PDG Norman Lee – DG 2022-23

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Norman Lee

Norman first earned his bachelor’s degrees in Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering with honours, furthered with his Master’s Degree in the same domain from Boston University, likewise with honour. In 2015, Norman was awarded a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) by Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Norman is currently the CEO of Optitable Technology Ltd. providing cloud-based table management and CRM solutions to the restaurant and hotel industry.

As a young entrepreneur, Norman designed and built his own Point-of-Sales system at the age of 26 furnishing to the catering industry in the United States; a swift rollout captured the attention of its customer base. Within three years, the unprecedented computer system was introduced to Hong Kong. Norman’s achievement was acknowledged by the trade by winning the IT Award in 2001 in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific Information and Communications Technology Award (APICTA) in 2002.  As a benchmark of success, the majority of prestigious hotels and clubhouses in Hong Kong are employing services from Norman’s pioneering realm of solutions. Market penetration continued to heighten in China and throughout Asia.

Norman Lee family portrait 2021 mar 3Norman Lee is happily married to Isabel and is the father of Adrienne and Christian. To contribute back to society, Norman was introduced to Rotary by his father-in-law, our late PDG Peter Hall. He assumed the presidency of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East twice respectively in 2009/10 and 2014/15 and humbly received the honour of being the President of the Year in the former posting. Over these 17 years, through different appointments in the District, Norman finds his devotion reciprocates himself by widening his horizon indeed. To let Rotary root a 3-generation legacy in his family, Christian, the younger son of Norman, chartered an Interact Club.

To advocate happy marriage, Norman has been a volunteer with the Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council as well as the Hong Kong Marriage Encounter Association for over two decades. Being a qualified Marriage Ministry facilitator, he spares no effort in assisting couples to appreciate their life-long journey. He is a strong believer in family values and is always ready to share with anyone his Christian faith.


李德利博士 (Dr. Norman Lee) 於美國取得電腦工程和電機程榮譽學士,隨後又再於波士頓大學深造並獲得了相同領域的碩士學位。2015年,李博士更於香港理工大學獲得工商管理博士學位(DBA)。

李博士現為Optitable Technology Ltd. (訂座寶科技有限公司)的行政總裁,專為餐廳和酒店行業提供雲端管理和 CRM 解決方案。於26 歲年輕之時, 李博士為美國市場設計餐飲銷售系統,提高當地餐飲業的效率,迅速吸引了大批客戶群的注意,更把系統三年內史無前例地引入香港,並於 2001 年在香港榮獲資訊科技大獎及於2002 年榮獲亞太資通訊科技聯盟大賽(APICTA) 獎,獲得業界高度認可。香港大部分負盛名的酒店和會所現時亦正採用由李博士提供的餐飲銷售系統,並持續提高中國和整個亞洲的市場的滲透率,足以肯定他於業界的功績。

Norman與太太Isabel育有兩名子女Adrienne 及Christian , 一家三代傳承了透過扶輪社服務社會的美譽。Norman由他的岳父已故PDG Peter Hall 提攜到扶輪社,冀望回饋更多予社會。 他分別於 2009/10 及 2014/15 兩度擔任香港東區扶輪社社長,並於2009/10榮獲頒發年度最傑出社長。 過去17年裏, Norman在地區曾擔任多個不同的任命,在拓寬視野的同時亦作出無私奉獻。  Norman的兒子Christian 亦為扶少團的創團團長。

為倡導美滿婚姻, Norman亦於香港公教婚姻輔導會和香港夫婦懇談會擔任義工超過二十年。 作為虔誠的基督徒及婚姻協調員,他非常重視亦願意隨時分享他的信仰,同時也很相信家庭重要性,所以他不遺餘力地幫助夫妻攜手踏上美滿婚姻旅程。

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