、惠州同鄉總會和上水惠州同鄉會的永遠名譽會長和永遠會員等。
過去20多年來,儘管公私務日程繁忙,DG BY對於其他志願服務機構的善行,均積極支持;甚或作為戰略夥伴;善行惠澤許多慈善團體,包括香港防癌會、善學慈善基金、保良局、職業訓練局及和富社會企業等。

DG BY是扶輪中堅份子, 積極參與各項扶輪活動。於2009年出任香港海港扶輪社社長當選人,在貧瘠的貴州山區展開了一項重點社區服務項目,為有需要的村民設立了10間衛生室;次 年出任社長,更帶領香港海港扶輪社成功獲得『2010 – 11年度傑出扶輪社』和『2010 – 11 年度傑出社長』的美譽。

DG BY 愛好包括旅遊、高爾夫球、瑜伽、書法和鑒賞美好物與事。她尤其酷愛旅遊,其足跡遍及全球50多個國家 ,她認為透過旅遊可體驗不同文化和生活,讓人眼界大開。